Republicans: Write In Trump for Every Election. Just to Let 'em Know Who's Boss...

meme that says: Write In Trump for Every Election. Just to Let 'em Know Who is Boss...


and on FaceBorg SE Said: 
Everybody, please be sure to vote! If you vote by mail, send your ballot in now! Midterms aren't as exciting as presidential elections, but it's important not to sit this one out. There are people trying to destroy our democracy, and they've already taken away some of our fundamental rights, and they'll take away more rights if we allow it. We need to vote for people who believe in democracy and who will protect our rights and want us to have MORE rights, not less. Vote blue.
All the Cool Girls Vote... Written on the Back of a Coat... cartoon

and then SG Said:
Religions conditions people to believe in delusional nonsense. That translates into people believing in nonsense in their daily lives. Then they have difficulty in determining what is really the true, and they may not even try. To know truth, one needs to be earnest and honest to discover it.
Maintaining previously learned ideas they have no real merit and ignorance is not the way to truth and light. Being spiritual is having the ability to perceive reality as it is, not the way we may have been conditioned to believe it was.
My path for overcoming delusional religious programming has been a long road full of discoveries, and I'm still learning. It has been a release that is very refreshing.

Vote Blue 2022 meme

and then on FaceBorg: 
At the time of his death at age 61 in 1909, E. H. Harriman owned Central of Georgia Railway; Illinois Central Railroad; Saint Joseph & Grand Island Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad; Southern Pacific Railroad. He also owned the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and Wells Fargo Express, a financial services company. He left behind $200 million which roughly equates to six billion in 2022 dollars.
In 1924 his son Averill Harriman took a chunk of that money and went into the banking business with a wealthy Saint Louis investment banker by the name of George Herbert Walker.
Averill Harriman and George Herbert Walker called their new bank “Union Banking Corporation” and put George’s new son-in-law, Prescott Bush, in charge of running it.
George Herbert Walker’s daughter, Dorothy Wear Walker, had married Prescott Bush three years earlier on August 6, 1921 in Kennebunkport Maine. Just as Prescott Bush was going into business with his father-in-law, Prescott and Dorothy welcomed into the family a new baby boy they named George Herbert Walker Bush.
German steel industrialist Fritz Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal concerns in Germany and became very wealthy selling to Hitler in the 1930s between the two wars. Thyssen founded “Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaardt” to handle all his financial transactions but was keen on finding an American bank to act as a front for his Dutch bank.
Averill Harriman and George Herbert Walker hadn’t just met up one day and decided, out of the blue, to open a bank. They opened United Banking Corporation (UBC) to be a front for Fritz Thyssen’s bank in Rotterdam.
UBC worked exclusively for the Dutch bank which owned all of the shares in UBC, even though Thyssen’s bank put the shares in the names of the US directors which included Averill Harriman and his brother Roland Harriman and Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker.
“Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH)” was also set up as an investment bank to serve as the US base for Fritz and his brother Henrich Thyssen so they could move German steel and coal and other assets around the world under a name other than “Hitler’s buddies.”
United Banking Corporation served the same purpose — it allowed Hitler, through the Thyssen brothers and their Dutch bank, to move and launder Nazi dollars.
Steel, coal, gas, gold bars, US Treasury bonds — were constantly swirling between UBC, BBH and the bank in Rotterdam.
Until all of it was seized in 1942 by FDR under the “Trading With The Enemy Act.”
Fritz Thyssen didn’t miss it. When the war started, he had a falling out with Hitler and fled to France before being captured and interned into an insane asylum.
But after FDR shut down the treasonous business of the Harriman and Bush families, American voters went on to reward the traitors:
Averill Harriman became Governor of New York in 1954;
Prescott Bush served two terms as the United States Senator from Connecticut, still in office the year I was born in 1962;
Prescott’s son, George Herbert Walker Bush, was elected President of the United States in 1988;
George H. W. Bush’s son, George W. Bush, was elected president in 2000.
The Bush family was ferociously worshiped by evangelicals all the way up until Trump turned Jeb into a punchline. Jeb could survive his family wealth coming from laundering Hitler’s money while Hitler slaughtered Jews, but he couldn’t survive Trump laughing at him.
At the time, evangelicals worshipped George W. Bush just as much as they now worship Trump. They deny it now because it’s inconvenient to their present Trump-mandated anti-war isolationist stance. But they had their entire heads up George’s ass, screaming at us for “hating America” because we didn’t support Bush’s elective, offensive, immoral war in Iraq.
