We Are All Interconnected in Interesting and Unseen ways. Why Not Be Kind? We Are All One Big Family... My Observations of the Wonders of Nature...

I feel a Kinship to All Living Things... The Other Child of My Parents is My Brother... However... I Also Feel Like Trees are in my FAMILY Also... Maybe a Distant Cousin... I Experience The Same Emotional Love That I Have For Members of My Immediate Human Family... I Feel Especially Close to Bears... and Deer... and Dolphins... and Even Insects... I Do Not LIKE Insects But Just Like a Cousin that You Avoid at Family Gatherings... They are Part of the Miracle We Call Life... When We Experience The Feeling of DEJA VU, Could it Really Be ESP Contact With Other Animals? Like a Telepathic Merging With Whales??? They Have GIANT BRAINS, What Do They Think ABOUT??? 

Could Be Possible - ART - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print any image and color using felt pens - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan
Could Be Possible - ART
Hexavalent Chromium - ART - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print any image and color using felt pens - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan
Hexavalent Chromium
Create Love - ART - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print any image and color using felt pens - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan

Math Love -  - ART - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print any image and color using felt pens - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan

Why is there a Government Subsidy of the Fossil Fuel Industry? 

Why do they need Taxpayers to Help them in Business?

Is that a Classic example of the Super-Rich using their Money 
to Bribe Lawmakers to Give them More Money? 

It's A Dangerous Feedback Loop Enabling Greed Freaks.

Switching just some of the huge subsidies supporting fossil fuels to renewables would unleash a runaway clean energy revolution, according to a new report, significantly cutting the carbon emissions that are driving the climate crisis.

Coal, oil and gas get more than $370bn (£305bn) a year in support, compared with $100bn for renewables, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) report found.

Bubble UP Economics - ART - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print any image and color using felt pens - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan
Bubble UP Economics
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This morning during my dawn hike, I noticed a Chirping sound way up high. I could not see any Bats but there was an Undeniable Three Dimensional Sound in the Sky.

 I have experienced this before during the Seventeen (17) year Cicadas in Rock Creek Park located in Washington DC... In what has to be the most bizarre life cycle ever, animals like grasshoppers are born, mate and then the eggs go back into the earth. Seventeen Years Later, animals like grasshoppers are born, mate and then the eggs go back into the earth. If you ever wondered about the Meaning of Life... this has got to make you wonder... WHY? 

This is a Sign! - GO -  gvan42 free coloring book - print this art and color using felt pens - have fun!
This is a Sign! GO!

I'm watching a show on The HOPE Channel about the Life cycle of the Eastern Monarch Butterfly. They live in Canada and the American Midwest Eating Milkweed... Milkweed has a Poison that makes Caterpillars and Butterflies TASTE BAD... Helping them survive... In the Fall, they all fly to Mexico...  It's Too damn Cold in Canada... 300 Million go to the Same Place... To a place with a Magnetic Anomaly where there are a Lot of Heavy Metals. A specific forest about 70 miles west of Mexico City... 10,000 feet above sea level. and they go to the same place every year even though NONE OF THEM HAD BEEN THERE BEFORE. This is a different flock of butterflies than the ones that Live North of Santa Cruz... At Natural Bridges State Park... I have a appreciation for butterflies because that entire "Thing" of changing from a Caterpillar into a Butterfly is a Classic LSD Experience... Later, the Butterflies Leave Mexico and Go Back to Canada... and Around and Around and Around we go... I have a special fondness for all living things. I can see that we are all brothers and sisters... I don't feel much kinship for rocks... Mostly I experience a Realization that Trees, Cats, Dogs, Bears, Dolphins and Green Slime are all members of My Family. GAIA is the Most Logical Religion for Me... Yes, I love Bacon and Hamburgers but... It's unlikely that lunch will lead to their extinction... Maybe it's a survival strategy that blesses the Sacred Cow... More Chickens live in the USA than People... We go out of our way to feed Cows and Make sure they have a nice warm barn for chilly weather... The final conclusion of The HOPE Channel is that the Life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly is so bizarre that it cannot be explained using Darwin's Theory of Evolution... Only God could do this... Could BE True, but Not Likely NOR SIGNIFICANT... What IF we Never figure out the Origin of Life, we STILL should stop Killing Things for Corporate Profit. Then that show was over and they started saying that Jesus is the ONLY WAY... and by Definition... all those OTHER Religions are Like, Totally BOGUS... and it's a Small Step to Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition and all that Killing that Christians and Muslims do... GEE HAAAAAAD! and the Atheist, Buddhists, Hindus, Devotees of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Zoroastrians all wonder what's wrong with these people?

