My Best Pictures - Psychedelic Art and Travel Photos of California by gvan42 - Felt Pen Drawings and Potatoshop Freakouts! Download for Free or Buy on my Zazzle Webstore.

 While Reviewing the Thousands of Pictures I Stored in Google Drive... I Found these Gems!
Cross - Sacred Wafer by gvan42

Cross made of Sacred Wafers... It's funny but I have no recollection of ever eating Blotter Paper LSD... I guess I Stopped Taking LSD before that Technique was invented... Mostly I ate Four Way Windowpane... a Square of Brown Gelatin about on tenth of an inch on a side... I used to Cut it into four pieces and eat one piece... then decide IF it was good enough quality to eat more... usually I didn't want to eat any more so I gave the rest to other people... Sometimes it was Bad Quality... made my body cramp... why? They said it was mixed with strychnine... but "They" say a Lot of Crazy Stuff...

Barbecue for sale in Fortuna, CA
Barbecue for sale in Fortuna, CA - Imagine Cooking PORK on this!

US Coast Guard Caution Sign - Eureka, CA
Coast Guard Sign... They Spray Painted a Sheet in hopes of GETTING THE ATTENTION of people visiting the North Jetty... Like: Hey Folks! We Mean it! ... and in Fact... It was an Excellent day to stand on the top of the Hill near the Parking Lot and admire the Waves... from safety...

Happy Cows - Eureka, CA
Cows in Humboldt County... They saw me and Started Walking my way hoping for FOOD... 

and In the News Today: November 15th 2022: Russian Rockets Hit Poland... a NATO Country... According to the Charter, other NATO Countries May Bomb the Hell out of Russia... a Hydrogen Bomb on Moscow Would end the War in One Day... or Start World War Three... and End all Human Life On Earth...

In the event of all out Nuclear War... I'm Ready... I figure that I'm at a Ground Zero Location. Instant Death. One of the Advantages to being a Christian is The RULES for Going to Heaven After You Die. Only ONE Requirement... Really! All we have to do is Accept Jesus as our Personal Savior and YOU'RE DONE... I Did that in 1976 because I was Dating a Lady and She Wanted me to Be a Christian... I Couldn't Care Less but I Wanted Sex... and So... I Accepted Jesus... and At That Time I Really Meant it! Then After we Got Divorced, I Never Went to Church again... So I'm a Backsliding Christian... BUT... I'm Going to Heaven When I Die! Whoopee! 

Magic Mushroom Art by gvan42
Classic Mushroom Peace Sign Image... Done using WINPLOT and Adobe Photoshop.

Our Cats - Ponga and Emma posing in the Ferns

Sign promoting Redwood AG near Ferndale, CA

Pointless Random Squiggle by gvan42

Swing at the Top of the World overlooking Humboldt Bay
Swing at the Top of the World... looking at Humboldt Bay, King Salmon...

Rest Stop Highway 101 near Trinidad, CA
My Favorite Rest Stop... Highway 101 North near Trinidad... Makes me think of the EWOK Village in Star Wars...

Drawing on a Paper Plate - meme for a friend's GoFundMe Dentures Fundraiser

Dragon Riders Guild Drawing on a Paper Plate
Drawing on a Paper Plate...DragonRiders Guild Local 420... A friend worked as a Taxi Driver and He said that he felt like a Dragon Rider... When Driving Around... Stoned on Marijuana...

Drummers in the Marimba tent at the Rainbow Gathering California
Drummers at the Marimba Tent. Rainbow Gathering California... at Night, I took my two colored LED Flashlights and Projected Blue and Green Lights on the White Parachute Tent... and a Lady Also had a Flashlight... we made a Light Show that danced to the Beat of the Drums... Excellent!

Hexagon Pen Drawing by gvan42
Hexagon Felt Pen Drawing... You can see the outline of the Paper Plate used as a Drafting Tool to make Hexagon Based Art...

Sign at the Vista Point in McKinleyville, CA - No Overnight Camping
Here's a sign that's BEGGING to be DEFACED - or Maybe Just Stolen... Who makes up these Laws? Crazy Politicians in the Town of McKinleyville? Someone Ought to FIX this Sign! Change NO to KNOW...

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Rainbow Spiralism in Ancient Civilizations

Saturn Eyed Smiling Man by gvan42 - felt pen drawing

On FaceBorg Liz Merry Asked: Question Of The Day: Who has influenced you in a positive way? How? Can't be a relative, but someone you know.

and I Replied: Dr Harold Campbell - Computer Science Professor at Humboldt State University... He was also my Guidance Councillor and Had an Excellent suggestion. Take the Journalism Class. They are Starting an Online Version of the Lumberjack Newspaper and Need Computer Help. This would be an Excellent Real World Experience for You. THEY need to Get Something DONE and You Know How... Just Like REAL WORK When You Graduate! And Then... Surprise - Surprise: I Learned How to Write a Newspaper Article! and That's Been VERY Useful Now that I Own a Blog... and Write Full Time!

