The Sun Appears to be About the Size of a Quarter Held at Arm's Length. -ALSO- The Moon Appears to be the Same Exact Size. -AND- The Shadow of the Earth Cast onto the Moon is The Same Exact Size...

Just Coincidence? Or is the Cosmos Trying to Tell us Something?

The Sun Appears to be About the Size of a Quarter Held at Arm's Length. -ALSO- The Moon Appears to be the Same Size. -AND- The Shadow of the Earth Cast onto the Moon is The Same Exact Size...
Only on Earth do the Three Most Important Objects In the Universe appear to be the same size... Remind me of the Celestine Prophecy... Watch for Amazing Co-incidences...

I started thinking about this while watching the Movie TRON Legacy... and the Digital Woman from inside the computer asked the Man from Earth... "What Does the Sun Look Like?" ...and He Replied... "I'm Not Exactly Sure... Because You Can't Just LOOK AT IT... That Would cause Blindness..."

OK... That's not an Exact Transcription of the Movie... but To Me... That was the Meaning...

and at the end of the Movie he Takes her to Earth and shows her a Sunrise While Riding a Motorcycle...

The Math: 
The Sun's diameter is about 865,370 miles. The Distance from Earth to the Sun is 93,000,000 miles.
(but it changes - Earth's orbit is NOT a Circle)

The Moon's diameter of 2,159.1 miles. The Distance from Earth to The Moon is an average of 238,900 miles. 
(but it also changes - The Moon's orbit is NOT a Circle) 


400 is pretty damn close to 389...
Remember: an Object that is 400 Time Larger but
is 389 times farther away would appear to be
about the same size... and this is not just theoretical - I have seen BOTH a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse myself...

Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center. The publication of Copernicus's model in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science, triggering the Copernican Revolution and making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution.[7] Before Copernicus "Everyone" Believed the Earth was the Center of the Universe...

According to Edwin Hubble: It appears that Everything is Moving away from US... One model that fits this data has the Earth at the Center of the Universe... another Model supposes that no matter where you observe the universe from, everything is always moving away from everything else...

"The Hubble law implies that the universe is expanding.[11] A decade before, the American astronomer Vesto Slipher had provided the first evidence that the light from many of these nebulae was strongly red-shifted, indicative of high recession velocities."

Another Strange Coincidence... It Could Be that The Earth is at the Center of the Universe after all... or at least the SUN... 

There is an apparent correlation between the plane of the Solar System and aspects of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It gives the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance – a result which has been claimed to be evidence of a departure from the Copernican principle as assumed in the concordance model.

What do you think about all this Strangeness???
gregvan [at] yahoo [dot] com

On a different Subject:
On Mother's Day, I was at an AA Meeting in Bidwell Park, Chico, Ca... and People were sharing again and again and again about how much they loved their mothers... and I aid: My Mother Drank Herself to Death... and that's why I'm Here today... to make sure I do not drink myself to death... and there was silence... and the mood of the meeting changed... for the better... FYI: Sunday Morning in the Spring, Summer and Autumn is an EPIC AA Meeting... at the Campfire Council Ring...