Here we are on 5/5/2021 and Trump STILL Has Not Been Arrested... Many Investigations but NO HANDCUFFS!

and... The Congress FAILED To Pass a Bill Forbidding Him from Running for Office Ever Again... WHY? 

#ArrestTrump - meme - gvan42

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/03/growing-up-in-los-gatos-california-in.html

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This Original Post was Written Long Ago...

1/13/2021 Before Trump Was Evicted... 

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In the Last 7 Days before Trump is NO LONGER President... Let's Put some Effort Into Getting Him OUT of the White House! Twitter, Facebook and Youtube Have ALREADY Banished Him... NOW... Everyone, Everywhere Must Reject Trump and His Evil Minions TOO! Don't Let Him Pardon Himself or His Criminal Family. 

Thumbs Down - Hey Trump! You're Fired!
Blog Labels:  Trump, art, evil, California, protest, idiot, war, disaster, fail, psychedelic, freedom, free, question authority, book, cosmic, fraud, music, ecology, question, global, failure, magic, election, insane, crazy, trippy, mushroom, liar, Donald, quest, #DumpTrump, Eureka, republican, Impeach, visions, vote, GOP, people, video, power, gvan42, loser, corruption, lsd, authority, #ImpeachTrump, Russia, corporate, fire, reality, climate, white, 2020, CIA, EPA, great, President, murder, vanderlaan, money, peace, USA, change, rainbow, campaign, marijuana, NRA, humboldt, American, fake, #BogusPotus, news, arcata, brainwashing, coronavirus, fun, liberty, nuclear, pollution, song, Putin, hippie, house, warming, madness, TV

Please Campaign Online in Favor of Legalization of Medicinal Psychedelics. Write to Your Senators and Representatives. Or at the Very Least, Like and Share this Post. There is Absolutely No Valid Reason for Doctors to Be Prevented from Prescribing Certain Medicines... If You Can think of a Reason The US Government Should Continue to Behave Insane, State it Here... Now... Go Right Ahead...

All my Music Videos:


Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues: tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... 

Police Code 5150


Music Video: "The Everybody's Laughing at Trump, He's a Dumpster Fire Blues"


Music Video: tRUMP'S A Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire... 


Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG!


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MWM Said: 

Impeach the Traitor. TONIGHT. No later than noon tomorrow. Any Representative who fails to object to the incitement of a **coup d'état** should be prosecuted as a co-conspirator.
I saw with my own eyes the god-emperor instructing his followers to march down Pennsylvania Avenue and "teach weak Republicans" to obey their deity's command to overthrow the Constitution.
He promised he would march with the mob the whole way. Then he went home and watched them on TV. Passively watched his worshipers riot, storm the Capitol, destroy public property, and shoot people -- including *killing* an innocent bystander.

He could have stopped it. Instead he repeated his fantasy that 81 million people had conspired to steal his throne from him. And the armed insurrection continued.

JSB Said:
I keep hearing (from both politicians and the media) that "there isn't enough time" to impeach him. Pelosi could have the impeachment vote IMMEDIATELY...and then they could send it on to the Senate tomorrow!

MWM Said:

We have enough time to impeach, but the House is supposedly in recess until 1/21, so Pelosi would have to call them back. There are two or three Republicans in the Senate, but the rest of them are Trumpublicans, so we wouldn't get the 67 votes needed to convict. Nevertheless, I VERY MUCH want Despicable Donnie to go down in history as the only POTUS to be impeached *twice."

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MD Said:
What Changes The Game or The Greater Fool Theory The stock market is always a function of buyers and sellers, each negotiating to make a transaction. While there is a buyer for every seller, but the question is always at “what price?” In the current bull market advance, few people are willing to sell, so buyers must keep bidding up prices to attract a seller to make a transaction. As long as this remains the case, and exuberance exceeds logic, buyers will continue to pay higher prices to get into the positions they want to own. Such is the very definition of the “greater fool” theory. However, at some point, for whatever reason, this dynamic will change. Buyers will become more scarce as they refuse to pay a higher price. When sellers realize the change, there will be a rush to sell to a diminishing pool of buyers. Eventually, sellers begin to “panic sell” as buyers evaporate and prices plunge. Sellers live higher. Buyers live lower. What causes that change? No one knows. But that is how bear markets begin. Slowly at first. Then all of a sudden.

PM Said:
Got a feeling the house of cards that this ridiculous bull run has become is about to collapse. Then again how many YouTube experts keep saying this every week

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Republicans Are Opposed to Everything Except More Tax Cuts For The Rich. Thankfully, They Are Irrelevant! #MoscowMitch Makes Bold Statement! AND NOBODY CARES...


#MoscowMitch Contemplates His Life of Evil... Meme - gvan42
The NEXT Bill That Republicans Will Fail to Block is Taxpayer Funded Infrastructure Repairs. Currently, The USA Has Crumbling Roads, Water Systems, Electric Power Grids, Nuclear Power Plants, Sewage Systems... Everything Wears Out Eventually and "He Who Shall NOT Be Named" Failed to DO ANYTHING... We Had Four Years of Disaster... NO ACTION... 

Did You Know that 57 People Died in Texas Last Month Because of the Electric Power Failure? 

READ MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/03/republicans-are-opposed-to-everything.html