Joe Biden is on a Campaign Tour While tRUMP is Stuck in his ADULTERY TRIAL... Remember the 10 Commandments? "Thou Shalt Not Boink a Porn Star While Married."

Trump's Promise: "ON MONDAY ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!” Failed to Actually Happen... MAGA MORONS Have Lost Interest in Going to Jail for Their Cult Leader...

Joe Biden is on a Campaign Tour While tRUMP is Stuck in his ADULTERY TRIAL... Remember the 10 Commandments? "Thou Shalt Not Boink a Porn Star While Married."

In a fundraising appeal Friday, Trump repeated the message.


That critique ignores the high standard of evidence needed to bring criminal charges, and doesn’t refute the allegations, but that type of all-caps accusation has proved effective at keeping many Republican voters supportive of Trump.

Spokespeople for the Trump campaign did not return messages seeking comment for this story.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

VOTE 4 JOE The Economy is Doing Great! Jobs are UP, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security, Medicare.  Fund the Police and The US Military.

VOTE 4 JOE BIDEN. The Economy is Doing Great! Jobs are UP, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP,  Infrastructure, American Climate Corps and Work Permits for Immigrants. ... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security, Medicare, Police and The US Military.

Trump is Terrified of being Executed for Treason. That's Why He Wants Absolute Immunity... He Knows He's GUILTY and He Knows He's Going to Hell... and That's Frightening!

Mad Magazine Cover if Idiots for Trump

meme Faceborg My Story Trump is Anti Choice

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

Anti- Trump meme - He's Crazy! VOTE 4 JOE - gvan42

AOC _ American Climate Corps
Biden Unveils the American Climate Corps, a program with echoes of the New Deal. 

DANGER DANGER President Biden and former President Trump are tied at 43 percent in a hypothetical rematch in 2024, according to the New York Times/Siena College poll. The Electoral College would award the Presidency to Trump if they got Equal Votes...

All my Christmas Ornaments for sale on Zazzle Gregvan
Many Have The EDIT TEXT - 
Change the Words Opportunity!

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.


meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

meme -  The Economy is Doing Great! Thank You, President Biden. Jobs are UP!, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP, Infrastructure is Being Fixed... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security and Medicare.

Donald Trump’s multiple crimes are encouraged and covered up by an organization of criminals—MAGA Republicans are trying to replace America’s Constitutional Republic with Trump’s Fascist Christian White-Supremacist Kleptocracy. Donald Trump and each of his co-conspirators—his complicit lawyers, former members of his cabinet and staff, members of Congress, and members of his family--must be prosecuted, convicted, and sent to prison for multiple crimes--including Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Seditious Conspiracy, and Espionage.

and now for Something Completely Different...
Los Gatos, CA History!

Billy Jones and Walt Disney in Los Gatos

During the war year of 1943, Billy Jones, a Southern Pacific railroad engineer, opened an 18-inch gauge railway in the southern San Francisco peninsular town of Los Gatos.
The Billy Jones’ “Wildcat Railroad” featured a miniature live steamer from the Los Angeles area (Venice), the Ocean Park and Playa del Rey Railroad. Jones acquired some PPIE Overfair passenger cars and modified their tracks for the “Wildcat” operation.
The 1915 San Francisco PPIE had a miniature steam railroad, called the Overfair Railway, that ran along the Marina between Fort Mason and the Presidio. A 10 cent fare provided transportation to the Polo Field, State / Foreign buildings, Calif. Building, Exhibit Palaces, Yacht Harbor, and The Zone. The design of the 1/3 scale locomotives was based on the Pacific type locomotive, which would have taken tourists to the San Francisco PPIE in 1915.
Following the PPIE, Louis MacDermot took his locomotives back to his estate in Oakland. Later, MacDermot found a new home for his trains at what is now known as the Oakland Zoo. In 1943, they all moved to Billy Jones' ranch in Los Gatos. After Billy Jones died in 1968, his railroad moved to Vasona Park and the remaining Overfair locomotives went to the Calistoga Steam Railroad.
When the Calistoga Steam Railroad closed, Al Smith, president of Orchard Supply Hardware and railroad enthusiast, bought the trains, along with a turntable, and took them to his 3200-acre ranch in Swanton, just north of Santa Cruz. With the help of many volunteers, the Swanton Pacific Railroad was built. More of the Overfair Railway made its way to the Swanton Pacific Railroad and cars to Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad in Vasona Park.
Al Smith also donated one incomplete Overfair Railway locomotive to Calif. State Railroad Museum in Sacramento where it was rebuilt and is now on display in the lobby of the museum. Since 1995, all of the Overfair Railway locomotives that ever ran at the Panama Pacific International Exhibition in San Francisco, are now at Swanton Pacific Ranch.
(Photo shows Walt Disney & Billy Jones becoming friends as they discuss narrow-gauge steam operation ideas for Walt Disney's upcoming grand opening of Disneyland Anaheim 1955).

