Trump has DONE NOTHING to fix our Infrastructure. As the Nation Crumbles, It's "Promises Made, Promises Broken" Week Again...

Headline: White House Admits Trump’s Infrastructure Promise Isn’t Happening... 

While nobody knew just what was going to happen in the immediate wake of Donald Trump’s election, one outcome that seemed foreseeable was the passage of a major infrastructure law. Democrats had long favored such a measure, and Republicans, who had blocked it largely to deny a victory to President Obama, no longer had any such incentive. The opposition was eager, or perhaps simply obligated by the pretense of bipartisanship, to cooperate. “As President-elect Trump indicated last night, investing in infrastructure is an important priority of his. We can work together to quickly pass a robust infrastructure jobs bill,” announced Nancy Pelosi. Trump’s building background made him not only eager to pass such a bill but — unlike almost every other policy question he faced — he actually possessed at least a modicum of understanding of the issue.