Let's Use The Bark from Redwood Trees to Prevent Weeds instead of RoundUP! We use Bark in our garden and it works great. AND! It doesn't kill people...

 It's a One Time Cost for the Farmer and the Money is Kept within the State of California... Currently, a Giant Barge of Redwood Bark and wood chips Leaves Eureka, California Every Week headed for China... We also ship entire logs... They don't want the logs sawed up into boards because they have their own sawmills... and it's cheaper to employ Chinese Slaves to do the Work. 

Farmers have to pay for RoundUP every year and The Costs of all those Lawsuits MUST be passed on to the Farmers and the people that buy the Food. AND! We Eat That Poison! We could have healthier Food if we just used Redwood Bark and Wood Chips to Prevent Weeds. 

Let's use the Bark of a Redwood Tree to Prevent Weeds instead of RoundUP Free Coloring Book MEME by Gregory Vanderlaan
Let's use the Bark of a Redwood Tree to
Prevent Weeds instead of RoundUP
Free Coloring Book MEME 
MEME - Roundup causes cancer - gvan42


For Some Bizarre Reason I See Advertisements 
on TV Trying to Sell RoundUP! 
I See Advertisements For Lawyers Who Offer to Help You SUE BAYER/Monsanto Because They Caused Your Cancer.


tRUMP's EPA Has Legalized the Use of RoundUP!
a Classic Example of His Belief that Corporate Profits
are more Important Than Human LIFE!

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and on a Different Subject...
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Vertical Village. Cooperative Urban Living Free Coloring Book MEME by Gregory Vanderlaan
Vertical Village. Cooperative Urban Living
Free Coloring Book MEME 

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and on a Different Subject...
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Economic Update - Richard Wolff - Worker Owned Corporations

Worker Self Directed Enterprises...

1. How do coops of all types actually work in the real world? Don't they frequently fail because the workers are too inclined to put up with poor business practices?

2. How could a large company possibly work if all workers ran it together?

3. Has any research been done on the various ways in which the worker co-ops/ WSDEs can distribute surplus in different ways than the capitalist firms and change the wealth distribution of the society as a whole?

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and on a Different Subject...
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Kathleen Belew - author - Bring the War Home... White Power.
"Well, I killed Communists in Vietnam, Why wouldn't I Kill them Here?" - KKK Excuse for Murder of "Leftists" in 1979. 

Kim Wehle - author - 
"How to read the Constitution and Why."
She is concerned that Trump will refuse to Leave the White House if he Loses the 2020 Election... and he will support his dictatorship with... The US Military, The FBI and random groups of GUN NUTS... and she does not see any solution for Regaining Democracy.