An update…Al Smith’s Swanton Ranch suffered a devastating wildfire 3 years ago as part of the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. ALL of the on-site historic Overfair equipment was severely damaged. The ranch’s owner, Cal Poly whom received the ranch and railroad as a donation from Smith before his death, chose not to rebuild the railroad and seek an ownership transfer. In early July, it was announced the railroad is going to be moved to Santa Margarita where it’s new owner is committed to rebuilding the equipment. A new volunteer organization, the Overfair Pacific Railroad Society has been formed to support the new owner. The first loads of Overfair equipment left Swanton in the past couple of weeks.

Anti-Trump Cartoons and Memes. gvan42 - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #GOPisEVIL

Anti-Trump Cartoons and Memes. gvan42 - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #GOPisEVIL

Anti-Trump Cartoons and Memes. gvan42 - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #GOPisEVIL

Anti-Trump Cartoons and Memes. gvan42 - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #GOPisEVIL

Remember when----
Fox and Ted Cruz (and others) were upset by changes made to some M&M candy characters.
The Mars Candy Company, the manufacturer, wanted the changes to reflect inclusiveness in society. However, some on the right thought the candy company to be "woke" and caving into pressure (from the left!) for the upsetting changes, such as Green changing footwear from go-go boots to sneakers. Brown's stiletto high heels were exchanged for a lower, sensible pump. Orange had been identified by Mars to have an anxiety disorder...which was too upsetting to consider.
Other candy companies may be in for a bumpy ride if they decide to make any changes that are perceived as threats by conservatives.

alien cartoon

TIME to Lock Them UP

people enjoying a cup of coffee together meme

questioning life choices cartoon

TV Executive Cartoon

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

J.T. Smith said:
I made a search engine that will hopefully leave a huge impact on God's kingdom on Earth.
Isn't it strange that just a generation or two ago when we were kids, we learned from elders in the church, teachers we trust, books from the library, and of course our parents and grandparents.
Now every person has the full culmination of the world's information just at their fingertips, but almost nobody knows how to use it to build God's Kingdom.
That is what I'm proposing. A search engine where we seek truth, remove temptation, and encourage spiritual and church growth.
That doesn't mean every website is Christian on this search engine, in-fact if you search for a random word you're probably still going to get the Wikipedia article for it. But there is a much greater likelihood of Christian perspectives.
And instead of temptation being one click away, we put a stop to:
The Devil's Dropdown
Satan's Safe Search Switch
Temptation Toggle
Those are just silly names I came up with, but it illustrates a point that much of the world's sinful content is just one click away. On most secular search engines the default safe search setting is not "safe".
Philippians 4:8 ESV - Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
1 Corinthians 6:12 ESV - "All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.
If you make the switch to Glorifind you will have a more positive, truthful, and productive digital experience. Please consider switching today, its completely free.

all my pictures:

gvan42 pictures

meme - Trump and Epstein

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - gvan42 - Trump SUXX - He's a Danger to Planet Earth!