Big Daddy in the Sky Watching Over Us -  gvan42 free coloring book - print this art and color using felt pens - have fun!
Big Daddy in the Sky watching Over Us...

In other news, There is a Grasshopper Infestation in Las Vegas. That is really like a Biblical Plague out of the Old Testament... It doesn't take much imagination to conclude that we are in the "End Times" predicted in the Book of Revelations. Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico... In the Bible, the Nile turned into a river of Blood... Well, this time it's a Different Color... I remember the Story of Noah... God flooded the world and Gave Noah the SIGN of the Rainbow promising that there would Never Be another Flood... Well, IT'S FIRE THIS TIME... Especially in the Arctic... Alaska, Northern Canada and Siberia are experiencing vast wildfires releasing MEGATONS of Carbon... and HEAT itself... So, the air pollution will increase Global Warming, and MELT the Permafrost... releasing Methane... and Around and Around and Around we go... 

on a different subject... I was wondering...

WHAT IF the people that make and sell weapons simply got a different job? It is possible to earn a living without Causing Disaster. Look within and realize that real eyes see thru real lies... "They" tell you that you need a gun for safety... to protect your Family... In fact, having a gun in the house makes you less safe. Increase in Suicide, Increase in Gun Accidents, Increase in One Family Member Shooting Another During an Argument... all those fatalities are greater that the lives saved by defending your family from the So Called "Bad Guys." Does anyone really believe that we need guns so that we can fight the Government in the case of Excessive Oppression? That plan always fails... Ruby Ridge, WACO... The Government has More and Better Weapons and a Citizens Militia has NO Freaking Chance... I think it's all Marketing by Weapons Manufacturers to Sell More Guns... Especially the Big Ones like Lockheed and Raytheon... Now that ESPER is the Secretary of Defense, all of a Sudden His "former" Corporation, Raytheon is Bidding on a New and Improved Death Machine... Well, Isn't that Special... and tRUMP just Vetoed a Bill preventing the USA from selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, the people that Caused 9/11... There is no possible way that the War in Yemen is a Threat to the Safety of the USA... It's Just a way for Lockheed to Sell more Stuff... and if Those People Over There Die, THAT'S Not our problem... WHAT IF the people that make and sell weapons simply got a different job?

I have found that it's better to NOT be a part of the Military Industrial Complex. I did Evil for a Living for about SIX Years working for the Pentagon as a Defense Contractor... Then, one time when I got Laid off, I took a NON-DEFENSE job... and Never worked in the Weapons Business Again. It was an accidental career change but.... It Worked...

Did you Notice that Police Suicide has increased in New York... and France... What is going on? Is the Brainwashing wearing off and reality sneaking into their consciousness? and they don't like what they see???

A better Plan is to WAKE UP! It's Fun, It's Free and Everybody's Doing It! I have noticed that there is a groundswell of Internet Based Peace Activists... The Shift Network... The Aware Show on Television... Black Lives Matter... The "Never Again" Students from Parkland High School where Children were Murdered by an Insane Gunman... Bioneers... Democracy NOW! TV News... OCCUPY... ACT OUT! People protesting in the Streets of Moscow, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Hong Kong... Extinction Rebellion... Bernie Sanders... Bill McGibbon and the 350.org... Greta Thunberg and Children refusing to ignore Climate Change... It's a TREND... Remember, every time you fill up your gas tank you are (in effect) strangling Greta... A simpler way is to stop all that driving around... and ESPECIALLY stop Flying in Jet Airplanes. Those things are Ecological Disasters... Is it a "Strange Coincidence" that Boeing is having trouble selling their 737 Max Airplanes? For Safety's Sake... Don't Fly... Could it be that The Universe is Trying to GET OUR ATTENTION? Could THAT be what's Going ON?

2020 Is clearly the end of the Republicrime Party. Old White Men are going to have a very difficult time winning any elections due to the fact that MOST VOTERS are NOT Old White Men. It's the Dawn of A New Age, People!

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