Let's Cut Defense Spending in Half and Use The Money Currently Wasted to Pay for Medicare for All and Free College... Since the Military Has NOT ACTUALLY DEFENDED The USA since 1945, Why Spend Billions on Something we Do NOT USE?

Since August 15th, 1945 [Victory in Japan Day] ALL WARS HAVE BEEN BOGUS... We have Invaded Foreign Countries and Taken Sides in THEIR Civil Wars. Remember Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan? Why Did We Spend Taxpayer Dollars to Blow Those Countries UP?

There was an ACTUAL NEED to Defend the USA on 9/11/2001 But the Military FAILED COMPLETELY... Civilians took down the Hijacked Airplane in Pennsylvania...

All those Bogus Wars Have Just Been Marketing Tools to Sell Weapons. Corporate Welfare... The Worst Example is Lockheed Missiles and Space... They Used to Build Spaceships but NOW they Build Bombs to Kill Children in Yemen... What a Tragic Waste... Not only a Waste of Civilian's Lives but a Waste of Engineering Talent... Imagine What Could Have Been if Lockheed Hadn't Turned to the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE? 

Chart of US Military Deaths from all our wars... Massive Decrease right after the 1960s... we woke up! - gvan42