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

meme - Trump is Insane - Danger Danger - Lock Him UP - gvan42

Donald Trump: The real danger he presents to the nation as a candidate for the presidency of the now clear and apparent. He is an obsessive liar, a deeply mentally disturbed man...ignorant, ruthless, aggressively vengeful, narrow minded, self-centered in the extreme, simplistic, spiteful and viciously ready to attack anyone who disagrees with him. In Europe in the mid-1930s there was a person who emerged into public life who had similar personality characteristics. Can we ever forget? Can we allow ourselves to forget now, again? Trump is Adolf Hitler personified. Be aware of the extreme autocratic danger he poses to our democracy.Trump had worked for Russia way back in 60s or 70s. Trump still works for them
Why can't anybody see the Trump is a traitor. Trump's only major legislation was a tax cut for corporate America and the wealthy. They've babbled about infrastructure for years along with a health care plan and immigration reform. Having won the white house by any means necessary, along with a majority in the House and Senate, you'd think they would pass meaningful legislation,,,,,they could have passed anything with their majority for Trump's first 2 years. Like the Bushs, Reagan and now Trump, another tax cut that gave 84% to the wealthiest people in the country. Hopefully some of those voting for the GOP take notice. Like they say, doing the same thing over and over again with the same disappointment every time is insanity Trump's only major legislation was a tax cut for corporate America and the wealthy. They've babbled about infrastructure for years along with a health care plan and immigration reform. Having won the white house by any means necessary, along with a majority in the House and Senate, you'd think they would pass meaningful legislation,,,,,they could have passed anything with their majority for Trump's first 2 years. Like the Bushs, Reagan and now Trump, another tax cut that gave 84% to the wealthiest people in the country. Hopefully some of those voting for the GOP take notice. Like they say, doing the same thing over and over again with the same disappointment every time is insanity

Rainbow Light show - gvan42

Grateful Dead Fanclub: One Man's Opinion...
Good day to all my favorite people…. Today I would like to clear something up. Here we go! Some of us were around in the beginning pigpen beginning others Keith and Donna others still the late great Brent MYDLAND and then Vince welnick and Bruce Hornsby . After that more new blood with Jeff chimenti and others filling in here and there. We all tend to have a favorite time and that’s cool but in no way does that negate the others who would follow the last. Is it not true pig was not a phenom on keyboards? Yet we love him and a blues man to the core some easy winds hard to handle lovelights at 38 minutes. body literally dying yet out there skinny as a rail giving his all. Who can criticize? Keith and Donna Keith a savant to be sure Donna beautiful with a beautiful voice added something we didn’t know we were missing and it all raised up a level or 2 even when Keith would be nodding out at the piano. But Keith was from a jazz upright piano background. Again when they were asked to leave in 1979 we didn’t know what we were missing until this guy not a hippie came along names Brent MYDLAND from the start there was something special in him and by 1990 perhaps the greatest music I’ve ever heard he was dare I say supernatural superb vocally and on the Hammond and on piano. Gave the band a big shot in the arm Jerry watching tape would spend most of his time playing off Brent with his beautiful contagious smile. Tragedy strikes again. Europe was on the horizon Brent due to legal issues wasn’t aloud to leave the country the band would go nonetheless and he became very. Very depressed. This group of men the band that he always felt like a third wheel was in fact his home his friends his family and things with his actual family were in trouble divorce 2 young beautiful girls and on that fateful day in California we lost him too. Now what? Really now what? These might be shoes that can’t be filled yet the tubes had a keyboard player Vincent Welnick a very nice man I met him backstage at the Knick in Albany had 15 minutes with him alone nicest guy and guess what could play. His style unique to him but found his fitting within the band even if they used Hornsby as a back up just in case who also was fantastic. Our worst fears became reality at Jerry’s passing. Now really really really NOW WHAT? Vince would die by suicide cutting his own throat in front of his wife a couple years after even though Bobby tried to take him along with RATDOG and what he was doing. Hornsby would gently fade away. So what’s the point? People will often say this or that person can never be replaced! It’s not true friends. No there will never ever be another Jerry Garcia we all know that yet the music still lives in us and actually. Many complain about that but we need to ask as Jerry always said in his efforts to not be the rock God but a musician a great musician my personal favorite musician that the “SUM IS GREATER THEN ITS PARTS”! So true here and in life generally. Through the long winding evolution of this band The Grateful Dead we have been witness to amazing things. Too many to mention but I will mention one. I’m an older guy yet I saw live John Mayer do guitar soloing on morning Dew the likes of which I’ve never heard even from Jerry. The music whoever is playing it is a testament to what these kids formed in what 1965? Phil 80 plus Bobby Billy Mickey right behind him with all new blood bringing the heart of the music and culture with its evolutionary twist! Like all dead shows some are other worldly some decent some awful but they keep coming back and we keep coming back. Why? Because the sun is greater than it’s parts. In fact it’s this that enables what’s been created to live forever. FOREVER!

