Make America Think Again - Buttons, T-Shirts, Embroidered Slogan Hats, Playing Cards and Pillows for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Mockery of Trump's Slogan


Make America Think Again - Buttons, T-Shirts, Embroidered Slogan Hats for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Mockery of Trump's Slogan

Make America Think Again - Buttons, Embroidered Slogan Hats for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Make America Think Again - Buttons, T-Shirts, Embroidered Slogan Hats  and Pillows for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Mockery of Trump's Slogan  

Mockery! Satire! Yes, you may Change the words (This is YOUR Pillow, Not MY Pillow) underneath the Flag ON BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK of YOUR Pillow...

What Can I Do to Beat Trump? Here Are Some Easy Actions!

If You Have Money, Donate Money to Democratic Campaigns... Like This One...

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
OK... The Vast Majority of Us Do Not Have Money to Give Away But... It Costs NOTHING To Post Anti-Trump Memes on Social Media... CLICK HERE for a Huge Pile of Memes!

I Post to 16 Different Sites Every Day... Facebook, Wordpress, Gab, Mastodon, Minds, Post.News, DeviantArt, LinkedIn, MeWe, Tribel, Tumblr, Getter, Occupy, Instagram, Twitter and Flipboard...

What if Every Day On Every Platform Every Trumpanzee was Faced with THE TRUTH about their Criminal Loser???

Remember to Include some words About How Trump was the Worst President Ever... For Example: Over a Million Americans Died from COVID. It WAS NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said!

Homer and Trump - Worst Day Ever - so far! Cartoon

Everyone Says Trump Was The Worst President Ever... However...

George Bush The Son was an American Idiot TOO... 9/11 Happened on His Watch... and Then He Started TWO Insane Wars Killing Thousands of American Soldiers... and the USA PATRIOT ACT: Pure Evil... and Wrote a $700 Billion Check to Wall Street when They Failed in 2008... Free Money that the The US Government Created From Nowhere... Like a Magician Pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat...

Richard Nixon allowed the Vietnam War to Continue for FOUR MORE YEARS. He Campaigned on Ending the War in 1968 but Failed to Surrender until 1973... Killing Thousands of American Soldiers...

Ronald Reagan Sold Weapons to Terrorists... He Helped Saddam Hussein become President of Iraq... Blew up Nicaragua... and Started the Disastrous "War On Drugs" which has filled American Prisons with Millions of Black and Brown Men but did not actually reduce drug use...

Yes, It's True that Republicans are the Worst Presidents Ever... but don't forget Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld... They did Evil for Decades...
Wake Up meme -gvan42

What If Gen XYZ Take Over the Government.
Throw OUT all the Old People and Elect a New
Generation to Lead... This HAS to Happen Eventually...
What About 2024?

I Don't Know the Names of any Young People Except: David Hogg 
& Emma Gonzalez (March For Our Lives)... and He would Make a 
Great President... But He's only 23 Years Old... and She's 24... 
They Can't be President YET...

Greta Thunberg is also a Powerful Political Leader... 
But She's Not an American... She Can't be President...

Elon Mush Cannot Run For President Because He was Born in 
South Africa.

Mark Zuckerberg CAN Run for President. Over 35 Years Old 
and Born in the USA... Now THAT'S a Scary Thought!

The Only Other Name I Know is Taylor Swift (a Singer/Songwriter) 
I Wonder IF She would be Interested in Running for Office? She's 
33 Years Old so too Young for 2024 but NOT too young for 2028.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They're 
currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)

Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently 
between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Y or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They 
are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.)

Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They 
are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)

Gen A: Generation Alpha starts with children born in 2012 and will 
continue at least through 2025, maybe later (approximately 48 
million people in the U.S.)