What if you NOTICED evil being done? The morally right action is to try to prevent it.

Notice CRAZYWARS in Iraq and Afghanistan... Notice BIZARROLAWS prohibiting cannabis... Notice NDAA... Notice DRONES... Notice Nuclear Power Plant construction in Vogtle, Georgia USA... Notice that Peyote, LSD and Psilocybin are Illegal... Notice Operation Fast and Furious... Notice WTC7... Notice HSBC... Notice Bradley Manning... Notice Jury Nullification... Notice "Freedom Fries"... Notice Citizens United... Notice Banking in the Cayman Islands... Notice Federal Subsidies for Oil Companies... Notice the Lack of any photographs of an airplane flying into the Pentagon on 9/11/2001... Notice American Type Culture Corporation selling Anthrax to Saddam Hussein... Notice Iran-Contra... Notice the Gulf of Tonkin incident... Notice US Patent #6630507... Notice MKULTRA... Notice Thermite... Notice John Lennon, JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations... Notice __________ [fill in the blank] email me anything that needs to be exposed.... gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com

Mainstream Media News is selling FEAR again... This time it's North Korea. I do not support a brand new pointless war there... We were fooled into believing there was a need for a pointless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama and Vietnam... How many times can they fool us? To Quote George Bush... "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... ... Won't Get Fooled Again!"

Now that your good deed for the day has been done...
Enjoy this picture of Beautiful Lolita, California.
Deer in my backyard. Eureka, CA

Remember that when enough people speak out against the madness, laws change... policy changes... wars end... That is the historical lesson of Vietnam... Due to public pressure, President Nixon ended the war. 
That is the historical lesson of Iraq... Due to public pressure, President Obama ended the Iraq War... That is the historical lesson of legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington State... The Voters Spoke... 
Hemp Farming... Illegal in the USA. 
a Google Image search returns zero pictures of an airplane flying into the Pentagon on 9/11/2001... Why?