I'm Glad to Educate America's Youth... Explaining How Things Are in Actual Reality as Opposed to What They See On TV is a Worthy Use of my time... NO NUKES!


Nuclear Meltdown In a Cartoon Show... NOT REALITY
Nuclear Meltdown In a Cartoon Show...
Nuclear Power on a TV Show... NOT REALITY


Chernobyl Disaster meme

The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.[1][2] It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history both in cost and casualties.[3]
The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.[1][2] It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history both in cost and casualties.[3]

F*ck You Shima Nuclear Disaster... 
the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which operated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Three of the plant’s six reactors melted down after the magnitude-9 Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunami on 11 March 2011. The disaster led to the evacuation of roughly 150,000 people in the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Free Coloring Book: Make as many Prints as you like and pass 'em on th Friends!
Free Coloring Book:
Make as many Prints as you like and
pass 'em on th Friends!

Some Guy on FaceBorg Stated: 

Nuclear power may be a coming good stock option, as people on the left slowly recognize it is the only quick way to replace fossil fuels. And people on the right may deny climate change as a whole, but they generally have less resistance to nuclear power anyway, to them it's just more electricity to avoid brownouts and run air conditioners, etc.

I Replied: Nuclear power takes a long time to build... Nothing quick about it... and Usually It''s Over budget with missed deadlines... and More Missed Deadlines... and Radioactive waste that has to be stored safely and guarded for 10,000 years... that' why the Executives at PG&E, SoCal Edison and SMUD all say NO NUKES! Those people are not fooled by propaganda.

So what would you replace fossil fuels with? I support solar, hydro, geothermal, and wind, but the raw materials to build all the batteries, panels, controls etc aren't there yet with solar and wind to replace fossil fuels, Germany and Cali are suffering brown outs, not acceptable to most people. So what is your kilowatt-ready solution?

I Replied: Drive Cars Less... Cut driving in Half. Build more Dams for hydro. Build Stationary Bicycle Power Generators... Cut Jet airplane travel in Half... Invent Better air Conditioners... Invent Better Heaters... like pumping air from deep underground... build houses out of thick adobe walls and tile roofs... They are Automatically the right temp... Just like the Missions in California...

Some Guy Said:
as soon as that happens somewhere (Like Cali or Germany) I'll take it seriously. Meanwhile, the brown-outs and fossil fuel use are increasing in those "Green" places.

Right to work from home...

I Replied:
Meme Showing How to Cut Driving Cars in Half... Massive Savings of Fossil Fuel... You KNOW That we can do this... WE JUST DID... Working from Home is Ecological and it frees people from wasting two hours a day stuck in traffic... For Years I rode the bus to work in Eureka and San Jose... It's Great!
I Replied: 
Whatever You Do... Do NOT Buy Stock in a Company that Makes Nuclear Power Plants. LEARN from History... Westinghouse went bankrupt due to Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant and GE lost a Fortune due to their Fukushima Reactors... Handy Stock Market Tips! Valuable Info! This isn't "Political" It's a Valid Study of Reality... Scott McCord obviously Has Not Studied the Market... and is giving bad advice...

SMUD SAYS NO NUKES! Just Too Damn Expensive! The Rancho Seco plant operated from April 1975 to June 1989, with a lifetime capacity factor of less than 40%; it was closed by public vote in June 1989 (53% to 47%) after half of its intended lifetime primarily for economic reasons: ratepayers had seen their rates doubled in the last four years to pay for improvements to the plant, and electricity from natural gas was priced at half that of the electricity generated by Rancho Seco. (2.3 cents / kWh, vs. 5.4 cents / kWh)[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho_Seco_Nuclear_Generating_Station

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*JUST JOKING* A Step by Step Guide to the Violet Overgrow of the Ruling Class - A Novel by Gregory Vanderlaan *JUST JOKING*

Step #1: 
Boycott Everything Until Prices Come Down. 
Corporations owned by the 1% keep on raising prices and collecting windfall profits. They will keep on doing that until people quit buying. If they could, they would charge $100.00 for a Quart of Milk... 

Step #2: Sneak Marijuana Cookies onto the Buffet Tables of the Hotels near Capitol Hill in Washington DC. If the "Suits" that Run the Government had a Cannabis Trip... maybe they would think twice about doing evil for a living. Place some Cannabis Edibles in the Senate Dining Room also... At the very least they would change the CrazyLaws® about Marijuana... 

Step #3: Cut the Pentagon Budget in Half. This will really anger the Ruling Class as They Profit Greatly from Corporate Welfare. Remember: Since 1945 the US Military has Never Defended the USA... Not Even Once... So all that money being spent at the Pentagon is Just a Way to Transfer Wealth from the Taxpayers to the Owners of Defense Corporations...  The same Owners Finance the Campaigns of the Senators and Congressmen that Write the Bills that Fund the Pentagon... So the Money Travels in a Tight Circle... and YOU GET NOTHING... 

Step #4: Stop Funding Fossil Fuel Corporations. "U.S. taxpayers spend tens of billions of dollars a year subsidizing new fossil fuel exploration, production, and consumption, which directly affects how much oil, natural gas, and coal gets produced—and how much clean energy doesn’t." https://generation180.org/the-absurd-truth-about-fossil-fuel-subsidies/

Step #5: YOUR IDEA HERE! Email Me: gregvan (at) yahoo (dot) com