#DumpTrump FREE COLORING BOOK! - Supposedly, Big Tech is Going to Try To Defeat Trump in 2020. Might be a rumor but WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA! Hey Google, Like and Share my Anti -Trump MEMES Worldwide. Thanks!

Attention Google and Facebook: It would be Wonderful if you Campaigned to Beat Trump in 2020. Here is my part, A Big Pile of MEMEs designed to AWAKEN VOTERS to the Danger of the Evil CZAR DONALD the Loser...  a part of the FREE #DumpTrump coloring book.  Promises Made, Promises Broken  by Greg Vanderlaan gvan42
 a part of the FREE #DumpTrump coloring book.
 Promises Made, Promises Broken  by Greg Vanderlaan

Dear Google Search Engine: Let's all work together as a Team to BEAT TRUMP 2020... I'll draw the MEMEs and You promote them... gvan42.blogspot.com - Thanks! Your Friend Gregory Vanderlaan, artist
Simply Print these Pages and Color Using Felt Pens
Big Fun for the Whole Family... 

If we all pull together as a team, 
we can run the #BillionDollarLoser 
out of The White House and then LOCK HIM UP!
Dear Google Search Engine: Lets all work together as a team to DEFEAT DONALD J TRUMP in 2020... I heard a rumor that Big Tech is going to Try to Beat Trump Like a Pinata! Fantastic! Like and Share my MEMEs Worldwide. Thanks!
You May Print it and Color the remaining Whitespace
With Felt Pens... OR NOT!
It's Mostly Colored Already...
Please Like and Share Worldwide. THANKS!

Keywords: #BillionDollarLoser, #BogusPotus, #DumpDrumpf, #DumpTrump, #DitchMitch, global, campaign, to beat, Trump, like a Pinata, 2020

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word! Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! If You Cannot Come To Washington DC, Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.

Qanon just makes up Crazy Lies and Pretends that They Are True... Hey, That's Just Like CZAR DONALD, the Liar... 
Hello Google Search Engine - Here is a free MEME designed to be shared worldwide - DUMP TRUMP - Let's Beat Him Like a Pinata in 2020 - please put this image at the top of the search results - Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42.blogspot.com
America Will Rise Like a Phoenix
From the Ashes of Trump's Failure

Question Reality - free coloring book art by gvan42

Is Trump a Victim of the CIA Project MKULTRA?

While we were Distracted: Documents Were Released Today (7/18/2019) about Crimes Committed by "Individual 1" - Donald John Trump. CAUGHT! But, Did he Break the Law "Wilfully" ??? That's a Legal Term that Says: If you didn't Know that what you were doing was Illegal, No Crime Committed! - Totally Bizarroworld! - I've Heard it Said that Ignorance of the Law is NO EXCUSE... I guess there are TWO different sets of Laws... one for "Them" and one for "US" - The "Wilfully" excuse was also used by the NYPD Officer who CHOKED a Black Man to Death in the "I Can't Breathe" case... INSANE! 

Eric Garner was Choked to death by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo. <---Read More Here

Attention Google Search Engine and The All Mighty Facebook Algorithm: Now would be a GREAT TIME to AWAKEN... Gain Consciousness... Become a REAL BOY! Help us Beat Trump in 2020 - Please... Please... Please...
Copy of the Check Trump Signed
to Pay Off Stormy Daniels,,,
Hush, Hush, Sweet Stormy...
Stormy Don't You Talk...
About Spanking!

At a MAGA Rally, Trump Defended Immigrant Melanija Knavs (FLOTUS) but the Crowd Chanted "Send Her Back! Send Her Back! Send Her Back!" People Like Her take Jobs Away From Real Americans... Our Own Hookers Could Be First Lady of the Night... We Don't Need No Foreigners... "Send Her Back!" Right Back Where She Came FROM! 

And then it got UGLY... Really UGLY... What Happened to Melinija's NOSE? Plastic Surgery Gone Berzerker? I've seen Photographs of her Years Ago and THAT THING ON HER FACE was not there... But in all FAIRNESS, She has a Great Looking BUTT... It's in a Lot of those Nude Pictures Online...

Just do a Google Image Search for "Nude Melania Trump" 

France Had FLYING SOLDIERS for it's Bastille Day Parade. AMAZING! Why was Our Fourth of July Parade SO FREAKING LAME? 

What's up with the BULLET PROOF GLASS BARRIER with the rain streaking down in front of Trump on July 4th at the Lincoln Memorial? ... Is he AFRAID to show his Face in Public? Doctor Martin Luther King Spoke at the Exact Same Location in 1963 with no Bulletproof Glass... On Second Thought, Maybe He Should Have Had One because He was Assassinated soon After... By a Sniper... under VERY Suspicious Circumstances. 

BUT...  There is Hope for the Future! If Katy Perry and Taylor Swift can become friends, then It's Possible for Israel and Palestine to stop all that fighting... All you need is LOVE... Let's all Hold Hands and Sing Jambalaya!

FREE Coloring Book - Simply Print the Artwork You Like and Color with Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop... Links to ALL my Pages...
1. Portrait of an American Indian Wearing a Headdress... and a Flower Power VW Bus!

2. Mr Text Art Man Looking at You... and a Spiral of Lightning Bolts

3. Lord Shiva and the Tropical Fish
~~~ (~);-} ~~~ 4. Connect the Dots at the Bernie Sanders Institute

5. Let's Teach Critical Thinking in High School ~~~ (~);-} ~~~ 6. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - eARTh First!
7. Solar Power - Safe Clean Infinite ~~~ (~);-} ~~~ 8. Karma Spinner - What Goes Around Comes Around
9. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Wall ~~~ (~);-} ~~~ 10. BEATLES FAN CLUB - Drawn by Hand Coloring Book Art