Let's Close All Nuclear Power Plants. It's an Obviously Failed Technology... It's Super Expensive to Decommission... $9.2 Billion to Clean up SONGS and Diablo Canyon in California...

It Creates Atomic Waste that Remains Radioactive and Dangerous for Thousands of Years... AND... the Waste Has to Be GUARDED to Prevent Terrorists from Stealing It and Building a "Dirty Bomb." GO SOLAR, Wind, Hydro or BIOMASS... Imagine if all the People Employed in Nuclear Power GOT REAL JOBS WHERE THEY MADE WONDERFUL THINGS! Nuclear is a HUGE WASTE of Engineering Talent. Remember: The Best Place for a Fusion Reactor is 93 Million Miles From My Back Yard. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/05/open-letter-to-our-elected.html 

I Sure Hope You Don't Buy Electricity from PG&E or SoCal Edison. You Have to Pay $9.2 Billion to Clean Up Their Failed Nukes... 

The costs for the dismantlement of SONGS (San Onofre) will come from $4.4 billion in existing decommissioning trust funds. The money has been collected from the plant’s customers and invested in dedicated trusts. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/energy-green/story/2020-01-26/the-eight-year-project-to-dismantle-the-san-onofre-nuclear-plant-is-about-to-begin

PG&E Diablo Canyon: Estimates a total decommissioning cost of $4.8 billion, some $700 million higher than the estimate made in its 2015 in its Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) document. https://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/pge-seeks-decommissioning-head-start-cost-estimates-rise

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from the Air - gvan42
At Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant,
PG&E Pumps Hot Water Right Into The Ocean.
Helping Melt Ice Caps at the North and South Poles.

It's Located Right on the Earthquake Fault Line.
When Will It Do The F*CK YOU SHIMA?

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