NOW, they say we “hate America” because we support Biden’s no-choice, defensive, morally-required war to defend the people of Ukraine against the Bush-style evangelicalish war launched by their hero Putin.
They were in favor of war and claimed it was the godly thing to do, when Bush was doing it illegally and without provocation, slaughtering innocent people.
They now shirk away from war when it’s needed to defend democracy and save innocent people.
Their position is consistent: they support slaughtering innocent people; they support refusing to come to the aid of innocent people.
Republicans have already said, if they get control of the House, they will cut aid to Ukraine, leaving them twisting in the wind, easy prey for their buddy Putin.
The Bush family wasn’t alone in their support of fascist Nazism.
Charles Lindbergh was a huge unabashed Nazi, attending the 1936 Summer Olympics as a guest of Field Marshal Hermann Göring, head of the German Air Force, Luftwaffe. In 1938 Lindbergh accepted the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle from Field Marshal Göring, on behalf of Hitler, at a Berlin dinner.
Lindbergh became one of the most outspoken opponents of America joining WWII to help the save the Jews. Lindbergh said three groups were pushing for war and needed to be stopped: FDR’s administration; the British; and the Jews, of whom he said:
"Instead of agitating for war, Jews in this country should be opposing it in every way, for they will be the first to feel its consequences. Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government."
It was a veiled threat, just like the one Trump issued Tuesday against American Jews when he warned it may soon be too late for them to stop voting for Democrats and start supporting Zionist evangelicals.
Robert Wood left the US Army in 1919 as a Brigadier General, became head of Sears Roebuck, founded Allstate Insurance as a subsidiary of Sears, founded the America First Committee (AFC) that sought to keep America from interfering with Hitler’s conquests. After hearing a speech by Lindberg, Nazi-sympathizer Wood put him on the board of directors of the AFC.
Lindbergh fellow aviator Laura Ingalls, who rivaled Amelia Earhart, was arrested in 1941, found guilty of being a paid Nazi Agent.
Henry Ford put more than his automobile wealth into supporting Hitler. He purchased the Dearborn Independent in 1918 and by 1920 he was using it like Trump uses Twitter, denigrating Jews, praising Hitler. Ford was very popular, immensely wealthy, and the most vile vicious Jew-hater in America. He was the first American to receive Hitler’s personally designed Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle when Nazi officials brought his cross to Dearborn and pinned it on him a few months before Göring pinned Lindbergh in Berlin. Ford and the Führer each kept a framed photograph of the other in their offices.
Thomas Watson got himself a little Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, too. He was the founding CEO of IBM — they made machine-readable punch-cards the Nazis used for tracking-down, categorizing and cataloguing Jews. He sent his cross back in 1940 before Germany declared war on the US in 1941. But his subsidiary companies continued supplying punch cards to the Nazis; some are on display today in the Holocaust Museum. The IBM punch-cards were known as “death calculators.”
Ford wasn’t the only Nazi vehicle. General Motors was, too. GM bought the troubled Opal from Germany to infuse the Nazis with cash. One Nazi official said Germany’s first excursion into other countries was successful only because of shared technology from GM.
Don’t get too smug if you don’t own a Ford or GM vehicle. Ferdinand Porsche created the Volkswagen Beetle, Mercedes-Benz SS, and the Porsche, of course…….. and the Panzerkampfwagen Tiger I and Tiger II, the super-heavy tanks of the German Panzer Division — Mr. Porsche was a member of the Nazi Party and an officer in the SS. In 1996 — when people should have known better — he was inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in Talladega Alabama; three years later, the last year of the 20th Century, he was named Car Engineer of the Century.
All Pete Rose did was bet on a game and he was made permanently ineligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame — Mr. Porsche was a Nazi SS officer and made the Panzer tanks that killed thousands of innocent people and he got inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame. It is fitting, though — the same organization inducted Nazi Henry Ford in 1993.
Perhaps the worst American corporation to most egregiously collaborate with the Nazis was the Associated Press. Other news outlets left Germany rather than abide by Hitler’s new rules of only reporting Nazi-favorable news and firing all Jews in the newsroom. The Associated Press was the only news outlet that chose to stay in Germany. And it wasn’t just a news outlet. It was, as it is today, a news SERVICE — a wholesaler of news stories to other news outlets.
The Associated Press formally enter into an agreement with Hitler, signing the Schriftleitergesetz or “Editor’s Law” before promptly firing all Jews who worked for the AP and hiring Nazi reporters and photographers, some of whom took orders directly from Hitler. Through other news outlets in America using the Associated Press, the AP was able to widely disseminate Nazi-approved and many times, Nazi-created propaganda, to unsuspecting Americans reading daily newspapers.
