Pro Choice - It's What the Majority of Americans Want. Let's TRY Majority Rule in the USA... We Already Tried "Rule of the Super Rich" and That was a Disaster!


Pro Choice - It's What the Majority of Americans Want.
Link! Buttons, T-Shirts and Playing Cards for Sale!

PRESS T-Shirt, IMPEACH SCOTUS Stickers for sale on Zazzle/gregvan
Link! PRESS T-Shirt, IMPEACH SCOTUS Stickers for Sale!

Everything, All the Time!

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Remember: If the GOP Wins the House in 2022 they will Impeach Biden. Remember: Biden would not have to Actually Commit an Impeachable Offense...

He would only need to be ACCUSED by Republicriminals! A Majority VOTE!

and then He will Not be Convicted in the Senate.
So They will Impeach Him again... and again...
and again... Many Many Many Times before the 2024 election... and Biden Will Not Run in 2024... Exhausted by Endless Attacks and OLD AGE.

Maybe the GOP Will Only Impeach Biden Three Times... So He will Hold the Record of the Most times Impeached... after all they will need to Impeach Kamala Harris as well... and SCOTUS Jackson... That way the Speaker of the House Becomes President! and they OUTLAW Voting, Crown Trump King and Pass more Tax Cuts for the Rich Laws, Steal all the Social Security Money, Throw all Old People OFF Medicare, Outlaw Abortion and Birth Control, Rewrite all History Books so White People are always Wonderful and Right! Imprison all the Gays, Declare Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD... and Send all the Non-White Immigrants Right Back Where they Came From!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

GOP Shoots Self in Foot. The Vast Majority of Americans say "Keep Abortion Legal" ... However The QAnonSCOTUS Overturned Roe V Wade. THIS Will be the Issue that MOTIVATES Democrats to TAKE ACTION!

QAnon SCOTUS - Keep Abortion Legal meme

#ImpeachJusticeThomas is trending on Twitter

Democratic Plan: Protect Social Security, Medicare and Veterans Benefits. GOP Plan: Steal All The Money and Give it to The Super Rich.

Vote Democratic Nationwide - Share this MEME on Social Media
Vote Democratic Nationwide - 

Share these MEMEs on Social Media

Democratic Plan: Protect Social Security, Medicare and Veterans Benefits. GOP Plan: Steal All The Money and Give it to The Super Rich.
Simply Copy and Paste 'em 

DEBUNKED INFLATION CAUSE CLAIM: Federal spending on pandemic relief like stimulus payments, small business loans and childcare credits gave consumers too much spending money, and raised demand and prices for everyone...

However: "Inflation is global. There's been an acceleration of core inflation across every advanced economy, even the ones that did very, very little fiscal relief," he said. "And so I think the evidence linking specific Biden-era policies to the surge in inflation is just really, really weak."

Remember: The Trouble With Taking Economics Classes is That You End Up BELIEVING the Fantasies They Teach... Watch the Film "Boom Bust Boom" Instead... MUCH More Insightful... It Starts with a Quote by Alan Greenspan, former Chainman of the Federal Reserve Speaking of the Collapse of The Banking Industry in 2008: "There was a Flaw in the Model I Percieved is the Critical Functioning Structure that Defines How the World Works... So To Speak... " - and That's Why the "Free Free Free Markets Crashed in 2008... He Believed in a Fantasy... and the Banks Lost all their Money... and Obama Magically Replaced the Money for Everyone Except Lehman Brothers... SOMEONE Had to be the Scape Goat... However, CEO Richard Fuld Personally Kept Millions of Dollars and Has Come Back to Play the Stock Market Again... The OCCUPY WALL STREET Movement was In Reaction to This Bailout of the Super Rich... 

Sally Said: "I believe It's Time to Actually DO the Things President Ford Suggested... Carpool, Plant Victory Gardens, Go on a Diet and Buy Less Food, Keep Your Cars a Few Extra Years... You Know, Common Sense Thrift." 

and Billy Said: "Nope. Not for Me... I just got this New Job at Higher Pay and I'm Just Going to Continue Shopping! I Can Afford It!" 

and Sally Replied: "Oh That's Great for YOU but I'm Actually Being Paid LESS than I was Before... Inflation is Greater Than Wage Increase... So The Bottom Line is... When I Go Shopping, I Come Home With Less." 

Boycott Everything Until Prices Go Down - meme - gvan42

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