Everyone Laughs at Trump for having "Bone Spurs" that allowed him to Dodge The Draft and Avoid Going to Vietnam... But Faking a Medical Deferment was a Smart Thing To Do.

During the Vietnam War many people did not have to go because of Medical Deferments - 4F - or Student Deferments -2S... What that meant was that rich people could buy their way out of serving... a very common practice...

If you could get a Doctor to Sign a Paper stating that you had a medical reason not to go... that might have saved your own life... 58,000 Americans Died and Rich people certainly didn't want THEIR OWN SONS to die.

The Student Deferments were an obvious class war discrimination. If you were rich enough to GO TO COLLEGE, you didn't have to go to war... Well, who didn't go to college? Poor whites, Blacks, Mexican Americans and Indians... This entire war was a form of Genocide against NON-WHITES. The people that went over there were mostly from the lower classes...

I was not asked to Go to Vietnam. I was ONE YEAR TOO YOUNG. Born in 1954 I was a Fortunate One...

Ever hear the song "Fortunate Son" by John Fogerty?

MEME - Trump is Anti-Choice - Screamer - gvan42