It's Amazing the TrumpNIK Lies Told and Retold on Facebook... People Create Totally False MEMEs and It appears that MANY Brainwashed Wankers just Swallow the Misinformation, Disinformation and Outright Hogwash...

 Then they Like and Share statements that are OBVIOUSLY FALSE... Have they no Brains? Can't they simply type Fact Check ________________ [fill in the Blank] into Google and find out what is Real? Of Course, they will LOUDLY Proclaim that Google Employees are 90% Democrat and therefore Don't Tell the REAL TRUTH... Could it be that In Order To Get Hired at Google You Have To Be Smart? Maybe THAT's Why so many Google Employees are Democrats... Republicans are OFTEN MINDLESS VEGETABLES... It's True... People that are in a COMA or have Severe Dementia are Generally Republicans... 

The MEME that got my attention stated that Democrats Passed a bill that would allow Illegal Aliens to Vote... Now you don't Have to be a Rocket Scientist to Notice that is a Lie... 

Q: Did House passage of H.R. 1 allow noncitizens to vote?

A: No. That bill would enact a host of changes to election laws, but it does not permit noncitizens to vote.