Even With Political Bribery... The Fundamental Failure of COAL as a source of Electric Power is Undeniable... Wind, Solar have Initial Startup Costs and then TRULY FREE Operation from then on... The Wind Blows Forever... The Sun Shines Forever... and if they STOP, we have bigger problems than How to Create Electricity... https://www.treehugger.com/fossil-fuels/murray-energy-goes-bankrupt.html
Murray Energy's "Wish List" became Trump's TO-DO List... Obvious Bribery... One Million Dollar Donation Buys Trump's Support of Coal Mining Businesses... and then in October 2019 - Murray Energy goes bankrupt...
What Trump doesn't understand is that if we dig up coal in the USA and sell it overseas, when they burn the coal the pollution still causes climate change here at home. It's GLOBAL... just exporting the coal doesn't fix the underlying problem... air pollution causes Climate Change GLOBALLY.
12,000 people died from Coal Smoke in London in 1952. The Air Pollution was trapped due to a weather "Bubble" that kept the smoke near the Ground... In a similar way, Our Entire Planet is encased in a "Bubble" and the Air Pollution is kept near the Ground... GLOBALLY...
So, Why is Trump Promoting Coal? What's His Motivation for Destroying the Planet? Obvious Bribery... Robert Murray donated ONE Million Dollars to Trump's Election PAC and $300,000 to the Inaugural Committee... Murray Energy also delivered a List of Actions that Trump Could Take to Make Murray Happy... a "Wish List", Like A Child would give to Santa... Quid Pro Quo... Illigitimi Non Correbundum!
Revealing a total loss of contact with reality... In his world, just like Peter Pan, Believing Makes It Real.
https://www.zazzle.com/impeach_embroidered_baseball_cap-233818050690735421 <--- Link to Impeach Hat
https://www.zazzle.com/term_limits_for_judges_embroidered_baseball_cap-233891512654548379 <--- Link to TERM LIMITS FOR JUDGES Hat
https://www.zazzle.com/pathetic_wankers_for_trump_embroidered_baseball_cap-233092995829338228 <--- Link to PATHETIC WANKERS FOR TRUMP Hat
“Clean coal is a deliberately misleading term,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, a senior analyst at Greenpeace’s air pollution unit. “In the context of cutting greenhouse-gas emissions, there are two kinds of coal: far too polluting, and far too expensive.”
According to the Sierra Club, "Despite the industry's hype, there's no such thing as 'clean coal.' But new technologies and policies can help reduce coal plants' deadly emissions."[26]
COAL IS A POWER PLAYER, generating more than half of the electricity and about 22 percent of the energy produced in the United States. But it is also dirty and destructive: Entire mountaintops are removed to get at it; emissions from coal-fired power plants contribute to at least 24,000 premature deaths a year in this country alone; and it accounts for 36 percent of our overall releases of carbon dioxide, the main culprit in global warming. Despite the industry's hype, there's no such thing as "clean coal." But new technologies and policies can help reduce coal plants' deadly emissions, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and nitrogen oxides.
Headline: The Myth of Donald Trump’s ‘Beautiful Clean Coal’.
While the U.S. president advocates for the most polluting fossil fuel, a shrinking number of power companies see a future for it.
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Photo of a Solar Power Shade for a Parking Lot. Not only does it create FREE Electricity but it Keeps the Cars Cool when Employees are at Work. At the Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico, CA |
What Trump doesn't understand is that if we dig up coal in the USA and sell it overseas, when they burn the coal the pollution still causes climate change here at home. It's GLOBAL... just exporting the coal doesn't fix the underlying problem... air pollution causes Climate Change GLOBALLY.
LINK to Buy my NO "Clean Coal" Postcard:
12,000 people died from Coal Smoke in London in 1952. The Air Pollution was trapped due to a weather "Bubble" that kept the smoke near the Ground... In a similar way, Our Entire Planet is encased in a "Bubble" and the Air Pollution is kept near the Ground... GLOBALLY...
So, Why is Trump Promoting Coal? What's His Motivation for Destroying the Planet? Obvious Bribery... Robert Murray donated ONE Million Dollars to Trump's Election PAC and $300,000 to the Inaugural Committee... Murray Energy also delivered a List of Actions that Trump Could Take to Make Murray Happy... a "Wish List", Like A Child would give to Santa... Quid Pro Quo... Illigitimi Non Correbundum!
