Solar Powered Street Lights Would Save a LOT of Electricity Currently Being Generated in Coal, Natural Gas and Atomic Power Plants and Distributed Using WIRES. That's WASTEFUL and DANGEROUS... POWER LINES CAUSE WILDFIRES.

USA at Night - a waste of Electricity - meme

Nothing NEW Needs to Be Invented... We Ought to Simply Replace the Millions of Old Style Street Lights... With Solar Cells and LED Lamps... The Concept of Generating Power in One Central Location and Distributing it to the User is Quite Wasteful... Some Electricity JUST VANISHES over the Long Distance... and DANGEROUS because the Wires Start Forest Fires... PG&E Power Company Just Burned the Entire Town Of Paradise, CA... and It Caused the Company to Go Bankrupt. Distributing Power From a Central Generator is an Obsolete Idea. What if Every House had Solar Panels on the Roof That Provided Enough Electricity to UNPLUG FROM THE GRID... 

Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

Commercial Solar LED Street Lighting: THERE ARE MANY MANUFACTURERS...   HERE IS ONE...
and Here are another DOZEN...
solar powered street lights
solar powered street lights

Bakken Oil Field - USA at Night Photo from Space

and WHAT is that White Spot Halfway between Seattle and Chicago? That's the Flaring of Waste Natural Gas by Oil Companies... They Just Burn it! Really!

Photo from Space of the Bakken Oil Field... Burning Natural Gas at Oil Rigs in North Dakota is visible from space at night. Fracking... It looks as bright as a city but it's burning waste fuel... Polluting the World, Causing Global Warming.

A Mysterious Patch Of Light Shows Up In The North Dakota Dark...

What we have here is an immense and startlingly new oil and gas field — nighttime evidence of an oil boom created by a technology called fracking. Those lights are rigs, hundreds of them, lit at night, or fiery flares of natural gas. One hundred fifty oil companies, big ones, little ones, wildcatters, have flooded this region, drilling up to eight new wells every day on what is called the Bakken formation. Altogether, they are now producing 660,000 barrels a day — double the output two years ago — so that in no time at all, North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producing state in America. Only Texas produces more, and those lights are a sign that this region is now on fire ... to a disturbing degree. Literally.

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One thing I Noticed in the news was that THE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION WIRES from Oregon to California Melted in a fire 7/12/2021... Vast Amounts of Power flow thru those lines... 

The Concept of Generating power in a Central Location and Distributing it using wires is a FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED SYSTEM... It was Power lines that started the Fire that Burned Paradise, CA...

Why Not Generate Power at the House and Unplug Everyone from the Grid?
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CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO ELECTRICITY With an Exercise Bicycle Power Generator. ZERO POLLUTION. Simply Use the Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery...

Hundreds of Thousands of exercise Bicycles
ALREADY EXIST and they Create ZERO Electricity...
Let's All Email PELOTON and ask them to
Build USEFUL Power Generator Bicycles!
Bicycle power generator. HSU CCAT
detail of Bicycle Power Generator showing the Belt Driven Alternator... and MY SHADOW

What if we installed electric power generators on every 
exercise bicycle nationwide... We could replace coal burning 
power plants and help reverse global warming/climate change. These bicycles let a person spin an automobile 
alternator using pedal power. Built by CCAT at Humboldt 
State University

12 volt bicycle generator built by Bart Orlando od the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology Humboldt State University Arcata CA
What if EVERY health club had these? What if Rowing Machines, Treadmills, Weight Lifting Universal Gyms and Stair Steppers had Generators? Imagine Pumping Iron and When the Weights Move Down they Spin an Alternator... We Have the Technology... 
There are Thousands of Health Clubs That COULD BE Generating Electricity but DO NOT... I Emailed PELATON Exercise Bicycle Company but they Ignored Me,,, 

Designed by Humboldt State University Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. 

The MEOW... Mobile Energy Operations Wagon. A Six Bicycle Electricity Generator... HSU CCAT... CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO POWER...

Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT
Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT

Shredded Rainbow Spiral Business Cards For Sale. <--- Click on the Link!

Shredded Rainbow Spiral Art for sale as Business Cards on Zazzle gregvan

Link to Spiral Art Painted on Bling: 

Link to Rainbow Art Painted on Bling:

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