Where is Trump's Great Economy? I See Higher Prices and Lower Wages. True, Rich people are getting even richer but the vast majority of Americans are doing worse than we were Three Years Ago...

 Look in the mirror and ask yourself... Is this supposed "Booming Economy" real? Or is it just another LIE? His entire reelection strategy is Lie, Lie, Lie and Gullible Suckers will believe him... Actually a Good Strategy... Could work... Most Trump Supporters are of below average intelligence and are easily mislead... the ability to Think For Yourself and Question Authority is lacking in Most TrumpNiks... They prefer to believe that Illegal Aliens are the Cause of all their problems... no taking of personal responsibility for their own disaster filled life, they follow the "blame someone else" theory... Made popular by Adolph Hitler, he blamed the Jews. Trump blames the Latinos. 

The reason I became a success in life is that I went to College and Learned Computer Science. That lead to a lifetime of Office Work at Factories. Clean, Safe, High Paying Work. TrumpNiks often are threatened by Foreigners coming to take their jobs. Well, no foreigners threaten my job. There is plenty of work for all of us and I Have a long history of being BETTER than most Aliens... Simply Smarter... I can OUT COMPETE almost all of them, except Orientals, they are Pretty Damn Smart! However, if I worked as a Truck Driver, Factory Assembler, Coal Miner, Gardener, Maid, Logger, Fisherman or any other "Unskilled" job... I would be VERY CONCERNED about Illegal Aliens taking my job. No Need to SPEEKEE ENGRISH to DRIVO UNO TRUCKO... Note that Trump Hires Illegal Aliens at his Golf Courses and Hotels. Hey, they work cheaper than American Citizens... Why Not? 

It's True that 90% of the People that work at Google are Democrats... Makes sense to me, It Takes plenty Smarts to get hired at Google... The Republican Party is Mostly made up of The Rich and Gullible Fools that Believe What the Rich tell them to do. Brainwashing is very effective. Just look at the Advertising Industry... They have convinced Billions of People that they will be Happier of they just BUY whatever crap the Corporations are selling... RoundUP, Tobacco, Booze, Cars, Doctor Drugs, Political Candidates, Economic Systems, War... the list of questionable products goes on and on and on... 

Hey, YOU will be Happier of you buy MY crap... Click Here! 
I offer a "Promises Made, Promises Broken" Button painted on an Upside Down American Flag... 
or a Picture of Trump with the slogan "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire"... available as Buttons or Stickers! 
Supply is Unlimited, ACT NOW!