Are You Making A Difference With Your Life? Did You Ever Consider The Possibility Of DOING SOMETHING To Make The World a Better Place?

I'm Glad I Did... 

Here's a Free Chart... Print it and Give it Away to People That would Like it... FUN!
Free Chart - Super Handy!

I Designed Electronic Equipment for the US Air Force. My Stuff Flew on Airplanes... Defended The Country... 

I Sold Electronic Products at Radio Shack To People To Solve Their Problems.  Our Store also Gave FREE Advice... A Lot of that Stuff is Confusing to the Average Joe BUT... I Drew Pictures for Them to Help Figure Stuff Out... 

I Worked at The Welfare Department Helping People Get Food Stamps, Medical Care, Jobs and Rent for the Homeless... 

I Made a Free Coloring Book for Kids... Or The Young at Heart... Make as Many Prints as You Like...

Here is a page about fixing an annoying bug in the Farmville game... The waiting for edge chat error... Basically, Delete Cookies Restart Game... Remember to Save Your Passwords...

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LOOK in the MIRROR... and Ask Questions... OR DON'T! It's Your Life... You Certainly CAN Breathe Air and Eat Food and Use Electricity WITHOUT Doing a BIT of Good For Humanity... Billions DO!

All I Really Ask is That EVIL PEOPLE STOP DOING EVIL... For Example: Jim Fitterling, The CEO of Dow Chemical... They Make Agent Orange and Napalm... GEE... That's Horrible! 

Or Richard (Dick) Fuld, The Guy Who Ran Lehman Brothers Into Bankruptcy... He Got To Keep His Money and Is STILL Doing Evil on Wall Street... OCCUPY!

Charles Hurwitz of MAXXAM...
Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling of ENRON...

Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken - Junk Bonds

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SO... What is the Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome? Re- Grooving?

compulsive hoarding of money syndrome joke gvan42