I've always wondered WHY God Dropped a Tree Branch on Greg Abbott and Made Him a Cripple... Was it Punishment for a Lifetime of Evil Deeds?
"Greg Abbott is a lousy governor and he compensates by being the worst villain imaginable. Here is a man who would deny our own workers a drink of water during the hottest days in history. He is truly less than human and thoroughly reprehensible." Said SG on FaceBorg
Mexico Files Border Boundaries Complaint over Texas' Floating Barrier Plan on Rio Grande River...
US-Mexico border: Will a 'floating wall' barrier in the Rio Grande deter migrants?
Researchers and advocates who study the border have questioned whether it will have any meaningful impact on the number of migrants who attempt to cross or dissuade them from trying.
"This is pure theatre," said Adam Isacson, a migration and border expert from the Washington Office on Latin America. "It's less than a speed bump, ultimately, but it looks great for cameras."
"This is pure theatre," said Adam Isacson, a migration and border expert from the Washington Office on Latin America. "It's less than a speed bump, ultimately, but it looks great for cameras."
Headline: With back-to-back legal setbacks, Team Trump extends losing streak...
As Team Trump loses again in court, it’s tempting to think the streak reflects bad luck. But luck is irrelevant: They're losing because they're wrong.
Ahh...the good old days of Occupy Wall Street. When the 99% protested the 1% in New York. And the whole thing got derailed by some unknown person introducing "The Progressive Stack" to the mix.
Who could have imagined that shifting the focus from what we all have in common over to everything that makes us different would have such catastrophic consequences?
What is That? The progressive stack is a technique used to give marginalized groups a greater chance to speak. It is sometimes an introduction to, or stepping stone to, consensus decision-making in which simple majorities have less power.
and then on FaceBorg SG Said:
I Keep seeing that Jardiance ad on TV with its sing song woman try to pitch this medicine for diabetics type two - I don't see the point of promoting a product using people this obese as most typically aren't .
Anyone else feel the same and I'm guessing her weight at 375 lbs . Five times what her weight should be .... what do you think ? I've asked Dr's and nurses what they think and most all agree that this is so wrongly advertised. Try guessing her weight.
and I Replied:
I take Jardiance and It COSTS 4 TIMES AS MUCH as all the other Drugs I Take. WHY??? Because I'm Paying for all those TV ADS!
Link to the CONTACT US Page for Jardiance:
45 is the epitome of narcissistic personality disorder and malignant sociopath. He literally has no reality other than his own. Add to that being raised by a klansman and following in his dad's footsteps, and his enamorment with dictators and his fascism it is truly frightening and the vision I was given while he gave his nomination acceptance speech hearing Nazi sirens and seeing a Nazi truck rounding up people has sadly come to pass. At what point does the Congress do its job of being the balance of power. They're not doing so will truly leave America to become a totally fascist state. Right now it has been bordering on a true dictatorship.
HAPPY New Year! May it be filled with peace and kindness, good thoughts, kind people (like u!), enough silence to hear the voice of God, both within and without, and may you have all that your true heart longs for. I am wishing for a year filled with people waking up to the power of their wisdom & simple actions to create greater good. And each of us having the courage (& any suppot needed) to take those actions big and small. None will be unimportant if they come from the heart and the desire to do good. Also I hope you will join me in praying for a Christmas miracle of finding a miraculous unreasonably reasonable rent for Emily and me with a yard/garden or nearby park & for me to get the perfect support &/orlawyer to help me fight for justice in a situation surreal with injustice. I am grateful for amazing friends who helped me make it thru. (none moreso than Rona & Johanna
Johanna thanks for finding this perfect picture, it says what I most wanted to say)