Republicans are a Minority Group and their Numbers are Getting Smaller Every Day. Made up of Old White People, they are simply Dying... Young People, Minorities, College Graduates and Women tend to Vote Democratic.

and That's Why Republicans are working so very hard to prevent "Certain" people from Voting... That's why Republicans are So interested in Gerrymandering... and The Electoral College... It's a tool for MINORITY RULE... Most People Prefer Majority Rule...

Years ago there was a Group Called "The Silent Majority" that was IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War. Thankfully, most of them are dead now. They were not very smart... in general, The Republican Party is very popular with uneducated people. College Graduates Vote Democratic... I hear "Conservatives" complain that there are not enough Republicans teaching College... Well, Of Course! It Takes some Smarts to Be a Teacher! Republicans use more WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS AND UNEMPLOYMENT... 

and then I saw a HAT with the Slogan: "GREAT AGAIN FOR WHOM?" on Spike Lee...