Campaign Songs! MUSIC VIDEOS: "Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. #RUNAWAY from Trump. He's Got Dementia Brain!" Please Share this with Campaign Staff and Volunteers...

Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane.  button Zazzle Gregvan

Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. 
Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. 
#RUNAWAY from Trump. He's Got Dementia Brain!" 

What can One Person Do... 
to Save America from Dick Tater Ship?
What can One Person Do... 
to Save America from Dick Tater Ship?
Write Some Lyrics!

Sing 'em on the Internet!

What can 300 Million People Do... 
to Save America from Dick Tater Ship?
What can 300 Million People Do... 
to Save America from Dick Tater Ship?
Sing Loud... Sing Proud... 

Do Whatever You Can!

It's the End Times, People!

Campaign Song! MUSIC VIDEO: "Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane.

NEW MUSIC VIDEO! "Way to GO! Joe!" 
Thanks for _______ _____ ____ 
(Fill in the Blanks!)
 A Campaign Song for Biden!

Here's The Video!

Chords: D, G, A
Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for Good Jobs, High Pay!
Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for Highest Stock Market Ever!
Remember: Trump Failed at Everything... 
and He'll Fail Again! Watch Out!

Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for COVID 19 Vaccine...
Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for Fixing Infrastructure...
Remember: Trump Failed at Everything... 
and He'll Fail Again! Watch Out!

Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for Ending the War in Afghanistan...
Way to GO! Joe... Thanks for Camp Lejeune Justice for Soldiers!
Remember: Trump Failed at Everything... 
and He'll Fail Again! Watch Out!

and that's why he lives at Mar-A-Loser... 
'cause he's a Loser...

Please Tell Me More Things that Joe Did!
gregvan [at] yahoo [dot] com

Liz Cheney Book for sale:

A gripping first-hand account of the January 6th, 2021 insurrection from inside the halls of Congress, from origins to aftermath, as Donald Trump and his enablers betrayed the American people and the Constitution—by the House Republican leader who dared to stand up to it.

In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and many around him, including certain other elected Republican officials, intentionally breached their oath to the Constitution: they ignored the rulings of dozens of courts, plotted to overturn a lawful election, and provoked a violent attack on our Capitol. Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican officials to take a stand against these efforts, witnessed the attack first-hand, and then helped lead the Congressional Select Committee investigation into how it happened. In Oath and Honor, she tells the story of this perilous moment in our history, those who helped Trump spread the stolen election lie, those whose actions preserved our constitutional framework, and the risks we still face.

Tucker Carlson Says: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump. Is Tucker Trying to Motivate a Madman to Pull the Trigger? Revenge for Trump Getting Him Fired at Fox? DO NOT KILL TRUMP. THAT WOULD BE CRAZY!

According to Carlson, “both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

Tucker Carlson Says: They Will Do Anything to Stop Trump From Being President Again... "If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work...What's next? Graph it out. We are speeding towards assassination obviously...

If Someone DID Murder Trump, Then The Cult Followers Would Elevate Trump to a Christ Like Zeitgeist... SEE? He Was So Good He Had to Die... For YOU!

Remember: JFK, MLK, RFK, Gandhi, John Lennon...

an Obvious Alternative to the Assassination of Trump (as predicted by Tucker Carlson) is to Actually Enforce the 14th Amendment.

LINK to All My "I Read Banned Books" Merch

LINK to My Main Page at Zazzle Gregvan

If Elected, Trump Will Cause Global Economic Collapse. He Plans to Declare Bankruptcy for the Entire USA So We Won't Have to Pay the Interest on the National Debt. BUT... Then The Entire World will Go Bankrupt and MASS STARVATION will happen...

"The Debt Ceiling is just one more thing Trump doesn't know very much about." - Said JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon

Former President Donald Trump urged Republican lawmakers to let the United States default on its debt if Democrats don't agree to spending cuts. MAY 10 2023

Trump plays down consequences of a US default: 'Could be maybe nothing'

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What Do These People Have in Common???
Rudy Giuliani=
Guilty, Sidney Powell=Guilty, Kenneth Chesbro=Guilty, Jenna Ellis=Guilty, Scott Hall=Guilty, Stewie (shot himself in the eye with his own gun) Rhodes=Guilty, David DePape, attacker of Nancy Pelosi's husband=Guilty, Peter Navarro=Guilty, 4 Proud Boys=Guilty, 23 Oath Keepers=Guilty, Stewie (shot himself in the eye with his own gun) Rhodes=Guilty, Allen Weisselberg=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guiltyand Over 1,000 QAnon Freaks that Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King...

They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... Trumpanzees!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! We Must Beat Trump in 2024... and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party Forever!

#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.

#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.

#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!

#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.

#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...

#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...

#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!

#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.

#9 Massive Unemployment - as high as 14.7%

#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...