American History: Vice President Spiro Agnew was Arrested and Resigned in Disgrace... Then Nixon Appointed Gerald Ford... WHAT If tRUMP and Pence BOTH Have to Resign because they are Sick with Coronavirus?

and It Was Essential that they Pretended there was No Quid Pro Quo... No No, Ford NEVER promised a Pardon to Nixon at the Job Interview... NOPE, Not ME! SO... If tRUMP and Pence BOTH Have to Resign because they are Sick with Coronavirus... In their Last Moment before the 25th Amendment Kicks in... They Appoint Devin Nunes' COW! or Gay Jim Jordan... or Maybe Captain Kangaroo Matt Gaetz!

Breathe animated gif - gvan42
FC said: Depending upon interpretation, if they leave without naming a successor (can you imagine tRump doing that?) then either an "officer of the administration" or the Speaker of the House. I do not want Pompeo snagging that post.

The Very Real Problem of Both Trump and Pence Getting COVID-19 at the Same Time... 

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Fact Check. Coronavirus Cases Exist. Testing or Not Testing DOES NOT CHANGE REALITY... THEY EXIST... Testing does Not CAUSE Cases. Testing Simply Reveals Facts...  tRUMP Thinks That KNOWING about Cases is BAD... and It Is... For His Re-election... It shows How Incompetent He is... 

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and Now for Something Completely Different!
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