and then JB Replied:
Actually, for me, it as always the audience I hated. How could anyone be so blessed as to be in front of such sublime music and have anything to say that just can’t wait, or scream and yell like we paid to see YOU?!?!? I still went, but the audience made the experience 50% of what it could have been.

Grateful Dead and The Wall of Sound

strange biting dog With dreamcatcher protecting the home

a Question Posted on the Rainbow Family Board...
Hey yall, i became a follower and became interested in the freedom and the philosophy of community gatherings after giving a young lady and her dog a ride who was meeting up with the rainbow family. Im 62 and pretty fed up with trying to live in the chaos of society. Im wondering (especially from the females) how easy it is to walk away from what people consider civilization and what little owned and just live, in my car, in the wild, with like minded individuals. Ive been trying to keep a career in healing modalities going but keep comming up against obstacle after obstacles. My marriage of 34 yrs is failing because im awake to so many things now, im not the same person i once was. I simply dont know where i fit in anymore, my body is getting older but my mind is getting younger. I have had a NDE and realized the onness of all but feel so separate at times. Life is just to difficult to maintain the status quo anymore and i want experience and freedom. No negative, only good vibes replys please. Is this a spiritual group looking to become freerer, more enlightened? And wanting to be the change we want to see in the world or a free for all party lifestyle.Tell me what you love about your lifestyle/choices
What you would do differently, do you feel safe? do you travel in groups (like little families) is it clickish out there. Whats the philosophy and principles, etc. Ive been to a few festivals and gatherings (not rainbow) and felt like its where i thrive, i felt free and like i found me until i had to come home and back to this life that is so difficult. Just searching for my path Thanks everyone

GS Replied:
Haven't been out in more than 10 years. But I'm my 30s I traveled with a big dog and a tiny home built into a box truck. I never felt unsafe. There after clique-esque people all over the world but I found helping out the families. Plugging myself into volunteer kitchens and trusting the universe always brought me to the people I needed or who needed me. I wish my old family was still traveling! We've all seemed to slow down for kids or moved on to the next big adventure. I hope this has helped you.

RH Replied:
The freedom you seek is all in your mind. I encourage you not to abandon what you built for your family to seek idealisms. Give freely the love/gifts you have based on everything you're awake to.

JR Replied:
Rainbow is just refracted light... Your light brother... Run TO something, not away... Gatherings are a place where collective energy (via consensus) creates a little space to thrive for a bit... then the energy moves... this is my take on it... It did teach me about trusting the Universe... but now that I think about it... Trust came first, then the freedom ... Follow your heart man... this whole trip is an electromagnetic reflection of higher dimensions... N Love is the ultimate frequency

Chanting OM at Rainbow  Gathering

49er Rose

Grateful Dead - Movie Festival Express

The Grateful Dead’s Bill Kreutzmann (left corner), Jerry Garcia (center) and Bob Weir perform at a stop on a 1970s trans-Canada train tour. Photo: Chronicle file photo
Fans may be most interested in the in-studio conversations between band members Jerry Garcia, Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh, Ron “Pigpen” McKernan and Bob Weir, as they worked in Pacific High Recording Studio in San Francisco during three weeks of sessions in February and March 1970.
“Keep it nice and f—ing together, you f—ers,” Garcia says, as the band works through the freshly written “New Speedway Boogie.”
“The Angel’s Share” complements the anniversary deluxe edition of “Workingman’s Dead,” which is scheduled to be released on Friday, July 10, on streaming services as well as a three-CD set. The special edition will also include a full live show from 1971.
For years, fans believed no great outtakes existed from “Workingman’s Dead,” the semi-acoustic album where the Dead, under the spell of the clapboard authenticity of the Band and the angelic harmonizing of Crosby, Stills and Nash, streamed its folk and blues roots and restless creativity into an enduring classic.

