FOR CYBER MONDAY: Refuse to Consume - Boycott Everything or PAY CASH Under the Table - Do Not Participate in tRUMP's So Called "Booming" Economy... I keep on seeing TV Advertisements That Express The Concept That BUYING PLASTIC CRAP CAUSES ECSTATIC DANCING... That's False!

Think About This for a Moment... 
Don't You Have Everything You Want Already?

MEME - gvan42 - pay cash - refuse to be part of tRUMP's so called Booming Economy

STOP BUYING STUFF. With Trump Campaigning on his So Called "Booming" Economy, We Can Refuse to Participate... Why Not buy Food for Cash at your Local Farmers Market?

That Sale is Never Counted in Economic Statistics because the Local Farmers just put it Directly into their Pocket and Never Report It as Income on their Income Taxes... Buy your WEED from your friendly neighborhood dope dealer... They CERTAINLY don't report sales to the Government... as for other things... Do You Really Need to Buy Stuff at All? Don't you Already Have Everything? If you are reading this, You already Own a Computer or a Phone That Works... and There Is No Reason to Buy a New Computer or New Phone BECAUSE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IS GREAT! They Say You need a Brand New Plastic Gizmo BUT THEY ARE LYING! 
FREE COLORING BOOK ART by gvan42 - Print as many copies as you want... Color with felt pens or pencils

Yes, It's True that Trump Will Continue To Lie About His Failed Economy BUT... ALL News Reports Have a Tendency to Reflect Reality... Even FOX News Reports when The Stock Market Goes Down... and The DJIA has been Going Down a LOT Recently... Trump Makes EXCUSES... He Blames The Media and Aliens but... More and More People are ACTUALLY LOOKING IN THEIR OWN WALLETS AND REALIZING that a Tax Cut for the RICH doesn't do them any GOOD at All! Currently, Farmers can't sell to China and they are Going Bankrupt in Record Numbers. Truckers are Being Laid Off - 2,500 this year alone... Prices are Higher, Wages are Lower, Layoffs and Bankruptcies Every Day... All Accurate News Reports Says We Are Experiencing a Trump-0-Nomics Disaster... DO YOUR PART! REFUSE TO CONSUME... DO NOT HELP HIM GET REELECTED... Need a new Chair? Buy one for Cash from a Neighbor... Need a Bullet Proof Backpack for Your Children For School? Well, Go Ahead and Buy One from Walmart or Amazon... SOME Purchases are Justified... Remember: It's Easy to Refuse To Consume Because MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO EXTRA MONEY ANYWAY... Buy a New Car? That's Absurd! Who can afford That on an UBER Driver's Earnings? Buy a Home? Not a Chance! BUY ANYTHING? Nope, Not with THIS Paycheck... Everyone I Know is REALLY HURTING... Is it any surprise that Fashion Style Features Jeans with Holes in them? Yep, Real People are wearing their Jeans for Decades and Wearing Holes in them! Did you notice that it's "Totally Groovy" to Shop at Thrift Stores? If you buy NEW STUFF you are propping up Trump's Economy... In my hometown we have a GREAT store Called The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Store and It's Wonderful... We also have the Saint Vincent DuPaul Thrift Store. It's FUN to shop there because it's always different surprises... Not the Plastic Crap You Find at Walmart. What About Dumpster Diving? Sometimes People Throw Away Stuff because It's Inconvenient to Transport. I remember that at the College Town of Chico, at the end of the School Year, students would just throw away stuff instead of taking it home for Summer Vacation... REALLY! Be Aware! There is a Famous Book written by Abbie Hoffman ( Leader of the YIPPIES! ) called "Steal This Book" that documents How to Get Everything for FREE! 

OK, You HAVE to buy Gas for your Car IF YOU DRIVE. You HAVE to enrich ExxonMobilBPShellHaliburtonDowDuPont... There is NO ALTERNATIVE... Those people are destroying the Earth with their Climate Change but... ONLY IF YOU BUY THEIR GAS... Only if you Buy their Plastic Crap made from OIL... Years ago people drove voluntarily just for fun... I Myself drove all over the USA to go hear the Grateful Dead Play Concerts. Well, those days are GONE... Maybe it wasn't a Brilliant Idea after all... Whatever... Too Late NOW! Today, it makes sense to drive to work... to drive your kids to school... and to drive to the farmers market once a week... However, all that other driving around is not really needed and ACTUALLY DOES EVIL... And... STOP FLYING IN JET AIRPLANES! It is possible to Use the Internet to DO PicturePhone Communication... All business deals can be done using PicturePhones... Why go all the way across the Country to make a sales call in person? It's Cheaper and More Ecological to use Technology to do the deal... LEARN from Greta Thunberg... She is Sailing from Sweden on a Solar Powered Sailboat so she can attend a Climate Change Conference in the USA... She could have Flown in a Jet Airplane but THAT WOULD BE INSANE! Get a Clue, Boeing Airplanes are Falling out of the sky and crashing... killing everyone on board... Well, COULD THAT BE A SIGN? 

50th anniversary of the Summer of Love... The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain, The culture of the United States was radically different before the 60's...

LSD Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan vandergreg gvan42 purple64ets gregvan

The conformism of the 50's was blown away when LSD became widely available. Owsley made the chemical and made it available at Acid Tests with Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead. He also gave it to the Beatles for their Magical Mystery Tour. The spirit lives on in a yearly camping trip called The Rainbow Gathering. It's like Woodstock but the performers are not paid and I'm in the Band.

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The Diggers of San Francisco were a street theater company famous for their slogan "Today is the first day of the rest of your Life." They provided free food in Golden Gate park to needy Hippies during the Summer of Love. They also created a "Free Store" where all the merchandise was free. I suppose that they were skilled in getting donations. They also walked around Haight Street with a giant picture frame that passers by could step through in order to change their "Frame of Reference." The Diggers were part of the SF mime troupe, Bill Graham worked for them also as a benefit dance promoter/arranger to raise funds  by having local bands play and selling tickets. He later became the most successful rock music show promoter in the USA.