How Horrible it Must Be to Be a Conservative by Tom Nash - An Occupy Eureka Participant

Consider for a moment just how terrifying it must be to live life as a true believer on the right. Reality is scary enough, but the alternative reality inhabited by people who watch Glenn Beck, listen to Rush Limbaugh, or think Michele Bachmann isn’t a joke must be nothing less than horrifying.
In the real world, the rate of violent crime in the US is at the lowest point since 1968. It’s also true that 84 percent of white murder victims are killed by other whites. But if you watch Fox, on any given day you will see extensive coverage of any incident in which a black person harms a white person. These fit in with the narrative – advanced by people like Glenn Beck and Michael Savage that we stand on the brink of a race war, led by the New Black Panthers. Marauding “flash-mobs” of black teens are a near-obsession at many conservative outlets these days.
So be nice to conservatives. They are poorly informed, very frightened and well armed.
Tom Nash in the Rain at Occupy Eureka

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I was proud of the troops today. by Tom Nash
As a patriotic American who loves his country with all my heart, I was crazy proud of the troops today. Amy Goodman played the statements made by the courageous soldiers who told the truth about what really happened in Iraq and Afghanistan at the NATO Summit. After eloquently speaking their hearts, they solemnly returned all the medals bestowed upon them for fighting in wars that they now know to be immoral.
Then I was so ashamed of the actions of the Chicago Police Department who savagely brutalized other patriotic citizens for having the temerity to stand up and speak out against the unholy abomination of these wars.
It is so sad to see how far we have strayed from the principles that this country was founded on.
Last week an international tribunal ended an extensive investigation and trial into the torture allegations brought against the Bush administration. It concluded that the Bush torture team (including Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush) is guilty of war crimes..
Despite considerable international media coverage of this trial, especially in Asia and the Middle East, the American media have been silent on this verdict.
Why the Occupy movement frightens the corporate elite:
What fosters revolution is not misery, but the gap between what people expect from their lives and what is offered. This is especially acute among the educated and the talented. When they feel, with much justification, that they have been denied what they deserve, they will set out to rectify this injustice. The longer the injustice festers, the more radical they will become.
An open letter to all patriotic Republicans,
On behalf of the Democratic Party, I am putting out the welcome mat any patriotic Republicans who are fed up with the regressive, belligerent, obstructionist, anti American and anti Christian policies of the current Republican Party. There is plenty of room over here for any true lovers of America.
You could be one of those Blue Dog Democrats. They are basically reasonable, conservative, decent Christian folks who believe that we can all work together to solve America's problems. They would probably be Republicans if they could tolerate the smell over there. Most of them are way more conservative than Dwight Eisenhower was.
Christian patriots are welcome to join us. All of the Democratic Presidents down through history have been good Christians. Despite what you hear on Fox News about Obama being an Islamic terrorist, he is actually a devout Christian who practices good family values. Jimmy Carter was even a born again Southern Baptist. And you Catholics who think that you have to ride the elephant, don't forget that the only Catholic president we've ever had was a Democrat.
What would Jesus do? He believed in healing the sick, feeding the poor, and over turning the tables of the money changers. He would be for Obama Care, MediCare, MediCal, FoodStamps, and Occupy Wall Street. He would surely be a democrat because we support things that he believed in.
So anyhow, come on over here and join the Democrats and we can all work together to undo all the damage to the country that has taken place since Ronald Reagan started screwing everything up. We are a pleasant Party who is friendly and inclusive of all Americans who love this country. We listen well and don't try and tell you what to think. We celebrate diversity and you will probably fit right in. We can rebuild the middle class back to those good ole days before trickle down economics. Even rich patriotic citizens would be wise to join us. When the middle class is healthy again, they will buy lots of crap and you can get even richer.
Your new Democrat friend,
Tom Nash
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Patriotism is about supporting an America that provides opportunity for ALL Americans.
Those who earn tens of millions of dollars a year but pay less than 14 percent of their incomes in taxes, and argue the rich should pay even less, are not patriots.
Those who defend indefensible tax loopholes, such as the “carried interest” loophole that allows private-equity managers to treat their incomes as capital gains even if they risk no income of their own, are not patriots.
Those who avoid taxes by putting huge amounts of their earnings into IRAs via foreign tax shelters are not patriots.
Those who want to cut programs that benefit the poor — Food stamps, child nutrition, Pell grants, Medicaid — so that they can get a tax cut for themselves and their affluent friends— are not patriots.
Even when they wrap themselves in the flag, politicians who support these policies because they are in the pocket of wealthy donors who benefit from them are not patriots either.
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Two Occupies by Tom Nash - Opinion Piece about Occupy Eureka Movement
Most of us are aware of the continuing occupy protest near our county courthouse.  What you may not know is that there are actually 2 separate occupations underway.  The one known at Occupy Eureka is composed of a core group of about 3-5 committed regulars.  They are occasionally joined a few semi-regulars and on special occasions by larger numbers local progressive activists. The members of the core group are polite, considerate and thoughtful patriotic citizens who deserve our collective admiration for their unwavering dedication to the betterment of America. You might disagree with their politics, but you should at least appreciate the sacrifice required to sit daily in quiet protest, rain or shine, because they believe that things have gone terribly wrong with our country.
The other occupy has no name. It is much larger than Occupy Eureka. They occupy the streets, parks, greenbelts and courthouse steps of our city 24 hours/day because they have no home to go home to. They are lost souls who have become untethered from American society. They are seldom appreciated nor often admired. They are less committed to lofty social causes and more dedicated to basic survival. They have always been a lightning rod for indignant social disapproval and castigation. Whether you choose to blame them or find fault in social inequity is a subject worthy of discussion, but not relevant to this letter. Suffice to say that most of our citizenry would prefer not to walk past, look at, or otherwise interact with these people.
My point is that the occupation of our public spaces by the homeless has very little to do with Occupy Eureka. That some of these people have chosen to exist, and sometimes misbehave, in the vicinity of the courthouse should not reflect on or influence ones view about Occupy Eureka. O.E. is a healthy counterbalance to the undue influence that moneyed interests have on our political discourse. The other occupation is a social issue that is not going away, even if they are driven from the courthouse steps.