IMPEACH BIDEN Hats For Sale: Also Buttons Keychains, Bumper Stickers... and MORE! ---> Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Already Started the Inquisition! <---

Remember: Biden is Funneling Billions of 
Dollars into NUCLEAR POWER... 
a Horribly Polluting Way 
to Generate Electricity!
It Creates Vast Amounts of
Radioactive Waste that Must
Be GUARDED and Stored Safely
for 10,000 Years!

Hey Joe! GTFO!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Don't Forget! #ArrestTrump! 
Write to the DOJ & The FBI: 
Tell 'em "Do Your Job! 
There is a Huge Pile of Criminal Evidence. 
Lock Him UP!" 
They Won't Actually Outlaw Crime Unless 
Millions of Patriots Tell Them To.

Lock Him Up - Trump in fear of Police

Contact Your Elected Representatives and
and #ArrestTrump

LINK to the Store! 
Buttons, Stickers, T-Shirts and Hats!
Zazzle Store gregvan
LINK to the Store!
Buttons, Stickers, T-Shirts and Hats!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Trump: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Please Share these Free Memes on Social Media.  Fight Evil! Have Fun!  #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP #DumpTrump #Trump5150 He's a Danger to Self and Others... 

Trump: In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts!

gvan42 political memes - like and share worldwide

Trump's Read a Book project: This week 1984 by Orwell - next week: The MonkeyWrench Gang by Abbey
Trump's Read a Book project:
This week 1984 by Orwell -
next week: The Monkey
Wrench Gang by Abbey
Trump's Tax Cuts for the Rich FAIL

gvan42 meme political satire *JUST JOKING*

gvan42 meme political satire *JUST JOKING*

gvan42 meme political satire *JUST JOKING*

gvan42 political meme *JUST JOKING*

gvan42 meme - like and share worldwide on social media

gvan42 meme - like and share worldwide on social media

gvan42 meme - like and share worldwide on social media

gvan42 meme political satire *JUST JOKING*

gvan42 meme political satire *JUST JOKING*

Quote from The Book Pattern recognition by William Gibson.

"How do you think we look... to the Future?" 
- Big End

"They won't think of us. Anymore than we think of the Victorians. I don't mean the Icons but the ordinary actual living souls." - Case P 

"I think they'll hate us." - Helena

"Souls... Souls? Of Course, We Have No Idea Now of Who or What the Inhabitants of our Future Might Be... In that sense we have no Future...  Not in the sense that our grandparents had a future, or thought they did. Fully imagined cultural futures with the luxury of another day. One in which "Now" was of some greater duration. For us of course, Things can change so abruptly, so violently, so profoundly that futures like our grandparents have insufficient "Now" to stand on... We Have No future because our present is too volatile.  We have only Risk Management The "Spinning" of the given moments scenarios... Pattern Recognition... " - Big End

FREE MEMEs That Fit the FaceBorg "Your Story" - Trump LOST! No More "Audits" - Make America Greta Again - End Fossil Fuel Subsidy - #ArrestTrump AND Many More!

 1080 wide by 1920 tall

Trump Lost Meme

MAGA MEME - Make America Greta Again - gvan42

End the Fossil Fuel Subsidy MEME - gvan42

Free MEMES by gvan42 - They fit the FaceBorg "Your Story" Size 1080 wide by 1920 tall

Free MEMES by gvan42 - They fit the FaceBorg "Your Story" Size 1080 wide by 1920 tall

Free MEMES by gvan42 - They fit the FaceBorg "Your Story" Size 1080 wide by 1920 tall

Free MEMES by gvan42 - They fit the FaceBorg "Your Story" Size 1080 wide by 1920 tall

gvan42 meme - share on social media worldwide - free

gvan42 meme - share on social media worldwide - free

gvan42 meme - share on social media worldwide - free

gvan42 meme - share on social media worldwide - free

gvan42 meme

 LINK to Even More Memes:

Trump Screamer - I WAS DUPED! - gvan42

TRUMP LOST No More "Audits" - Free Memes by gvan42

TRUMP LOST No More "Audits" - Free Memes by gvan42

TRUMP LOST No More "Audits" - Free Memes by gvan42

If Saying Beetle Juice Three Time Will Bring Him Back From The Dead, Will Trump Lying ONE MILLION TIMES Get Him OUT of Mar-A-Loser and Back in the White House? 

NO... Trump Lost... No More "Audits"

The Entire Goal of "Audits" is to Make 

Democracy and Elections Invalid... and 

Let The GOP Simply Appoint Donald the 

Loser CZAR... and then Barron will inherit 

The Throne... Bypassing "Junior" and Eric 

and Ivanka because they are Simply Too 

Damn Dumb... and Jared isn't Even Family... 

MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

#DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says -
I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON -
I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using Only My Mind!
and a Million of Screaming TrumpNiks®
DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says - I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using My Mind!

The GOP is the LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE Party - Find More Memes at Google Image Search using the Keywords - gvan42 meme
Find More Memes at Google Image Search
using the Keywords - gvan42 meme

DumpTrump TotalFailureDonald meme gvan42

REJECT tRUMP AGAIN IN 2022 2024 AND FOREVER meme gvan42

Peace and Love... 
Not Just a Great Idea but a Practical and 
Efficient Way of Life... 
Just think of all the money you will save 

QANON SUCKS Satire - gvan42

Remember: tRUMP is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan 
is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE 
Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. 

Stop the ALT RIGHT - Uncle Sam Beating the Nazi and American South

Big Blue Wave coming in 2022... and again in 2024... I hope tRUMP DOES Run for President again... That way He Can LOSE a THIRD TIME! Hillary Got more Votes, Joe Got More Votes and Gavin Will Get More Votes!

Big Blue Wave coming in 2022... and again in 2024... I hope tRUMP DOES Run for President again... That way He Can LOSE a THIRD TIME! Hillary Got more Votes, Joe Got More Votes and Gavin Will Get More Votes!

Inherent Contempt of Congress Allows House to LOCK UP Steve Bannon in the US Capitol Jail Cell. Social Media Goes Wild! #LockUpSteveBannon

 The Law: 

The House may either (1) certify a recalcitrant

witness to the appropriate United States

Attorney for possible indictment under this

statute or (2) exercise its inherent power to

commit for contempt by detaining the witness

in the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms.



This is the Actual Jail Cell in the
US Capitol Building!

I want to say something that is going to be shocking for a lot of people to hear and utterly obvious to others. Here it is.
We like to think that colonization was something that Europeans did to indigenous people here in the Americas. We don't remember that Europeans were already colonized. They colonized themselves and each other first. We also don't want to admit that we, today, are colonized. Instead we pretend that colonization started with European contact of the New World and that European descended people, white people, aren't colonized.
I'm speaking here as someone who is both native and European in descent and upbringing.
What does it mean to be colonized?
This is the question that can peel the layers of forgetting from our eyes.
To be colonized means to be divided and conquered. It means that our relationships to ourselves, each other, to the earth and to the sacred have been torn asunder.
Instead of relationships with the land and with the sacred, with the beings that nourish our bodies... we are offered commodities. We are taught that working for someone, enriching them, scraping by, eating food from cans, and fighting with each other for crumbs is what life IS. Our minds are colonized. We struggle to imagine any other way of life.
Colonization began in Eurasia around the time of agriculture. It is a breaking of the hunter gatherer relationships with the land. Hierarchy, the control of most people by a few, is inherent to post-agricultural systems. The sacredness of the Earth and of the feminine was slowly torn apart. War gods became ascendant until finally one god of thunder and smiting enemies, of controlling sexuality, cursing the Earth and damning women became the Only god.
Live by the Bible or die by the sword. Europeans did this to Europeans for thousands of years before they got on big ships, sailed around the world and brought this spiritual sickness to the Americas, to Turtle Island.
Millions of women were tortured and burned for knowing too much about herbs, about healing or childbirth, about contraception or abortion, about controlling their own bodies. The Inquisition went on for hundreds of years.
Slavery was endemic to the colonizer way of life. It is built into the Bible, condoned by god *himself.*
Colonization is the destruction of the buffalo to bring the plains tribes to their knees. It's the replacement of the sacred relationship between hunter and hunted with the monetized relationship between worker and corporation and product. It is taking away our ability to meet our own needs and then selling it back to is, reduced, deprived of nutrients, packaged and for a premium.
We can talk about colonization as limited to a certain time, conditional on a subset of historical contexts, but the roots of the mindsets which allow for colonization are present long before the stumbling upon of Turtle Island.
Colonization is the mentality which pits man against man, man against woman, man against nature and which commands obedience, slavery and the helpless dependence of the masses on the god-like powers of the elites. Colonization requires that we enslave ourselves. It means being broken.
To decolonize ourselves means learning to relate to the world again, learning to plant seeds without scarring the ground, learning how to feed our babies from the soil, how to build with the materials around us, how to live in community with those around us and with the natural world. Decolonization is about restoring the relationships between all things. It is about re-membering the sacred, literally putting the pieces of everything back together and honoring the Mystery which pervades all things. It is about taking care of the least of us and requiring that our leaders face the same conditions as everybody else.
Decolonization is about restoring what has been broken in our lineages for so, so long. It's about reclaiming our intrinsic wholeness and sacredness. This is only done by recognizing our relatedness, our intrinsic interdependence, and by throwing away all ideas of greater and lesser. There is only the whole, reflected in its many parts. We are the buffalo. They are our relatives. We are the soil. Literally. The rocks are our ancestors. The stars are our ancestors. Literally. We are one family. We are wakan. We are sacred. We are powerful. To remember these things, to put them back together in our minds, to restore our own wholeness, the wholeness of our communities which includes not only our human relatives but our rooted and our winged and our four legged relatives, this is what it means to decolonize.
The most powerfully subversive thing we can do is unhook from dependence on the corporate-feudal lords. We can grow our own food and share it with our relatives. We can give back in a good way to the Earth. We can love and stand by each other. These are the most subversive, and also the most natural things to do.
My prayer for humanity is that we remember before it is too late, that we make whole what has been broken.