Many Roses at home

FREE Rainbow Mushroom ART! gvan42
FREE Rainbow Mushroom ART! gvan42

FOR THOSE WHO ARE CLOSE to 60 yrs OLD AND ABOVE PLEASE READ THIS. This is for you. Some really great advice! Thank you to the person who wrote this.

Between 60 and death. It's time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it. Don't just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it. Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughter-in-law with big ideas for your hard-earned capital.
Warning: This is also a bad time for investments, even if it seems wonderful or foolproof. They only bring problems and worries. This is a time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren, and don't feel bad spending your money on yourself. You've taken care of them for many years, and you've taught them what you could. You gave them an education, food, shelter, and support. The responsibility is now theirs to earn their own money.
Keep a healthy life, without great physical effort. Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well, and get your sleep. It's easy to become sick, and it gets harder to remain healthy. That is why you need to keep yourself in good shape and be aware of your medical and physical needs. Keep in touch with your doctor, and do tests even when you're feeling well. Stay informed.
The key goal is to enjoy your money with your partner. One day one of you will miss the other, and the money will not provide any comfort then, enjoy it together.
Don't stress over the little things. You've already overcome so much in your life. You have good memories and bad ones, but the important thing is the present. Don't let the past drag you down and don't let the future frighten you. Feel good in the now. Small issues will soon be forgotten.
Regardless of age, always keep love alive. Love your partner, love life, love your family, love your neighbor and remember: "A man is not old as long as he has intelligence and affection."
Be proud, both inside and out. Don't stop going to your hair salon or barber, do your nails, go to the dermatologist and the dentist, and keep your perfumes and creams well stocked. When you are well-maintained on the outside, it seeps in, making you feel proud and strong.
ALWAYS stay up-to-date. Read newspapers, and watch the news. Go online and read what people are saying. Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those social networks. You'll be surprised at what old friends you'll meet.
Respect the younger generation and their opinions. They may not have the same ideas as you, but they are the future and will take the world in their direction. Give advice, not criticism, and try to remind them that yesterday's wisdom still applies today.
Never use the phrase: “In my time.” Your time is now. As long as you’re alive, you are part of this time.
Some people embrace their golden years, while others become bitter and surly. Life is too short to waste your days on the latter. Spend your time with positive, cheerful people, it'll rub off on you and your days will seem that much better. Spending your time with bitter people will make you feel older and harder to be around.
Do not surrender to the temptation of living with your children or grandchildren (if you have a financial choice, that is). Sure, being surrounded by family sounds great, but we all need our privacy. They need theirs and you need yours. Even then, do so only if you feel you really need the help or do not want to live by yourself
Don't abandon your hobbies. If you don't have any, make new ones. You can travel, hike, cook, read, and dance. You can adopt a cat or a dog, grow a kitchen garden, play cards, checkers, chess, dominoes, and golf.
Try to go. Get out of the house, meet people you haven't seen in a while, and experience something new (or something old). The important thing is to leave the house from time to time. Go to museums, go walk through a park. Get out there.
Speak in courteous tones and try not to complain or criticize too much unless you really need to. Try to accept situations as they are.
Pains and discomfort go hand in hand with getting older. Try not to dwell on them but accept them as a part of life.
If you've been offended by someone – forgive them. If you've offended someone apologizes. Don't drag around resentment with you. It only serves to make you sad and bitter. It doesn't matter who was right. Someone once said: "Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die." Don't take that poison. Forgive, forget, and move on with your life.
Laugh. Laugh away your worries Remember, you are one of the lucky ones. You managed to have a life, a long one. Many never get to this age, and never get to experience a full life.
My valued friends, enjoy peaceful life at this point in your life ...
Don't worry... be happy.