![]() https://www.zazzle.com/trump_5150_embroidered_baseball_cap-233957140386558545 |
Click on the LINK above to BUY TRUMP 5150 Hat or select the Promises Made, Promises Broken Hat Below. |
Revealing a total loss of contact with reality... In his world, just like Peter Pan, Believing Makes It Real.
https://www.zazzle.com/impeach_embroidered_baseball_cap-233818050690735421 <--- Link to Impeach Hat
https://www.zazzle.com/term_limits_for_judges_embroidered_baseball_cap-233891512654548379 <--- Link to TERM LIMITS FOR JUDGES Hat
https://www.zazzle.com/pathetic_wankers_for_trump_embroidered_baseball_cap-233092995829338228 <--- Link to PATHETIC WANKERS FOR TRUMP Hat
How a Coal Baron’s Wish List Became President Trump’s To-Do List...
President Trump’s first year in office has been a boon for the coal industry, with the Trump administration rolling back regulations on coal-fired power plants and withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate change agreement.
Environmentalists have expressed alarm at the new direction, and have complained that Mr. Trump was following a blueprint from the coal industry. A confidential memo written by the head of the country’s largest coal mining company suggests they might not be wrong.
The memo was written by Robert E. Murray, a longtime Trump supporter who donated $300,000 to the president’s inauguration. In it, Mr. Murray, the head of Murray Energy, presented Mr. Trump with a wish list of environmental rollbacks just weeks after the inauguration.
The March 1, 2017 memo, signed by Murray and addressed to Vice President Mike Pence, lists 14 requests, including the elimination of the Obama-era Clean Power Plan; a United States withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement; and at least a 50 percent cut to the staff at the Environmental Protection Agency. Other major overhauls include “a withdrawal and suspension” of the endangerment finding, a landmark EPA determination requiring the agency to regulate carbon emissions, and eliminating a federal tax credit for windmills and solar panels.
“Enclosed is an Action Plan for the Administration of President Donald J. Trump, which will help in getting America’s coal miners back to work,” Murray writes in the memo. “We are available to assist you and your Administration in any way that you request.”
Headline: A Coal Giant Gave $1 Million to Donald Trump’s Super PAC As It Sought Help From Trump. Robert Murray needed the government’s help. So he wrote a massive check.
The March 1, 2017 memo, signed by Murray and addressed to Vice President Mike Pence, lists 14 requests, including the elimination of the Obama-era Clean Power Plan; a United States withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement; and at least a 50 percent cut to the staff at the Environmental Protection Agency. Other major overhauls include “a withdrawal and suspension” of the endangerment finding, a landmark EPA determination requiring the agency to regulate carbon emissions, and eliminating a federal tax credit for windmills and solar panels.
“Enclosed is an Action Plan for the Administration of President Donald J. Trump, which will help in getting America’s coal miners back to work,” Murray writes in the memo. “We are available to assist you and your Administration in any way that you request.”
Headline: A Coal Giant Gave $1 Million to Donald Trump’s Super PAC As It Sought Help From Trump. Robert Murray needed the government’s help. So he wrote a massive check.
“Clean coal is a deliberately misleading term,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, a senior analyst at Greenpeace’s air pollution unit. “In the context of cutting greenhouse-gas emissions, there are two kinds of coal: far too polluting, and far too expensive.”
According to the Sierra Club, "Despite the industry's hype, there's no such thing as 'clean coal.' But new technologies and policies can help reduce coal plants' deadly emissions."[26]
COAL IS A POWER PLAYER, generating more than half of the electricity and about 22 percent of the energy produced in the United States. But it is also dirty and destructive: Entire mountaintops are removed to get at it; emissions from coal-fired power plants contribute to at least 24,000 premature deaths a year in this country alone; and it accounts for 36 percent of our overall releases of carbon dioxide, the main culprit in global warming. Despite the industry's hype, there's no such thing as "clean coal." But new technologies and policies can help reduce coal plants' deadly emissions, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and nitrogen oxides.
Headline: The Myth of Donald Trump’s ‘Beautiful Clean Coal’.
While the U.S. president advocates for the most polluting fossil fuel, a shrinking number of power companies see a future for it.
In the U.S., the only large clean-coal plant is NRG Energy Inc.’s Big Cajun II facility built with Mitsubishi technology in Louisiana. It includes a carbon-capture system that also reduces emissions of sulfur, mercury, nitrogen oxide and particulates. Southern Co. abandoned the clean-coal section of its $7.5 billion Kemper plant in Mississippi after cost overruns and problems building structures that could withstand temperatures above 900 degrees.
