CURE YOURSELF - Using Maximum Breathing, Prayer and Meditation. At the Very Least, This Will Allow You To Contact Your Inner Wise Man.

Lie down on your back in quiet room. Close Your Eyes.
Inhale as Much Air as Possible... Say a Few Positive Words... Exhale... and Repeat Immediately... 

For Example:
[Inhale] God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Remove this Disease... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Thank You... [Exhale]
[Inhale] God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Heal Me... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Thank You... [Exhale]
[Inhale] God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] In With The Good Air... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Out With The Bad... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Thank You... [Exhale] {REPEAT}

A Great Time to Do this is During Commercials While Watching Television. Mute the Sound and Listen to God... MUCH Better than Paying Attention to Someone Selling Something You Don't Need. 

Remember: Every Day in Every Way I'm Getting Better and Better... I quit after 50 Years of Roll Your Own Bugler and Unfiltered Camel Cigarettes... I used Fear of Death as a Motivator... Raw Fear... My Brother Got Lung Cancer and I Knew that Cancer Runs in Families... so... I Just Started Eating Cigarettes... Really... Just take a Pinch of tobacco and chew it and swallow... Crazy but it worked... That was so disgusting that I Just Quit it all... and Suffered withdrawal symptoms for a month... NOW... I Have not Smoked for 4 Years and Refuse to Start Again because I Never want to suffer that month of withdrawal again... My Brother Survived... after a massive journey to the Hospital...

LSD animated gif by gvan42
Focus Your Attention on the Letter S...

[Inhale] God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Grant Me The Serenity... [Exhale]
[Inhale] To Accept The Things... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Cannot Change... [Exhale]
[Inhale] The Courage to Change... [Exhale]
[Inhale] The Things I Can... [Exhale]
[Inhale] and The Wisdom... [Exhale]
[Inhale] to Know... [Exhale]
[Inhale] the Difference [Exhale] {REPEAT}

at the very least, this helps Me with Headaches...

[Inhale] My Mind... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Is Completely Relaxed... [Exhale]
[Inhale] My Body... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Is Completely Relaxed... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Into a Hypnotic Trance... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Experiencing a Cure... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Finding Inner Peace... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Listening to God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Listening to God... [Exhale]
[Inhale] My Mind... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Is Completely Relaxed... [Exhale]
[Inhale] My Body... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Is Completely Relaxed... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] Into a Hypnotic Trance... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Am Going Deeper and Deeper... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Enjoy the Tingling... [Exhale]
[Inhale] of the Oxygen in My TOES... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I Enjoy the Tingling... [Exhale]
[Inhale] of the Oxygen in My NOSE... [Exhale]
[Inhale] I AM DISEASE FREE... [Exhale]
[Inhale] THANK YOU, GOD... [Exhale] {REPEAT}

Look for Inner Wisdom... Consider BIG Questions...
Relax, Enjoy, Float... AHH... 

Infinite Rainbow by gvan42

"A Spiral of Deadheads." OOBE... (FICTION: NOT ONE WORD IS TRUE) We didn't really do this... Is it Possible to write a Story that Induces a Trance? Here is My Attempt...

Imagine that you are floating in a tub of warm water... every muscle in your body is completely relaxed...

your mind drifts and contentment blooms like a time lapse film of a rose... blossoming...

you leave your body and rise up to the ceiling... look back and see it resting there...

with a cup of tea in it's hand... ahh... mint...

as you observe your body, your mind seeps thru the ceiling... and you see the world...

there is a forest... it is for... rest...

On the shore of a lake a spiral of deadheads dance around a fire...

the flickering light appears to be perfectly synchronized to the rhythm of the drums...

alas...the reversal of entropy is merely an illusion...

a dancer reaches into the shadows and lifts a five gallon can of gasoline...

it is tightly sealed... he places it on the fire... and they all move back...

it will take time for the gas to expand enough to burst the can...

Meanwhile, a slender woman with strawberry blond hair raises a conch shell to her lips and draws a deep breath.

She blows a long note signaling the beginning of a new era of mankind...

Everything is dripping with meaning... Significance saturates every leaf of every tree ...

then a tiny hole appears in the gas can and a cone of fire reaches for the sky...

you contemplate metallurgy, welding and strength of materials...

then the gas can resigns itself to fate and the plasma finds oxygen...

the spiral of deadheads emit a massive yeah! and you drift on...

your body transmogrifies itself into a bear and goes fishing in a creek...

your paw slaps a salmon onto the bank and you eat the fish... somehow, you have never understood the world so well...

alas, the oneness is merely an illusion... and tomorrow it's back to reality... deep sigh...

but for one shimmering moment, bliss... it does exist, the door has been opened... at least once...

but... shuts again... Plato's "The Cave" is so very personal... We all go back inside to watch the Shadows on the Wall...

Knowing... WHAT? Cooperation is better than Competition? Gaia is Real and I'm the Brother of a Tree? Cat? Spider? Rock? Ocean?

We are a Beautiful Family... Life... and NON life... Do We MATTER? What IS Matter? Waveform or Particle?

or Both at the same time... Food for Thought... and you drift on...

psychedelic art by gvan42