I Keep On Getting SPAM From Republicans Begging For Money So They Can FIGHT SOCIALISM. That's an ABSURD Cause. No One is In Favor Of Socialism. There is NO NEED to Fight It!

With The Exception of Bernie Sanders and AOC... and They are "Democratic Socialists" and That's Somehow Different from "Scandinavian Socialists" or "Kibbutzniks." Not Even Russia or China Are In Favor of Socialism! It Automatically Collapses from Obvious Internal Defects... 

I Don't Like SPAM. No One Like SPAM... They Don't Even Spell My Name Right. They Address Their Begging Letters To Greg Van Buskirk or Gregorio Vanderlaan - THAT'S NOT ME!

CEASE AND DESIST! Fuggin TrumpNiks®

420 Promises Made Promises Broken Upside Down American Flag button by gvan42 zazzle gregvan

LINK: https://www.zazzle.com/promises_made_promises_broken_flag_button-145363653233541884

LINK to ALL My Promises Made Promises Broken Gifts!
