Kamala for Vice President - Smart Tough Honest FEARLESS. The Exact Opposite of tRUMP..


Maybe We Get -
Elizabeth Warren - Secretary of the Treasury, 
Jay Inslee - Head of the EPA, 
Bernie Sanders -  Majority Leader of the Senate, 
Andrew Yang - Secretary of Labor, 
Pete Buttigieg - Secretary of Defense... 

Now We Really CAN Drain The Freaking Swamp! 
#ArrestBarr #ArrestLittleStevieMunchkin

Kamala Harris Meme - Smart Tough Honest - gvan42

Uplifted Arms of Joy - Kamala Harris MEME by gvan42
Uplifted Arms of Joy - Kamala Harris MEME
Feel Free To Copy and Paste Into Your Own
Social Media Posts! Thanks!

Imagine a Kamala Harris / Mike Pence Debate...
He Has NO CHANCE! Total Numbskull...

Look at all the Swamp Creatures of tRUMP that Got Locked UP! 

Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty 

I Guess He Really Did Drain The Swamp.

So Many of tRUMP's People GO TO PRISON! 

#Vote4Joe He's Not Insane!

Remember: In 2016 The Russians Proved that Campaigning Online Works. Putin's Puppet Won! Please Pirate The MEMEs You Find Here and Post Them Online... We MUST Beat Trump...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and My FaceBooB Pal Posted...
Evidently He's Concerned About Global Economic Collapse... 

"We cannot think of another time when the basic terms and conditions of making – and more to the point keeping – money were more challenged. The planet’s central bankers seem desperate to hold up all stock markets and keep them from tumbling to the floor. They think that’s the way to run monetary policy and, actually, fiscal policy as well. The fact that public policy is on a slippery slope to monetary ruin – and the slide is steepening – escapes their limited reasoning capability.

They appear to think that so long as there is a model or theory to support their policies and no immediate catastrophe, they can keep doing it. The political winds are hot and fierce, blowing in the face of economic freedom and profits. There has never been a time when it was more important to protect the downside, so that at least nominal capital values are preserved.

However, the reason capital doesn’t just build and build (given all the geniuses in the investment world) is simple: With normal approaches to money management, the march up in compounded value gets interrupted by big losses or wipeouts at infrequent, unpredictable intervals. Sometimes one can “see the train a’comin'”

However, most of the time, investors don’t see the “train,” but mistakenly believe it’s the “light at the end of the tunnel.” Paul Singer Elliot Management