Will Trump FLEE the Country to Avoid Hanging For Treason? The Rosenbergs Were Executed for Stealing Classified Documents...

The Rosenbergs and Trump Stole Nuclear Secrets

The Rosenbergs and Trump Stole Nuclear Secrets

Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were American citizens who were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union. The couple were convicted of providing top-secret information about radarsonarjet propulsion engines and valuable nuclear weapon designs. Convicted of espionage in 1951, they were executed by the federal government of the United States in 1953 at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York, becoming the first American civilians to be executed for such charges and the first to receive that penalty during peacetime.[1][2][3][4]


Pro-Democracy Patriots Arise! ACT NOW! 2022 is the Year We Must Beat the GOP or they Will OUTLAW VOTING and CROWN TRUMP KING! 

If you Have Money, Donate to Democratic Candidates. If you Don't, VOLUNTEER to Campaign Anyway You Can!

meme - GOP PLAN: Outlaw Voting, Crown Trump King!

I post MEMEs and Candidate's Campaign Websites Online... It's Important to Post a Lot on the Social Media Networks USED BY REPUBLICANS... Parler, Gab, Truth Social and American Patriot Networks... 

I Also Campaign on FaceBorg but It's Not as Effective Because My Posts are Only Displayed to People That Already Agree With Me! People That Are Already Going to Vote Democratic... But I AM Reminding them To ACTUALLY VOTE... Put out the Effort... GO to the Polls! Endure the 10 Hour Wait and the Bizarro Armed Guards in Republicriminal States... The GOP is putting a Lot of Effort to Break the Voting System... FIGHT BACK! 

GOP PLAN: More LIES and More TV Ads to Tell those Lies

Here's a List of Democratic Candidates Campaign Websites! Please Share!

meme - Vote Democratic Nationwide

You Can Find More Memes to Share

meme - Vote Democratic Nationwide


Rebekah Jones is running against Republican Matt Gaetz for US House of Representatives in Florida. #FreeNestor She's Really Smart and We Need Smart People in the House!

Adam Frisch is Running against a Notorious QAnon FREAK... Lauren Boebert... 


Lynnette Greybull is Running Against the Republican't that Just Beat Liz Cheney... 

Believe there is good in the world

When I look at my fellow Wyomingites, I don't see millionaires, I see everyday, hardworking people who want to do what's right for their families and their neighbors.


Marcus Flowers is the Democrat running to defeat Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th District. 

https://sitesforcongress.com/ Jeffrey Sites is running against Republican Jim Jordan for the US House of Representatives in Ohio. 

https://lucyforcongress.com/  About Lucy: The most important title that Congresswoman Lucy McBath will ever hold is “Mom.” 

https://katieporter.com/ Katie Porter is serving her second term in Congress, representing California's 45th Congressional District. Once a UC Irvine law professor and nationally-renowned consumer advocate who held Wall Street banks accountable for ripping off California consumers and homeowners during the financial crisis.

https://markkelly.com/ Mark Kelly Says: I’m running for the United States Senate because Washington is broken and Arizonans deserve independent leadership focused on solving the problems we face. When I’m traveling around Arizona with my wife Gabby Giffords, many of you come up to say hello. 

Gary Chambers’ mission in life is Do Good, Seek Justice. He’s been leading the fight for a better, more just Louisiana. Gary is a leading social justice advocate based in Baton Rouge.

Running against Senator John Kennedy... "You Can't Fix Stupid but You Can Vote Him Out." 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~


Catherine Cortez Masto is Running for Senate in Nevada against a TrumpNik® Named Adam Laxalt...  

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

https://philarballo.com/ Phil Arballo Was Running Against Evil Republican Devin Nunes for the US House of Representatives near Fresno. BUT, DEVIN HAS QUIT POLITICS to Become President of the Trump Media Corporation... WhatEVER... Thanks For Quitting! Now, Move out of California. Just GTFO! 

https://www.kermitjonesforcongress.com/ Dr. Kermit Jones Says: As a doctor and a veteran, my life has been guided by a series of oaths – to my patients and to our country. Now, I'm running against Republican Tom McClintock to represent the people of California's 4th Congressional District.

https://charliecrist.com/ Charlie Crist is running for Governor of Florida Against Ron Death Santa. 

https://staceyabrams.com/ Stacey Abrams is running for Governor of Georgia against Brian Kemp... Who Stole the Election Last Time by Throwing Out Democratic Votes... 

https://johnfetterman.com/ John Fetterman is running for Senator in Pennsylvania. John doesn’t look like a typical politician, and more importantly, he doesn’t act like one. He supported legalizing marijuana before it was popular, officiated a same-sex marriage before it was legal, and pushed for single payer healthcare long before it was mainstream. The issues John is running on now are the same issues he’s been working on for the last two decades.

https://timforoh.com/ Tim Ryan is a relentless advocate for Ohio’s working families. He’s running for U.S. Senate to cut workers in on the deal. Ohioans are working harder than ever, but they’re falling further behind. In the Senate, Tim will fight to raise wages, make healthcare more affordable, invest in education, rebuild our public infrastructure, and revitalize manufacturing so we can make things in Ohio again. 

https://valdemings.com/ Val Demings is Running for US Senate against Republican Marco Rubio for US Senate in Florida.

https://warnockforgeorgia.com/ Ralph Warnock is running to be Re-Elected Senator from Georgia. Republican Candidate is Yet to be Chosen.  


Sean Casten is a respected scientist, clean energy entrepreneur, and author 

https://www.marinazimmerman.com/ Republican candidate Marina Zimmerman is running against Lauren Boebert in the Colorado Primary for the House of Representatives... 

https://betoorourke.com  Beto O'Rourke is Running Against Republican Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas. 

There are Plenty of Other Candidates to Promote... Who Will Defeat Republican Ron Johnson from Wisconsin? I Don't Know Yet! 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

2022 GOP Plan if they win the House and Senate: 

More Tax Cuts for the Rich, Outlaw Abortion 

and Birth Control, Impeach Biden, Impeach Harris, 

Privatize (steal) Social Security and Medicare, Repeal 

and Replace Obamacare. MONARCHY!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I've been posting these links on these 16 Social Media Sites:

You Can TOO! 

Trump Caused: Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DISEASE... #TrumpFailed and That's Why The American Voters Rejected Trump Totally!

JOE BIDEN WON THE 2020 ELECTION and Democrats Won the House and Senate...
Let's Beat 'Em Again in 2022! 

and Now The GOP Has Banished
Liz Cheney For Failure to LIE!

and #MoscowMitch Plans to Cause
Global Economic Collapse...
Because They Would Rule over
the Peasants in the Thousand Years
of Dark Ages... Just Like Kings did
in Europe from 400 AD until 1789 AD
MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

#DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says - I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using Only My Mind! and a Million of Screaming TrumpNiks®
DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says - I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using My Mind!

The GOP is the LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE Party - Find More Memes at Google Image Search using the Keywords - gvan42 meme
Find More Memes at Google Image Search
using the Keywords - gvan42 meme

DumpTrump TotalFailureDonald meme gvan42

REJECT tRUMP AGAIN IN 2022 2024 AND FOREVER meme gvan42

Peace and Love: 
Not Just a Great Idea but a 
Practical and Efficient Way of Life... 
Just think of all the money you will save NOT BUYING GUNS!

QANON SUCKS Satire - gvan42

Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the 
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law" 
H.J.Res 40