Bayer, the German drug company that makes Aspirin and Claritin and Dr. Scholl’s and Coppertone….and weed killer and crabgrass killer and lawn insecticides available today at Home Depot and Lowes and Walmart….merged with five other companies to form IG Farben to make the cyanide-based insecticide Zyklon-B that Hitler sprayed through the showerheads to kill Jews en masse in the gas chambers.
Many US corporations got rich doing business with the Nazis. Many sold patents to the Germans with the approval of Nazi sympathizers that had infiltrated the highest levels of FDR’s administration.
Lindbergh’s wife was particularly enthralled with fascism, writing, “I have never in my life been so conscious of such a DIRECTED force. It is thrilling when seen manifested in the energy, pride, and morale of the people — especially the young people." ~ Flower and the Nettle, diaries and letters, 1936 – 1939.
In “Autobiography of Values,” Charles Lindbergh wrote: “The organized vitality of Germany was what most impressed me: the unceasing activity of the people, and the convinced dictatorial DIRECTION to create the new factories, airfields, and research laboratories.”
This is the lure of authoritarianism.
It’s the same in a large thriving church; fun and smiles and prosperity and hustle-bustle activity and exciting collective energy for all, because a strongman gives loving dictatorial direction; everyone knows what to expect; no one has a choice; no one makes a bad decision; no one is sick or hungry or poor — life is a Biblical utopia, a veritable Garden of Eden, the lion lays down by the lamb, because God directs every aspect of life, through his anointed leader.
The leader, unencumbered by the input of the congregation or the guidance of a board, is able to homogenize life to 1950s white-centered society, keeping inconvenient “others” in the closet, at the back of the bus, across the border.
White evangelicals (and conservatives and Republicans and non-evangelical religious Republicans and non-religious Republicans and Trumpers — for those who still don’t understand ALL of them are now evangelicals) no longer think ending democracy is a negative. They no longer believe fascism is bad. They are not moved by the specter of ending voting and letting Republican legislatures pick our senators and president.
This all sounds good to them. They believe they are God-ordained to win elections and if they don’t win, there must have been some cheating, so they are super-fine with ending elections altogether. They WANT a dictator who isn’t limited by the messiness of a democracy that gives everyone a voice.
Republicans in the House have tweeted the new Triune Godhead of evangelicalism is “Kayne, Elon, and Trump,” replacing the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Kanye says he’s going “death con 3 on the Jews.” The word is “DEFCON” (DEFense readiness CONdition), used in the military to denote the alert level. He wasn’t being clever with a play on words; that’s above his intellect. He really thinks the word is “death” — he was screaming death to the Jews.
Trump published his anti-Jew rant Tuesday.
Elon is threatening to remove his satellites that are giving free internet to, among others, Jews in war-torn Ukraine; he’s now urging appeasement on the world, telling other countries they should just let Putin keep the land he has stolen from Ukraine.
Before the Holocaust in Germany, there was the Holodomor in the USSR where Stalin’s actions killed four million Ukraines, many of them Jews, in Kyiv and Ukraine — either as a result of Stalin’s collectivization policy or his intent to repress Ukraine independence.
Many “Russian” Jews and “Soviet” Jews who were annihilated lived in Ukraine; their destruction is only now being fully understood as much of the written history was not available until the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.
Why are House Republicans canonizing these three men at the exact time all three are engaged in pointy-cap sheet-wearing hatred of Jews?
It’s the oldest hate in history; it even predates whitefolk hatred of black people.
In college during the 1984 presidential race, I was supporting Gary Hart against Mondale to be the Democratic nominee to run against Reagan in his bid for a second term, when a huge political firestorm broke out over Rev. Jesse Jackson — one of the Democrats also seeking the nomination — referring to New York as “Hymietown” and Jews as “Hymies.” Reverend Jackson had been speaking with a black Washington Post reporter and incorrectly assumed the reporter would know such talk was intended to be off the record. Louis Farrakhan, a Lindbergh-level Jew-hater, threatened the reporter, throwing gas on the fire.
Finally, Reverend Jackson calmed the storm with a speech to Jewish leaders at Temple Adath Yershurun in New Hampshire. He used that opportunity to deny long-dogging rumors of him having said “Jews don’t have a monopoly on suffering.”
