Why are Republicans on TV So Angry All The Time? Is that a Marketing Strategy to Attract Viewers? OHH, Let's Look at the Screaming Head!

Have you ever seen Hannity? Or Tucker? Or Jeanine Pirro? They point fingers and state falsehoods... and attract viewers that crave the fear they sell...  I usually keep the sound OFF while channel surfing and it's kinda sad to watch them rant and rave. I guess they are upset because their whole world is crumbling and they can't do anything about it...

Tucker the Sucker

I saw the "Values Voter Summit" on CSPAN and it was an endless stream of former important people making angry speeches... There was a moment of "OH, There's That GUY!" and then they would display the person's name... and I experienced the Memory Wave of Forgotten Pundits... They really dug up some zombies... Do you remember Michele Bachmann? Well, she is not dead, just ignored... and a Speaker at the "Values Voter Summit" a collection of people telling you what to do. 

Republicans Like to Tell People What To Do... and most people do not want to BE TOLD What To Do... We Would Rather Think For Ourselves and Question Authority.