Oppenheimer Movie: Excellent! a Great Way to Teach Accurate American History to Millions of Americans... He Was the Leader of the Project to Invent the Atom Bomb dropped on Japan during WW2.

In General, Dropping the Atom Bomb Was a Great Idea... It FIXED the Bad Attitude of the Japanese Emperor and Military... At The Beginning of World War Two they wanted to conquer the World, steal all the wealth and Crown Themselves The Ultimate King & His Samurai... after a Couple of Atom Bombs they change their minds and decided to Make Great Cars, Motorcycles and Electronic Equipment  Instead... AHH SO! MUCH GOODIE FOR YANKS! Freaking Fixed their Bad Attitude!

Atom Bomb Mushroom Cloud

another Part of World War Two History that is Often Misinterpreted... NONE of the Japanese Americans that were relocated to Internment Camps ACTUALLY COMMITTED SABOTAGE... The Camps Worked! We Defended the USA from Attack! Would they have done Damage if left free to roam? We will never Know BUT... Locking 'em Up WORKED GREAT!

NONE of the Japanese Americans that were relocated to Internment Camps ACTUALLY COMMITTED SABOTAGE... The Camps Worked! We Defended the USA from Attack!

Physics has given us the #1 Stupidest Idea in the History of the Universe... and #2 and #3 as Well... Read More: 

#1: The Atom Bomb... a Machine That Could End all life on Earth... Pretty Damn Idiotic... Maybe the 17 Year Cicadas would Survive... If the Earth has Nuclear Winter for a Hundred Thousand Years, and then Springtime... The Cicadas Could Come out... and It's Likely that they will Survive... a Pretty Bleak Future... Did you know that the USA Blew up over A HUNDRED ATOM BOMBS IN NEVADA and Two in Japan... and We Were NOT at War with Nevada... Crazy! and the Fallout Nuked the Entire Eastern Half of the USA... 

#2: Atomic Power Plants... They Create Nuclear Waste that has to be Stored Safely for Thousands of Years AND Has to Be Guarded all that time to prevent Terrorists from Creating a Dirty Bomb. However, Every Year there are Fewer and Fewer Nuclear Power plants because the Engineers at Power Companies all say NO NUKES! Then Shut 'em Down and Refuse to Build New Ones... PG&E, SoCal Edison and SMUD Have All Gone Solar... And the Very Last Nuclear Power Plant in California is Scheduled to Be Closed... Diablo Canyon Goes BYE BYE!

#3: The Hydrogen Bomb... All the Insanity of the Atom Bomb but EVEN WORSE!

"Everybody" Says that Einstein was a Genius... However, His Great ideas all ended in Disaster! OOPS! 

Atomic Waste Cleanup Sites MAP - gvan42

Fallout in the USA from Atom Bomb Tests

However, Physics also gave us Electricity... and That's Great! Tesla's Alternating Current is installed in Every Home Worldwide... except in the "Third World" - and We Are Glad... 

I'm using AC Right Now!

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and Here is a Blog Post on a the same subject that I Wrote Years Ago... 

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Top 10 Stupidest Ideas Ever... 

and the 10 Greatest Ideas... 

 Top 10 Stupidest Ideas Ever...
#1 Atomic Power, Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs
#2 War in Vietnam
#3 Prohibition of Marijuana
#4 War in Iraq
#5 War in Afghanistan
#6 Electoral College
#7 Slavery
#8 Trickle Down Economics
#9 Corporate Welfare Subsidies
#10 Making gasoline out of OIL instead of Hemp

#11 NSA Spying on Americans
#12 The Patriot Act
#13 Hotels not having a thirteenth floor because it would be un-lucky...
#14 Gas powered Leaf Blowers

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Top 10 Greatest Ideas EVER...
#1 Fire
#2 The Wheel
#3 The Internet
#4 Sex
#5 Solar Power
#6 Majority Rule
#7 The Check
#8 Anti-War Protest Marches
#9 The number zero
#10 Electricity

#11 Filming the Police and putting it on Youtube...
#12 Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net, Arcsoft Photostudio... and all those other photo programs...
#13 WINPLOT, Google Sketchup...
#14 The Telephone
#15 The answering machine... for call screening... Caller ID.
#16 Bubble-UP Economics

What IS "Bubble-UP Economics" and how does it work? Simply put, increase minimum wage and all those workers will have more money to spend at American Businesses. The increased sales will cause a need to hire more workers. The increased profits will cause more money to be paid in taxes and increased earnings by stockholders. Everyone WINS.

We have tried "Trickle Down Economics" for decades and it has clearly failed. Why not try something different? I have found that when I try something and it fails, and then I try the same thing and it fails again and the it continues to fail for the third, fourth and fifth time... It's time to notice the trend and try something different. DUH.

How to dispose of Atomic Waste:
Step 2: Encase in Lead and Glass
Step 3: Dump in the Ocean Far away from the shore.
Radioactive waste has to be stored Safely SOMEWHERE on Earth for 3 Billion Years.
It has to be far away from People, Animals, Fish and itself...
Why NOT place it on the bottom of the ocean?
Currently we are storing it in WIPP in New Mexico
and that has already leaked...
Not real Safe for people downwind...
and that's the majority of the people in the USA.