White supremacy in America has always been tangled up with white evangelicalism. In the heyday of the Klan, you could attend a Klan meeting and at the same time, make an appeal to the board of deacons at the local Baptist church because it was the same men.
It’s confusing to some, even to some evangelicals, because they are so careful to pretend to like Jews.
Evangelicals have always despised Jews. In their quiet corners they will say Jews deserved the Holocaust because “they killed Jesus and the Holocaust was God’s punishment.”
Alternatively, they say the Holocaust was a benevolent act by God to force the Jews back to their homeland. The Jews of the Bible had been taken into captivity by Babylon (Iraq) which was later overtaken by Persians (Iran). As the story goes, Persian King Cyrus, who didn’t even believe in God, became a tool in the hands of God five hundred years before Christ was born — Cyrus was the pre-runner of Trump, a non-religious tool used by God to save his people. He allowed the Jews to return to their homeland to rebuild the wall and the temple. By the time of Christ, the descendants of the ones who had returned were under Roman rule.
But many Jews had not returned — they were in Poland and Ukraine and Russia and other parts of the world and according to evangelical tradition, the End-Time prophecies could not begin until all the Jews went back home, so God sent Hitler to shake the Jews and cause them to gather from the four corners of the globe and return to their homeland.
They could have gone home in 500 BC because of good ole Cyrus the Great’s benevolence. But they went home in 1948 AD — 2,500 years later — due to Hitler’s malevolence.
Either way, in the minds of evangelicals, Jews “deserved what they got” whether it was punishment from God for rejecting Jesus or a swift kick in the butt from God to force them to reclaim their homeland so the countdown to Armageddon could begin.
Evangelicals love ISRAEL.
The STATE, not the people.
They believe Jesus is coming back to earth, literally through the Eastern sky above Israel.
Evangelicals look with much consternation at the American Jew.
Evangelicals can’t figure out why 70% of American Jews voted for President Obama and why American Jews consistently support Democrats, while Republicans — in their minds — support Jews and Democrats don’t.
Support of Israel among Democrats has remained relatively constant for decades. It only looks out of balance because in recent years evangelical support of Israel has dramatically increased.
But this is not because evangelicals traded in their Klan mentality and suddenly began liking Jews.
Part of it is rooted in Christian wealth-building. Book-selling charlatans found evangelicals to be easy marks for buying courses on the Bible’s hidden wealth code that would make believers more wealthy than secular people because they are “highly-favored” by God.
One of the principles of wealth-building was lifted from Genesis 12:3 where God said to Abraham: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Evangelicals favor giving money to Israel because that means God will give money to evangelicals.
The other part of the strong support of Israel among evangelicals is End-Time prophecies — God is going to set up a kingdom on earth for “his people” who are the white American evangelicals whom God “grafted into the vine” as his “Chosen People” after he cut out the Jews for killing Jesus. Any Jew who repents for rejecting Jesus and becomes a born-again Christian, will also be allowed to stay in God’s earthly kingdom.
American Jews are mostly Democratic because above all they favor freedom of religion and individual liberties. When they say “religious freedom” they literally mean they should have the right to practice their religion and others should have the same right.
Evangelicals voice the same principle but with a completely different meaning. To evangelicals, “religious freedom” means evangelicals should have the freedom to force all of society to live by evangelical religion.
When American Jews speak of individual rights, they are not talking about the right to be irresponsible and breathe viral Covid on your neighbor; they are talking about the right for people to be free of government interference in their personal lives.
Not long after Roe v. Wade was decided, Israel passed a law in 1977 giving women an almost unfettered right to an abortion.
If the woman is under 18 or over 40; if she became pregnant due to rape, incest, illicit sex, extramarital sex; if her physical health was at risk; if her mental health was at risk — all she had to do was appear before a board of two doctors and one social worker for “permission” that was granted 98% of the time.
Back in June, after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe, Israel dropped the requirement of appearing before a board and made abortion pills available over the counter.
Many American Jews are disgusted by the hyper-nationalistic support of evangelicals for the State of Israel — which seems insincere and done for ulterior evangelical reasons, when evangelicals simultaneously insist on their continued support of white supremacists who seek the erasure of Jewish people and black people.
Christian Nationalism is primarily a fig leaf for White Nationalism, but they really do mean the “Christian” part, too — their goal is the eradicate Jews along with black people.
Nowadays, we’re all much better than Hitler — we never admit it’s hatred of the Jew; there are ALWAYS “legitimate” reasons for the hate.
