"A RIVER'S LAST CHANCE" Great Documentary Movie about The EEL RIVER of Humboldt County, California. Salmon, Redwood Logging, Marijuana Farming

The EEL River is easily viewed from Highway 101 and The Avenue of the Giants in Humboldt County, Near the Oregon Border... It is a Beautiful River that Runs thru The Redwood Forest... The Tallest Trees on the Planet...  Every year there is a Reggae on the River Concert that on WET YEARS features Swimming as well as Camping, Dancing, Weed Smoking and Music Performances. On Dry Years the river is NOT SAFE to swim in... The Van Duzen River also drains into the EEL and that can be Viewed from Highway 36 That travels from the Coast to Red Bluff in the Central Valley... Remember to visit "Swimmers Delight" if you visit... Every Year there is a Marathon Race along the river. It's an especially easy run as the entire course is level. 



One of the most diverse rivers in the United States, the Eel, ran dry in 2014-for the first time in history. Once victimized by logging, damming, and drought, the Eel faced new challenges from some of California's favorite commodities: wine and weed. This urgent and compelling documentary makes a renewed case for regulation and collaboration in protecting this vital resource.


The hour-long documentary, which Anderson describes as “a cautionary tale rooted in repeated cycles of booms and busts,” is now available online through Amazon Prime (free if you’re a Prime member) and Vimeo On Demand (to rent for $3.99). 

In voice-over narration at the beginning of the film, which features stunning cinematography throughout, Anderson describes his fascination with the Eel and its painful history of resource extraction, from the systemic logging of ancient redwoods in its basin to the extraction of its native salmon populations and diversion of its waters to irrigate wine grapes and marijuana farms.

While the river has been left “a shadow of its former self,” the film also covers the Eel’s inspiring comeback story. The river “is now one of the best hopes for wild salmon recovery on the West Coast, with one of the last genetic races free from hatchery influence,” Anderson says in the film.

Read More about Earth First! and the IWW, Part 3 - 

Tree Spikes and Wedges...

Parking on a Sandbar EEL RIVER during a Marathon Race
Parking on a Sandbar on the EEL RIVER
during a Marathon Race

Hobbiton Tourist Attraction on EEL River in Humboldt County
Hobbiton Tourist Attraction on
the EEL River in Humboldt County

Headwaters Forest - Humboldt County, CA
Headwaters Forest