THORIUM Nuclear Power: A Practical Alternative to Uranium Fission - It Makes a Low Amount of Radioactive Waste, Unlikely to Meltdown, Abundant Fuel.

In 2021, Russia provided US nuclear utilities with 14 percent of their uranium purchases. We Can Mine Our Own Thorium... 

Thorium fuel cycles offer attractive features, including lower levels of waste generation, less transuranic elements in that waste, and providing a diversification option for nuclear fuel supply. Also, the use of thorium in most reactor types leads to extra safety margins.

Thorium-based nuclear power generation is fueled primarily by the nuclear fission of the isotope uranium-233 produced from the fertile element thorium. A thorium fuel cycle can offer several potential advantages over a uranium fuel cycle[Note 1]—including the much greater abundance of thorium found on Earth, superior physical and nuclear fuel properties, and reduced nuclear waste production. One advantage of thorium fuel is its low weaponization potential; it is difficult to weaponize the uranium-233/232 and plutonium-238 isotopes that are largely consumed in thorium reactors.

China prepares to test thorium-fueled nuclear reactor...
Scientists are excited about an experimental nuclear reactor using thorium as fuel, which is about to begin tests in China. Although this radioactive element has been trialled in reactors before, experts say that China is the first to have a shot at commercializing the technology.


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The Thorium Dream

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Thorium: An Energy Solution

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Thorium Reactor Diagram

Andrew Yang Wants a Thorium Reactor by 2027.