Everyone SAYS Trump is the Worst President Ever BUT... THAT'S NOT TRUE! George Bush The Son was the Worst President Ever. Trump IS THE STUPIDEST! Big Difference...

Bush Caused Thousands of Americans to Die in Iraq and Afghanistan... Trump Has Not Really Caused THAT MANY DEATHS... If You Ignore the Massive Increase in Suicide during Trump's Time in Office... and the Massive Increase of Opioid Overdoses... 

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Why Didn't Trump use a CURRENT MAP? The Famous #SharpieGate Map was Four Days Old...August 29th...  If It was an UPDATE Why Couldn't he Get a Freaking Clue? It was on ALL THE TV NEWS CHANNELS! Showing the Storm was traveling North from Florida towards Georgia... DUMBF*CK! 

MEME - Vote for Biden - He's Not Insane - gvan42

The NYT Article says:
With each passing week it becomes ever clearer that Donald Trump’s trade war, far from being “good, and easy to win,” is damaging large parts of the U.S. economy. Farmers are facing financial disaster; manufacturing, which Trump’s policies were supposed to revive, is contracting; consumer confidence is plunging, largely because the public (rightly) fears that tariffs will raise prices. 
