Yes, Joe Biden is Corrupt... BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY ---> He Has Been Wrong on Every Issue His Entire Life. <--- WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER IDIOT!... Vote For the Warren/Sanders Team... EW4POTUS and Bernie for VP.

What did Hunter Biden DO to Earn $50,000 a Month Salary?

Joe Biden prides himself on his foreign policy experience, but one can't help but look at the scoreboard of foreign policy decisions Biden has gotten utterly wrong over the last 20 years.

and Not just on Foreign Policy... He wrote a law that made Crack Cocaine Sentences 10 times as Long as Powered Cocaine. Causing Millions of Black People to go to jail for a Long Time while Whites got out a lot earlier... DUMB! AND RACIST... 

He thinks Marijuana should remain Illegal. WTF?

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - LEGALIZE THE KIND HERB -  Joe Biden thinks Marijuana should remain illegal... what a freaking Idiot! - Not Only Corrupt but Stupid as well  - a corporate stooge - he is just OBEYING the Commands of the Criminals... and the bribes received from the alcohol industry and Opioid Manufacturers...

He prevented female witnesses from testifying in the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Hearing... NO, NO, NO, we don't need to know any truth here... 

But his IDIOCY on Foreign Policy is astounding! He Opposed the Persian Gulf War lead by George Bush The Father. He was In Favor of the War in Iraq lead by George Bush the Son. He Opposed the Raid that Killed Osama Bin Laden... 

Was Biden always wrong?