At AES Corp., a utility based in Arlington, Virginia, that operates power plants of all kinds in 15 countries, Chief Executive Officer Andres Gluski has been winding down his company’s commitment to coal mainly because of cost. In the past year, he’s sold or closed 4.5 gigawatts of coal plants and built 3 gigawatts of renewable-energy capacity. A gigawatt is about as much as a single nuclear reactor produces.
“You need 20 years just to pay off the debt,” Gluski said. “Where do you think that makes sense? We don’t see any new coal in the U.S. That’s the bottom line.”
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and now for something completely different...
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Beyond Counterculture Book - The History of the Mateel Section of Humboldt County...
The Mateel is between the Lost Coast and the Avenue of the Giants. The Watershed is formed by the Matole River and the Eel River.
Beyond Counterculture is the History of the Hippies who fled The Haight Ashbury District of San Francisco and Moved to Southern Humboldt County to Earn their living farming Cannabis. Originally a Doctoral thesis.
Between the Eel and Matole Rivers, Garberville and the Lost Coast. Mateel is a Sunny and Warm.
Once PALCO logged the area, the land was really cheap. Perfect for growing Marijuana Outdoors. This location is Not on Google Streetview.
Beyond Counterculture: The Community of Mateel
Paperback – June, 1990 by Jentri Anders.
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and now for something completely different...
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It Focuses my attention to realize that I could die in a Wildfire this Summer. I Live near Sacramento, California in a Wooded Neighborhood and... Just Like Last Year in Paradise...
and Just Like The Year Before in Santa Rosa... and the year before in Redding... MY HOME IS IN A DANGER ZONE and my own extinction is possible due to Wildfires caused by Global Warming. Already it has gone over 100 Degrees Fahrenheit... and it's only JUNE... and there is an active fire right now halfway between my home and Clear Lake... in Yolo County... THANKFULLY, ALL MY AFFAIRS ARE IN ORDER... and I have already accomplished everything I wanted to do with my life... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/06/it-focuses-my-attention-to-realize-that.html
Here are ALL THE WORDS to the SUMMARY of the Mueller Report. It's a SHORT Read and Clearly Explains What Happened with Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. EVERYONE OUGHT TO READ THIS.
While the complete Mueller Report is over 400 pages and JUST TOO LONG FOR ME TO READ... This SUMMARY is Short and Explains what I want to know.
Briefly: Russia Campaigned for Trump. Trump Campaigned for Trump. There was A LOT of Communication between the Trump People and Russians. MANY OF TRUMP'S PEOPLE WENT TO PRISON. However, there was no ABSOLUTE evidence that the Trump People and The Russians coordinated their efforts. They worked separately to achieve the same goal.
It looks like Trump and His People Obstructed Justice. They took many actions in order to COVER UP their Criminal Behavior and interfere with the investigation. To this day they are still preventing the TRUTH from being released to Congress or the American People. The new Attorney General, William [Chicken] Barr Redacted the Official Mueller Report by CROSSING OUT WITH A THICK BLACK FELT PEN EVERYTHING THAT MADE TRUMP LOOK GUILTY. And then he Publicized a Totally False Conclusion. A major stumbling block to this investigation is that there is a Justice Department Opinion Paper that says The President Cannot be Arrested for a Crime WHILE HE IS PRESIDENT... No Matter What Crime he commits... So, Trump loudly proclaims: "SEE, NO ARREST, THEREFORE I'M INNOCENT. Well, that's not actually true. Most people who actually READ the Mueller report says there WAS A CRIME... But the Justice Department Opinion Paper prevents Trump from being Arrested. No One has Challenged that Opinion Justice Department in Court. It might be totally bogus...
More and More people are calling for Trump's Impeachment. The problem is that While the House of Representatives has enough votes to START Impeachment Proceedings... There are NOT ENOUGH VOTES IN THE SENATE to CONVICT TRUMP AND REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE. The Democrats are moving forward slowly with more and more televised hearings and more subpoenas and more document requests in order to explain to the American Public that Impeachment is a Good Idea. When the Public is convinced and a Majority support Impeachment... we can expect the Republicans to Suddenly FLIP... and support Impeachment too. Because... that only really care about getting re-elected... High Pay, Lot's of Secret Bribes, Easy Work and Great Health Benefits, Vacation Days and Status!
