I went to an AA Meeting yesterday. It was good. The Subject was Meditation and One of the Steps recommends doing Meditation to Improve your contact with God.

One thing for sure, it is impossible to meditate while drunk. So, AA gives us the opportunity do do things that we would never think of on our own. Most of the people who spoke said that they did meditation but they had no idea if they were doing it right... or if it was doing any good... or doing anything at all... However, all were glad. Some expressed the experience of being in a Stressful Business Meeting and then taking a Break and going for a walk in the woods. Obviously, a good idea... no matter what you call it. 

My own experience is that I "Meditate" during TV Commercials. I turn off the sound, close my eyes and silently say the Serenity prayer while breathing slowly and deeply. MUCH BETTER THAT WATCHING TV COMMERCIALS. I try to avoid people pouring poison in my brain. I always turn off the sound when Trump is Speaking. There is NO CHANCE that he would say anything that would be valuable to me. 

I also walk out onto the back deck at home and Observe the Trees. We have a creek and when there is water I hear Frogs. I try to look, smell, taste, feel and listen to everything. I have no idea where the frogs go in dry weather but after it rains there is a very interesting three dimensional chorus of Croaks. I remember once I experienced the 17 year cicadas in Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC. That is an amazing sound. Little grasshoppers flying in random directions chirping. There are waves of sound... I'm not sure if there is any intelligence driving the sound but it appears to ebb and flow like surf at the beach...