GOP FAILS AGAIN! Jim Jordan WILL NOT Become Speaker of the House. #RUNAWAY FROM THE DISASTER PARTY. Republicans Prove They CAN'T DO ANYTHING to Make America Great. They Can't Do Anything AT ALL! THE HOUSE REMAINS BROKEN!

On the Second Vote, Jordan LOSES... Will there be a Third... Fifth... or Fifteenth! Who Knows???

Will Five Republicans WAKE UP and Vote for Hakeem Jeffries? End our National Nightmare?

#RUNAWAY Movement Gathers Momentum as Republicans FAIL AGAIN to Elect a Speaker of the House. "I've Been a Republican My Whole Life" says Marge S. of Springfield "But These Guys are Insane. I'm a Democrat NOW! Adios Mother F*CKER!" 

Blowing Up the House of Representatives Shows the MADNESS of the QAnon FREAKS! #FreeNestor
We Must Exterminate the GOP before they Destroy America... This Isn't a JOKE Anymore!
Republicans Prove They CAN'T Do Anything to Make America Great. Blowing UP the House of Representatives Shows the MADNESS of the QAnon FREAKS!

I read Banned Books Embroidered Hat - Zazzle Gregvan

Better Speaker: Choose One Meme
Hakeem Jeffries or Jim Jordan?

Tucker Carlson Says: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump. Is Tucker Trying to Motivate a Madman to Pull the Trigger? Revenge for Trump Getting Him Fired at Fox? DO NOT KILL TRUMP. THAT WOULD BE WRONG.

According to Carlson, “both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

14th Amendment prevents Trump from Serving in ANY Elected Office

“The question of Donald Trump’s disqualification under the 14th Amendment will be decided by the Supreme Court,” predicted Michael Luttig, a renowned conservative former federal appellate judge who was once himself considered for the high court by President George W. Bush.
The post-Civil War 14th Amendment bans anyone who took an oath to uphold the Constitution but who subsequently “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” or gave “aid or comfort to the enemies” of the Constitution from seeking any federal or state office."

Three Weirdos Jared, Prince Towelhead and Little Stevie Munchkin

Headline: Speaker McCarthy ousted in historic House vote, as scramble begins for a Republican leader... 

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