The SS Drottningholm carried hundreds of Jews fleeing the Nazis in 1942 as it set sail towards New York. FDR didn’t say “we don’t want Jews coming to America” — he ridiculously claimed they were “Nazi spies” as he ordered our Navy to turn them back.
That was a repeat of what he did in 1939 when the M.S. St. Louis carrying 900 Jews fleeing the Holocaust begged for entry in America after being denied safe haven in Cuba.
It was a death sentence for many.
Americans who supported fascism before the war claimed not to hate Jews; it was “communism” they hated and they were afraid democracy wasn’t a strong enough type of government to beat back communism so they supported fascism, purely as a counter to communism.
Americans who clamored for “isolationism” never admitted they were greasing the skids for Hitler, wanting him to slaughter Jews and take what he wanted without interference from the United States.
If Japan had not bombed Pearl Harbor, America never would have joined the war — quite frankly, we didn’t give two shits about Jews. We helped them only to the extent we accidently helped them as we were looking out for our own interests.
Trump supporters who were warmongers while Bush was slaughtering unarmed innocents, have not suddenly turned into “isolationists” due to a newly-realized inner peacenik flower-child.
Their new support of “peace” is as evil and wicked as their support of Bush’s slaughter of innocents.
White evangelicals and Trumpers and Republicans are neo-isolationists for the exact same reason Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford and Thomas Watson and all other American-Nazis were — they want the United States out of the way, not hindering the strongmen across the world who are doing the bidding of God by ridding the world of sinners in a way that isn’t politically correct for the US to do.
Evangelicals long for a united white Christian front, consisting of 1950s white-centered America and an expanded Russia, after Putin conquers Ukraine and NATO.
Trump bent over backwards to give Putin a free hand to conquer neighbors.
Trump tried every way to break NATO, the only thing standing between Russia and world domination. Trump’s biggest effort was in attempting to defund NATO but he also threatened to pull the US out of NATO and did everything he could to weaken it — not to save money or make everyone carry their own weight, but to grease the skids for Putin to more easily take over other countries.
In his last year in office, Trump bizarrely began withdrawing US troops from Germany where they had been stationed for seventy-five years, since the end of WWII. He was clearing the way for Russia to roll into Germany.
On the leap year day of February 29, 2020, two days before pandemic lockdowns began, Trump’s representatives met the Taliban leaders at the Sheraton Grand Doha in Qatar to sign the Trump-Taliban Agreement which they called the “Joint Agreement between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (known as the Taliban) and the United States of America for bringing Peace to Afghanistan.”
Trump cut out the legitimate government of Afghanistan and dealt directly with the Taliban, promising to immediately release 5,000 dangerous Taliban fighters (which he did) and promising ALL US troops would be out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021. While Biden was technically bound by the Trump-Taliban Agreement, he logistically could not meet the deadline and ended up keeping troops in Afghanistan four extra months until August 30, 2021 when U.S. Army Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, stepped onto a C-17 transport plane at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul and became the last American soldier to leave Afghanistan.
While Biden wanted to end the war for humanitarian reasons, Trump gave no credible reasons why he was in such a hurry to remove US forces from Afghanistan. After losing the election in November 2020, he tried to move up the date in the Trump-Taliban Agreement from May 1, 2021 to “Christmas Day 2020” angrily telling advisors he wanted the troops home by Christmas.
Clearly Trump knew he had lost the election and wanted to make sure the troops were out on his watch. Was that to keep Biden from taking credit for ending the war? Or was that to make sure Biden didn’t get into office and extend the time the US was in Afghanistan, ruining under-the-table agreements Trump may have had with Putin to make sure we cleared out of the region before Putin invaded Ukraine?
After the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia no longer had a shared border with Afghanistan — Russia would have to go through either Tajikistan or Turkmenistan or the country the late Covid-stricken Herman Cain called “U-Becky-Becky-Stan.” While Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan could deny entry to Russia, Tajikistan wouldn’t. Russian troops are already in Tajikistan as both countries are members of the Russian-led CSTO, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and Russia operates its largest base outside of its own borders in Tajikistan, near the border of Afghanistan.
As soon as Major General Chris Donahue boarded the final C-17 flight out of Afghanistan in August 2021, Putin sent new tanks to the Harb-Maidon Training Ground near Tajikistan’s Afghan border and began conducting joint military exercises with Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Belarus — the country which announced last week it is joining Russia in the fight against Ukraine.
A small wrinkle in the Tajikistan-Russian alliance occurred last Friday in Astana Kazakhstan when Tajik President Emomali Rahmon got in Putin’s bewildered face for seven straight minutes and dressed him down for not showing proper respect to Tajikistan, as the shocked leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan watched. The next day, it was Tajikistan nationals who opened fire, killing 11 Russian trainees in Belgorod.
