Republican James Comer Duped by Whistleblower... Gal Luft, is not preparing his dramatic exposé of the Bidens. No, he's actually on the run from the law, having been charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) with illegal arms dealing and, oh yeah, being a Chinese spy

 Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., was gloating Thursday about how his star witness against Hunter Biden, the president's son, would prove the doubters wrong. In May, Comer — whose main role in Congress is churning out falsified evidence for arcane right-wing conspiracy theories — had admitted that his supposed "whistleblower" had gone missing. 

Republican James Comer Apparently Duped by Whistleblower... Gal Luft

Sure, it was generally understood that Comer's elaborate mythology about President Joe Biden running some secret international crime syndicate was pure make-believe. So the "missing" informant caused much cackling on the left. It was widely assumed that Comer hadn't even bothered to prop up a flesh-and-blood person to pretend to be the "whistleblower," but instead just made this character up whole cloth. Comer was triumphant, however, exalting that he had a real human being with a pulse to stand up as this alleged "whistleblower." Talking to Newsmax, where Republicans go when even Fox News feels a lie is beneath their low standards, Comer crowed that "the people on MSNBC who made fun of me when I said we had an informant" should "feel like fools right now," because "a credible witness that the FBI flew all the way to Brussels to interview" was a-coming. 
On Monday, the truth came out. Cormer's supposed "informant," Gal Luft, is not preparing his dramatic exposé of the Bidens. No, he's actually on the run from the law, having been charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) with illegal arms dealing and, oh yeah, being a Chinese spy. 

‘Whistleblower’ who accused Bidens of corruption is charged with arms trafficking and violating Iran sanctions

Republicans allege that indicted arms trafficker Gal Luft has evidence of corruption on the part of President Biden...