Trump is Dead meme - actually... Fake News!

Trump Rises from the Grave to Haunt Mar-A-Loser Hotel... EXORCISM NEEDED NOW!

Flower Power by gvan42

My Grandpa Malek - and Mom (on the Right)
My Grandpa Malek - and Mom on the Right, Alberta on the Left...

My brother inherited a Shoebox full of family photos and he had them printed as a book... with Long stories written by Him and Many of my Ancestors... Letters... etc...

meeting drawing by gvan42
Actual Drawing I Did IN A MEETING at Work... We were required to attend an Hour Long Meeting every Friday Morning and QUITE OFTEN there was Nothing to Talk About... except our Plans for the weekend... but since it was a Government Job we were Required to Hold it... Often we would drive over to a Adel's Restaurant and Hold the Meeting There! Eureka, CA

Photoshop HEART created using Polar Distortion

Famous Magritte Painting of a Pipe... Repeated in a Visual Echo in Photoshop...
Famous Magritte Painting... Asks the Question "Is this a Pipe?" - The Answer is NO... It's a Painting... and NO... THIS is a JPG Image File on a Computer! Makes You Think!

Felt Pen Drawing of the Flower of Life ON a Newspaper... Made with a Compass...
Drawing of the Flower of Life ON a Newspaper... Made with a Compass... When I retired I really got into drawing with pens and pencils on Maps, Newspapers and Stock Market Statements... often there would be Pages marked "Left Blank Intentionally" and That Made Me Shout... Blank No More!

My Grandma Malek, Mom and Uncle Forest...
Grandma Malek, Mom and Uncle Forest...

Felt Pen Drawing by gvan42 - Rainbow Spiralism

Another Classic Greg Drawing... Staged with Rainbow Glasses and Stuffed Animals in the Window... After I Retired I Really Got Into Smoking Marijuana and Drawing With Pens and Pencils... "Somehow" all that weed caused me to think up Ideas... However... all that weed Made my Music Videos Terrible... I have a Piano and a Guitar and The TIME of the Songs was screwed up... as My Brain Struggled to remember which chord to play next... I can see in the Videos unacceptable pauses as I try to Remember what I'm doing! Many Musicians love to play stoned on Marijuana but That Just Didn't Work for me... Let's see... First I Play an "E" and Then an "A" and then... uh... uh... Oh Yeah! I Play s "B7"

My Super Marijuana Pipe...
My Super Pot Pipe... With a Massive Cooling Chamber! Fill the Standard Tobacco Pipe bowl with a Bud... Suck on the hole in the top of the Can to fill the Cooling Chamber With Smoke... Remember to Plan for a Place to SIT DOWN QUICKLY because the Massive Hits Cause Dizziness... You Could Fall Down!

#ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #EnforceTheLaw 

Arcata Plaza with NO People!
Arcata Plaza with NO People! Rare Early Morning Scene... 

Ezekiel's Wheel
Ezekiel's Wheel - a Bible UFO Story

I'll make these pictures Large and Documented with Stories Later... Too Damn Tired Now... But Tomorrow! I'll Get Right On IT! 

Metal Sculpture in Healdsburg, CA on Highway 101
Metal Sculpture in Healdsburg, CA on Highway 101 between San Francisco and Eureka... 

Bear Hole Swimming in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico CA
Swimming in Bear Hole, Upper Bidwell Park, Chico CA

Start of the Trail to Panther Meadows near Mount Shasta, CA
Start of the Trail to Panther Meadows near Mount Shasta, CA - Holy Water Spring...


Chainsawed Bear and my Rock Collection
Chainsawed Bear Sculpture and my Rock Collection. After I Retired I drove around the Western USA and Picked Up Interesting Rocks... Mount Saint Helen had Shiny Black Lava Rocks... 

The Pulp Mill in the Distance (Abandoned) and Remains of Docks in Humboldt Bay
The Pulp Mill in the Distance (Abandoned) and Remains of Docks in Humboldt Bay... 

Flowery Bush near Humboldt Bay - Eureka
Flowery Bush... 

AI Portrait of My Grandfather Eldred Cornelius Vanderlaan

Humboldt State University Art Department and the College President
Humboldt State University Art Department and the College President. She Likes a Star Trek Outfit! 

AI Portrait of Gregory Vanderlaan

The Election is Over. Now I Can Say it Out Loud: NO BIDEN 2024... 

NO, NO, NO! Too Damn Old! Too Damn Stupid! 
NO BIDEN 2024!