Music Video: "tRUMP's Giving Away Free Money!" [about the Coronavirus Stimulus Payments] by Gregory Vanderlaan - Lyrics and Chords Provided...

Kicking Back at Home... [G D]
Enjoying the Time Off... [F D#]
Using My Vacation to Write... [G D]
The Great American Novel... [F D#]
or Something... Gotta Do SOMETHING... [D]

tRUMP's Giving away Free Money... [G D C D] 
Work or No Work... It Just Don't Matter! [G D C D] 
The State Will Pay YOU... [G D C] 
The State Will Pay YOU... [G D C]
Karl Marx is Smiling... [G D C] 
Vladimir Lenin is Smiling... [G D C] 
Mao is Smiling... [G D C] 
Fidel Castro is Smiling... [G D C]
Ernesto "Che" Guevara is Smiling... [G D C]
I Guess Capitalism Just DID NOT WORK... [D] 
[D D# E F F# F E D# D]
Where is the Hidden Hand of the Free Market Now??? [D]
[D D# E F F# F E D# D]

Relaxing in my Home... [G D]
Picking a Guitar... [F D#]
Everybody's Spending Time... [G D]
in Prayer and Meditation... [F D#]
or Getting to Know Your Own Family... [D] 

F=E0 A0 D0 G5 B6 e5
D#=E0 A0 D0 G3 B4 e3

****** (~);-} ******

YOU MAY CHANGE THE WORDS IF YOU WANT TO...  Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus"
For Sale...

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Coffee Cup for Sale...

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel...

Response from Steve in Chico: 

Can't do the chords nor do I give a shit about them . . .  Can't sing a bit either, would scare you if I tried , ,
Love the ___ lines or the --- lines or even the  . . . lines.  Use them all the time.  
Munch called them Thought lines.  
Works for me  . . .
ALL true . . .
You gotta do SOMETHING . . .
 . . . and it looks like you are doin' ___SOMETHING . . .
Enjoying the time off . . .
Kicking back at home, more vacation  still waitin' for the Great American Novel.
To come to mind . . .  taking it real easy I guess . . .
Lots of name calling,  politics, anger, and negativity . . .
That just says who you are.
I choose, Mother Teresa,
My personal hero, Gandhi,
Copernicus, CARL Sagan, Einstein,  John Muir, should I go ON?
Sing praises to them, they are the ones that deserve it.
IT'S Fucking worked so far so get over it and work together instead of against all your brothers and sisters in this world.
Your attitude is simply old fashioned just like all those other GREAT men were.  Time to MOVE ON and give up the revolutionary attitude.
Time to just share, there is enough for all.  Why don't you get that my brother.


The Scream is Munch's most famous work, and one of the most recognizable paintings in all art. It has been widely interpreted as representing the universal anxiety of modern man.[48] Painted with broad bands of garish color and highly simplified forms, and employing a high viewpoint, it reduces the agonized figure to a garbed skull in the throes of an emotional crisis.

With this painting, Munch met his stated goal of "the study of the soul, that is to say the study of my own self".[50] Munch wrote of how the painting came to be: "I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear. Then I heard the enormous, infinite scream of nature."[51] He later described the personal anguish behind the painting, "for several years I was almost mad… You know my picture, 'The Scream?' I was stretched to the limit—nature was screaming in my blood… After that I gave up hope ever of being able to love again."[52]

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus"

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel...