I Worked With Classified Documents: NEVER TAKE THEM HOME! In My Job, Taking Secret Documents OUT of the Building was a FELONY! and It's a Felony In tRUMP's Former Job Too!

I spent Decades working for the US Military. I was a Draftsman and Drew Secret Drawings all day every day... We had an Office Building with NO WINDOWS and a Marine at the Front Door Inspecting ID Badges and Searching Briefcases... 

Proof Trump is GUILTY - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP
Proof Trump is GUILTY
#ArrestTrump #LockHimUP

When I started Work they made it Absolutely Clear that all Classified Info Stayed Inside That Secure Facility... They Swore That they Would Enforce the Law and Arrest Me if I Violated the Espionage Act!

top secret stamp

As president, Trump approved a law increasing penalties for mishandling classified info. It could come back to bite him. https://www.businessinsider.com/law-trump-signed-2018-may-punish-him-classified-info-2022-8

Please wake up.

Deb Fincher

We promise not to judge you. You will be welcomed with open arms. It’s not too late.
It's time.
It's time to put down the merch, the flags, your wrong ideas and ideology and alleigence.
It's time to admit you have been wrong.
It's time to realize he's a traitor.
It's been a long time.. but come on now.
It's okay to admit it.
Move on with your lives and accept it.
Get out of the cult. Listen to your friends and family who have tried to help you.
Make amends with those who have cut you out of their lives all for your devotion to this man and this wrong path.
It's high time it's over.
There is power in acceptance. It's the final stage of grief.
There is power in being big enough to admit you made a mistake.
There is power in personal growth and doing better with more knowledge.
Let go.

Donald Trump in 2018 signed a sweeping national security bill into law. The bill increased punishments for those who mishandle classified information. The measure is of note after the Mar-a-Lago raid, thought to be connected to government documents.

Trump signed a law making mishandling of classified info a felony — now it may come back to haunt him. https://www.salon.com/2022/08/11/signed-law-making-mishandling-of-classified-info-a-felony--now-it-may-come-back-to-haunt-him_partner/
Trump could be facing five years in prison thanks to a bill he signed into law in 2018, attorney says.

Yes, the felony Donald Trump is suspected of committing—moving classified national security documents to his for-profit golf club—is only a felony because Donald J. Trump himself made it one. And yes, the ex-blowhard-in-chief did it specifically as part of his "Lock Her Up" blowhardism against his 2016 election rival, Hillary Clinton.
You may remember that Republicans, during the years of 2016 through 2021, believed that it was an absolute abomination to consider prosecuting any political figure for any crime other than "mishandling classified information," but "mishandling classified information" was such a severe crime that it required, as the loud jackasses who populated Trump's every rally constantly shouted, locking somebody up.

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