How to Wake Up... Step One: Stop Believing Liars. There are people that earn their living lying. For Example: The Heritage Foundation and the CATO Institute will say anything as long as the effect is to Give Rich People More Money.

 Advertisements always try to get you to buy their products even if it causes health problems. Monsanto is currently advertising RoundUP herbicide at the same time as Lawyers are offering their services helping cancer patients sue Monsanto because RoundUP Causes Cancer... 

Grasp the Concept that Trump has LIED over 10,000 times in the last few years. He is truly a LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE. 

Step Two: Learn how to Read. Try reading a Newspaper or a Book... It's a real eye opening experience!

Great Book: Super Mad at Everything All the Time by Alison Dagnes - Shows How to STOP being Super Mad...

Everybody Sing! GUNS, Ugh! What are they good for? Absolutely Nothing. Say it again... GUNS, Ugh! What are they good for? Absolutely Nothing. Guns! Ain't nothing but a heartbreaker. Guns! friend only to the undertaker.

Thanks to Edwin Starr for that Epic Song... WAR, UGH!

"How to Wake Up" a talk by Alan Watts... Quite a good idea... TRY IT!