The TOTAL COST is LESS for Medicare For All Because You STOP PAYING for Private Insurance. It Costs Less in Canada... It Costs Less In Australia... and England, France, Holland, Norway, Sweden... IT WILL COST YOU LESS HERE!

The Republicriminals DON'T TELL YOU The Complete story. They just shout loudly that your taxes will go up... while TOTALLY IGNORING the fact that your PRIVATE INSURANCE BILL WILL VANISH!  

Classic! The Republicriminals ALWAYS DO WHAT HARMS PEOPLE! WHY? Are they Demonically Possessed? Slaves of Satan? NO, Just Bribed by the Super Rich... "When your Job depends on FAILING TO Understand Reality... It's Likely that you Will Not Grasp The Concepts!"

Ask Yourself: Is there any advantage to being a Gullible Fool? Does Believing Trump's Lies help you in your everyday life? Is "Sucker" a Bullet Point on Your Resume? Well, You Might Be a Republican!

Business Insider says: The Mercatus report also found that the national health expenditure — the total amount spent on healthcare in the US by the federal government, states, businesses, and individuals — would come in below current projections under Sanders' plan.
So while the price tag for the federal government would increase, the total cost of healthcare would go down, and more than 30 million uninsured Americans would get access to healthcare, according to Mercatus' model.