A Vote for Trump is a Vote for More Air Pollution, More Water Pollution and More Oil Spills... He Cut EPA Budget, Hired a Coal Lobbyist to Head the Agency and Increased Fracking, Oil Well Drilling On Public Land...

Trump has Changed the Environmental Protection Agency into the Enable Polluters Agency... 

Solar Wind MEME  - Psychedelic Art by gvan42
Solar Wind MEME  - Psychedelic Art by gvan42

President Donald Trump made a pledge in his 2017 State of the Union address to "promote clean air and water," but his administration has reversed or proposed rollbacks to major air pollution protections, emissions standards and drilling and extraction regulations. He's also slashed the EPA budget; the current proposal is to cut the budget by a third.

Climate change garners most of the headlines, but the Trump administration is pushing a much larger and broader pro-pollution agenda whose latest manifestation is a push at the EPA to overturn a long-established scientific consensus that fine particulate pollution (colloquially “soot”) kills people.