Like John the Baptist “preparing the way” for Jesus, Trump made a huge effort to prepare the way for Putin, weakening NATO, removing President Obama’s sanctions on Putin, withdrawing troops from Germany, hurriedly and recklessly ending America’s presence in Afghanistan.
We may already be in WWIII.
Russia is attacking Ukraine as a proxy for attacking NATO — it’s as close as Putin can get without obligating the US to join the fight. The United States is proxy-fighting Russia by supplying weapons to Ukraine. Iran is proxy-fighting the US by supplying weapons to Russia to counter the weapons we are supplying to Ukraine. Belarus is joining the war on the side of Russia. Russia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia assembled on the border of Afghanistan a few months ago.
Iranian troops are in Crimea today flying drones into Ukraine, dropping explosives on innocent unarmed non-combatants.
China is on the verge of invading Taiwan.
Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain — all Sunni Muslim countries, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, attacked the Houthi rebels (Shia Muslim, aligned with Iran) in Yemen, after the Houthis overthrew the Saudi-propped-up Sunni government in Yemen. This continuing war has led to an epic humanitarian crisis — 20 million people are without food; 2 million acutely starving.
Article 9 of Japan’s constitution forbids them from having offensive military capabilities — that has been the case since Pearl Harbor. In exchange, the United States signed the “Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan” that obligates us to militarily protect Japan. North Korea is daily firing missiles at Japan. North Korea has the ability to tip its missiles with nuclear ordinances.
Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons and has a group of hardliners around him pressing him to actually do it. Biden, whose foretelling of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was scoffed at by some, is now foretelling a nuclear Armageddon.
This is a discussion I’ve had with my deep-thinking friend Kimberly, who brought up the point, based on some historians not realizing WWII had started until it was well underway. FDR was the first to label it in 1941 as the “Second World War” and the American press followed his lead. But as far back as 1919, only a year after the first world war ended, the term “WWII” was used in an article in the Manchester Guardian, in a way similar to how many of us have used “WWIII,” today, notably Biden saying that would be the result of our direct intervention on behalf of Ukraine.
Whether we are yet at that point, it is very clear that Jews are currently being scapegoated all across the globe.
Republicans cloak their hatred in “sensible” isolation; in the fear of “communism.”
Trump is openly threatening American Jews for not being sufficiently Jewish like the Zionist evangelicals.
Unfortunately, hatred of Jews gets cloaked on our side, too. There is a tendency to try to medal in the Sympathy Olympics, as if there is a finite amount of “caring” and caring about Jews means we are neglecting to care about others.
Benjamin Netanyahu was the 9th prime minister of Israel. He sat out for about ten years and came back as what would have been the 13th prime minister, if they counted non-consecutive administrations as different administrations. After twelve more years, he lost. Currently, he is trying to become the “15th” prime minister. If he returns to office, the situation between the State of Israel and the Palestinian people is going to get worse, not better.
That is not a justification for hating Jews.
In the past few years, a hostility against Jews has crept into some parts of the Democratic party, primarily because of actions by the State of Israel.
“Jews” — here, abroad, and inside the borders of Israel — have as much control over what the State of Israel does, as you and I have over what Trump was doing and over what the Supreme Court has done. Would it be fair for others to hold us responsible for decisions our Supreme Court makes?
And we can still fight the racism that affects the 14% of the country that is black, while we fight anti-Semitism that affects the 2% of the country that is Jewish.
Since the rise of Trumpism, it has become popular on our side, correctly, to say some variation of, “whatever it was you thought the Germans should have done to Hitler to stop the killing of Jews, it is time to do that to Trump.”
We have said that about all the different groups that are under siege by Trumpism. But, increasingly, it is the exact same group that was at risk in WWII, that is being threatened today.
Pictures: Three recipients of Hitler’s personally designed GRAND CROSS OF THE SUPREME ORDER OF THE GERMAN EAGLE: 1.) Thomas Watson, founder of IBM and creator of “death calculators,” having dinner with Hitler;
Hitler and Watson founder of IBM

2.) Henry Ford in a white suit with a silk Nazi sash pinned at Ford Headquarters in Dearborn;
Henry Ford. American Nazi

3.) Charles Lindbergh holding a ceremonial sword, is pinned by Luftwaffe Field Marshal Göring in Berlin.
Charles Lindbergh

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