1 Comment

and then on FaceBorg I Read: 
Do you want to live in a hellhole third world country where one power hungry, money hungry political party and its' Supreme Court rules your life and the lives of your children? Do you want to live in a society that allows your government to sanction a form of legalized murder? The sacrifice of innocent children is the most damnable and despicable of all human-created horrors on Earth. Nowhere does the US Constitution state "any American citizen has the right to own a military-style rapid-fire weapon." Nowhere does the Constitution state "the blood of the pure and weak shall be the first to flow."
The Republicans have sold their corrupt and wicked souls to the gun manufacturers. And the Supreme Court is guarding their cowardly backs.
I believe all of my Facebook friends know how I feel about guns. In the final analysis they are only good for two things: killing animals and murdering people.

and then I read:
Watching the gop try and twist themselves into something they can never be is amusing....."I did great cause I had portable mortuaries." Well how about showing people the way to avoid needing one? THE trump gop failed this country on covid...Hell trump couldn't even convince people to wear a damn mask...Because his tough guy vanity prevents him from acknowledging any kind of weakness..So instead of leadership in a time of trouble we got noise...Noise about unproven treatments, China and shear stupidity. Instead of trained and educated professionals, we got a blustering child with the emotional development of a 5 year old...And an ego the size of Jupiter...This one EVENT showed that not only could not trump lead...but he was not even capable of putting aside his own vanity, to help save the lives of fellow Americans! And some of you want him back?? Please if you do....go to the nearest mirror, throw water in your face...and ask yourself " what the hell is wrong with me that I cannot see what is obvious to the MAJORITY of my neighbors! " Propaganda is the answer to that question..Propaganda!

In this modern age of social media dominance, Facebook has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect, share, and express ourselves. However, personal experiences and reflections can sometimes lead us to question the prevailing norms. This essay explores the journey of rethinking Facebook and the desire to create a unique page, characterized by original content and thought-provoking essays on political and current events.
A Shift in Perspective:
Falling down and bruising my ribs has given me a unique opportunity to reassess the way I engage with social media platforms like Facebook. The physical pain has sparked a metaphorical pain within, urging me to reconsider the purpose and value of my online presence.
Differentiating My Page:
Amidst a sea of similar content, I aspire to stand out and offer something distinctive to my Facebook followers. Instead of merely sharing random posts or articles, I intend to primarily feature essays I have personally written. These essays will revolve around political topics and ongoing events, allowing me to express my thoughts, analysis, and opinions.
The Power of Thought-Provoking Essays:
Essays have a unique ability to stimulate critical thinking and encourage meaningful discussions. By sharing well-researched and thoughtful pieces, I hope to create an engaging and intellectually stimulating environment for my audience. Through these essays, I aim to provide perspectives, insights, and analysis that encourage individuals to reflect upon and question societal and political issues.
Keeping Up with Today's News:
Recognizing the importance of staying informed, I will make it a priority to write and share highlights of the day's news. This will help ensure that my audience remains up to date with the latest developments and allows for conversations on current events.
Subjects of Interest:
As I embark on this journey, I would love to gauge the interests of my audience and cater to their preferences. While my main focus will be on political and current events, I am open to exploring various subjects. Here are some areas that could potentially pique your interest:
a) Socio-political issues: Analysis of policies, societal trends, and their impacts.
b) Global events: Coverage of international affairs, diplomatic relations, and geopolitical dynamics.
c) Environmental concerns: Exploring climate change, sustainability, and ecological challenges.
d) Technological advancements: Discussions on the impact of emerging technologies on society, privacy concerns, and ethical considerations.
e) Cultural and artistic expressions: Essays delving into literature, film, music, and other forms of art as reflections of our society.
Rethinking our engagement with social media platforms like Facebook allows us to break free from the norms and create a page that reflects our unique perspectives and interests. By focusing on original content in the form of thought-provoking essays on political and current events, we can foster intellectual engagement, critical thinking, and meaningful discussions. Let us embrace the power of knowledge-sharing and strive to make our online presence truly distinctive, challenging the status quo and contributing to a more informed and enlightened society.