Music Video: "I Like Trees, Big Old Trees" by Gregory Vanderlaan - Chords and Lyrics Provided So You Can Record this and Have a Hit Record.

[Chorus] I Like Trees, Big Old Trees [G, A, D]
They seem like Members of My Family.[Repeat]

Years Ago, I Lived in Eureka, California. 
and Sat on a Tree in the Back Yard. 
almost Every Day... 

It was Just a Log... But It was MY Log... 
Sat there and Smoked Tobacco...

Like the Native Americans,  
I Have Always Smoked the Holy Places. 
to Certify the Wisdom..

[CHORUS #2] It was MY Tree... It was MY Tree... 
Not because I Bought the Land...  
but Tree Because I sat on it...  
More than Anyone Else.  [Repeat] 

Of Course, I Had to Share My Tree with Meadow the Cat. 
She Loved that Tree TOO... It was OUR Tree... 

In the Redwood Forest... of Eureka, California 
I always found time for a smoke... Even When it was Raining... 
[Repeat Chorus]