Elizabeth Warren has some GREAT Ideas: Tax the Rich... Prison for Corporate Executives that Break The Law... Legalize Voting for ALL... End Corporate Welfare for Oil, Gas and Coal AND DEFENSE Companies...


Elizabeth Warren Two Cent Wealth Tax - Makes Sense - Fund America - meme- gvan42
Elizabeth Warren Two Cent Wealth Tax -
It Just Makes Sense - Fund America

Instead of having two systems of Justice, One for the Rich and a Different One for the REST of US... Why not have Equality? The Executives at Wells Fargo might have NOT DONE the CRIME if they knew that Prison Awaited them... What about the Makers of Oxycontin? They caused thousands of deaths... What about Cigarettes? Millions Died... 

EW MEME - Elizabeth Warren for President 2020 - Word Art

FYI: Before she was elected to the Senate, Warren convinced congressional Democrats and President Obama to create the agency now known as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Warren supports the Buffett Rule, which would restore the Clinton tax rates on the top income bracket. She believes that the added revenues should be used to make college more affordable and help students pay off their student loans.

As part of her presidential campaign, Warren proposed an annual wealth tax ("ultra-millionaire tax") in January 2019. The proposal would levy a 2% annual tax on household net worth above $50M, and a 3% annual tax on net worth above $1bn. 

Warren supports investing in renewable energy rather than "handing out massive tax breaks to [nonrenewable] energy companies that are among the most profitable corporations in the world." She says that "as long as we subsidize dirty sources like oil, gas, and coal, we threaten the air we breathe and the water we drink."

Warren claims to oppose continuing the war in Afghanistan and support withdrawing U.S. troops as quickly as possible...


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