49er Roses at Home in Orangevale, CA

49er Roses at Home in Orangevale, CA

49er Roses at Home in Orangevale, CA

49er Roses at Home in Orangevale, CA

Instead of Watching the News on TV, I took a Walk Outdoors and Photographed 49er Roses... Totally Relaxing to SEEK BEAUTY

Steven Alembik, donor of GOP campaigns, dies in attempted murder-suicide outside BurgerFi
72-year-old man who contributed to Trump, DeSantis, Scott campaigns shot himself, another woman in parking lot of BurgerFi west of Delray Beach...

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — A donor to former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and then-Gov. Rick Scott died in an attempted murder-suicide last week, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office confirmed Tuesday.

Steven Alembik, 72, of Boca Raton, shot a woman and then himself in a parking lot behind the BurgerFi restaurant west of Delray Beach, 7959 W Atlantic Ave., on the evening of Oct. 9.

The victim, who ran inside the restaurant after the shooting and is expected to survive, is not being identified because of Marsy's Law, sheriff's spokesman Teri Barbera said.

Over 20 years, he gave more than $200,000 in political donations, mainly to Republicans, the Miami Herald reported.

Alembik made racist remarks directed at former President Barack Obama in 2018.

DeSantis was running to replace Scott as governor. Scott, who was vying for the Senate, sent the $1,100 contribution from Alembik to charity after the remarks.

DeSantis' campaign and political action committees received contributions from Alembik. The PAC returned $11,000 but the campaign said $4,000 given separately had been spent in the primary and could not be refunded.

The governor's reelection campaign and a state political committee supporting that campaign, Friends of Ron DeSantis, received more than $5,000 from Alembik in 2021 and 2022, according to state records.

In 2017, Alembik moved a charity gala for his newly formed pro-Israel nonprofit group, Truth About Israel, to Mar-a-Lago after several charities canceled after his remarks about Trump's comments about a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.




War is Over - John Yoko

1969. Pictured at top Jim Horn, Alan White, Jim Gordon, Klaus Voorman, Bonnie Bramlett, Delaney Bramlett. Middle George Harrison, John Paul Jones, Keith Moon,Jim Capaldi, John Entwistle, Billy Preston, Eric Clapton, Botton John Bonham, John and Yoko.

Did You Ever Notice That the Fan in the Bathroom Make a really long sound and then repeats it exactly but in less time? For Example: Mine Goes: SchrneeeeeeeeeoooooooooouuuuuuuChirp, SchrneeeeeeeoooooooouuuuuuChirp, SchrneeeeeoooooouuuuuChirp, SchrneeeoooouuuuChirp, SchrneeooouuChirp, ScneeouuChirp, ScneouChirp, SeouChirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, pppppppppppp... and then it repeats! SchrneeeeeeeeeoooooooooouuuuuuuChirp, SchrneeeeeeeoooooooouuuuuuChirp, SchrneeeeeoooooouuuuuChirp, SchrneeeoooouuuuChirp, SchrneeooouuChirp, ScneeouuChirp, ScneouChirp, SeouChirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, rp, pppppppppppp...

Kinder Joy toy

and then SE Said: 
Decided to try a Kinder Joy for the first time...mostly because I was curious, but also because it was supposed to contain a Harry Potter-themed prize. The prize was a tiny plastic Ron Weasley, which is cool, but I was hoping to get Snape. The candy part was absolutely delicious. It's basically a creamy chocolate and vanilla cream, similar to Nutella in consistency, topped with these 2 crunchy cookie things. My only complaint is that there should be a lot more of it. There was barely any at all. I'd definitely buy it again if both sides of the egg were filled with the chocolate/vanilla cream. I may buy it again anyway, especially if the Harry Potter toys are still around.
But either way, I can't help wondering how it compares to a Kinder Egg. I've never seen a Kinder Egg since they are highly illegal in the US. I've heard that if you ask someone to ship you one from another country, it will get seized in customs. Apparently Kinder Eggs are thought to be an extremely dangerous choking risk to American kids, but perfectly fine for kids in most other countries. I guess I'll have to travel to another country if I ever want to try one, or even look at one.

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