There is one seldom spoken about benefit to ACTUALLY IMPEACHING TRUMP. It would make Trump Angry. It is entirely possible that he could suffer a Stroke or Heart Attack during a Raging Tweet Storm... Impeachment is only one way to get Trump out of the White House. Carrying him out on a Stretcher would work too... Then Evil Mike Pence would become President... and he would appoint some Lunatic to be Vice President... WHEE!
READ THE REPORT SUMMARY HERE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/06/here-are-all-words-to-summary-of.html
This is what Socialism Looks Like: Trump announced $16 Billion in WELFARE PAYMENTS to Farmers That are Harmed by His Insane Trade War.
When Obama was President, Farmers earned a living by Growing and Selling Crops.
People ask: Where will all this Money come from? Well, from MORE Deficit Spending! Since Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law is Currently Failing to Collect Enough to Pay for the Cost of the US Government, we are Increasing the National Debt in Hopes that YOUR Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and Great-Great Grandchildren will pay for it all... This Year had the Largest Deficit in History... and Now Trump wants to Make a $16 Billion Welfare Payment to Farmers and a $19 Billion Dollar Payment for Disaster Relief... The Midwest is experiencing Record Tornado Damage and Flooding due to Climate Change... and The West needs help for Wildfires... and and and... This Summer we Expect More of the Same! More Wildfires, More Tornadoes, More Hurricanes and More Floods...
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and now for something completely different.
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I already own all the Cheap Chinese Junk I will ever Need. I have a Laptop and a TV and I'm going to keep them and use them for another decade. They work fine and there is no need to buy a BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE! because the one I already own is great... So the Chinese plan to stop selling RARE EARTH MINERALS that are required to make Electronic Gizmos... Well, so Freaking What! From now on I'm buying used... Used Clothes totally undermine the Chinese Fabric Industry... I find it INSANE that we Import Cotton Fabric... Why not GROW COTTON IN THE AMERICAN SOUTH? and Weave it in places like Burlington, Vermont... We did that Years ago... Why not Now?
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and now for something completely different.
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Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg says Trump was a Draft Dodger during the Vietnam War because he Bribed a Doctor to write a FAKE Medical Deferment... Well, That was a Smart Move by Trump. Only an Idiot would Go to Vietnam unless he was Forced to... Everyone who had a Rich Daddy Dodged the Draft. It was a Totally Insane War... History has proved it to be a Horrible Waste of American Lives and Taxpayer Dollars. So Mayor Pete went to Afghanistan... Well, What The FORK did he Accomplish? The only thing we have done in Afghanistan is INCREASE THE OPIUM CROP YIELD... Thanks, Pete...
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and now for something completely different.
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Little Stevie Mnuchin Warns of ‘Late Summer’ Default If No Debt-Limit Increase. THE USA WILL BE BANKRUPT AND FRED TRUMP WILL NOT BAIL US OUT LIKE HE DID WITH HIS SON, Czar Donaldo
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and now for something completely different.
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Trump's Family, Staff Should Stage an Intervention for the good of the country. "Just because I have a hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogily-moogily-moogily!" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-congress-pelosi/pelosi-says-she-wishes-for-family-staff-intervention-after-trump-tantrum-idUSKCN1ST20O
Mitch McConnell Russian Bribery Scandal - Sanctions were lifted on Oleg Deripaska and then he decided to build a $200 Million Dollar Aluminum Factory in Kentucky. Quid Pro Quo? Obvious Payback?
Little Stevie Munchkin, Treasury Secretary, and Mitch McConnell both Lobbied for the US Senate to Remove sanctions on Oleg Deripaska... The House had voted in a Bi-Partisan way to Keep Sanctions... and then SURPRISE SURPRISE Mitch Benefits...
Congressional Leaders Seek Investigation into Russian Investment in Ky. Aluminum Mill.
Wife of lobbyist for Russian plant in KY got boost from McConnell...
Rachel Maddow notes how the dots connect awkwardly for Mitch McConnell after the wife of the lobbyist who alerted McConnell to a huge Russian investment in Kentucky was suddenly processed for a federal judgeship for which she is not qualified.
Rachel Maddow connects the dots on an epic financial scandal involving Mitch McConnell and Russia...
Link to ALL My Trippy Hippie ART for Sale at My Webstore.

End Iraq War Peace Sign Button
by gregvan
Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT.
Link to ALL My Trippy Hippie ART for Sale at My Webstore.

End Iraq War Peace Sign Button
by gregvan
Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT.