It's Good to UNPLUG and Go Sit Quietly in the Warm California Sunshine. Listening to the Geese at the Farm next door... and the Frogs... and the Guys Chainsawing Firewood...

This is Called "ME TIME." Observing the Vineyards, the Trees, The Little Chirping Birds... And Everyone Loves The Sound of a Harley in the Distance... 

It's all Just Grist for the Mill. At First, I was Angered about having to Listen to The Annoying Sound of an Internal Combustion Engine but then... I remembered days when I was Chainsawing Firewood for My Own Wood Burning Stove in My Own House in Virginia. While Tripping on Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds... We went out to Mountains near the EPIC Shenandoah Valley... and Stopped at Luray Caverns... and took a Rubber Life Raft Ride down the Shenandoah River past Harper's Ferry and Continuing Down the Potomac... We say a Couple of Men Fishing in a Homemade Boat coustructed out of a single sheet of plywood. Saw Off a foot on each side, turn them up and nail 'em in place, Caulk and You Have a Boat... Harper's Ferry is Where John Brown Had a Civil War Battle. It had a Factory that MADE RIFLES. The North was able to Shoot Farther with Rifles than the South could using Muskets. A Northern Soldier could stand OUT of Range and Kill the Enemy. Technology Helped the North Win the Civil War.

As I Walked Down Stream past the Vineyards, I Noticed an Orange Tree, Fully Loaded with Ripe Fruit. We Eat Oranges Every Day Here... After all, They are Very Cheap at the Farmers Market. On the TV I Noticed that "Those People Over There Were Behaving Crazy" so I Changed the Channel... to Classic Rock Music Choice... It's True that What Trump and His Band of Flying Monkeys Have Almost No Effect on My Life... Unless they Bankrupt The US Economy and Cause Global Collapse... Personally, I'm on Medicare (65 Years Old) and so If The rest of the Country Embraces Improved Obamacare or Medicare For All, I'm Not Effected. Certainly TrumpCare Would be a Disaster... Millions of People Dying Young... I DO Care that Social Security and Medicare are Under Attack by Trump's Evil Minions. I DO Care that They are Destroying the Environment and Drinking Water Could Become Poisonous... One of My Care Givers Lives Near McClellan Air Force Base and Everyone is Told to NOT DRINK THE WATER that comes out of the Tap... However, they still Shower in Toxic Waste... and That's Horrible... I DO Care that Trump is ANTI-Choice and Plans to Overturn Roe v Wade and Force Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies... "It's Back to The Coat Hanger" with Evil Brat Kava Kava Noogie and the Just-Us of the SCOTUS.

Digital Lotus Card for sale... 

Two Sided Card... Unfold and Thumbtack it to Your Wall for an Instant Visual Mantra... Just Look at it and You are Blessed With Bliss!
Click on the Picture to see the Back Side Art!

Digital Lotus Card
Digital Lotus Card
by gregvan

Original Art For Sale...
and there is a different picture on the back of the Greeting Card... a Rainbow Spiral...