Showing posts with label soldiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soldiers. Show all posts

I oppose Sending ANY US Soldiers to Fight in Israel. I Oppose Spending ANY Money on the Wars in Ukraine OR Israel. Let Those People Over There Fight Their Own Wars. OR NOT!

 Biden Plans to Ask Congress for $100 Billion in Ukraine, Israel Aid. 

President Joe Biden is considering a supplemental request of approximately $100 billion that would include defense assistance for Israel and Ukraine alongside border security funding and aid to nations in the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan, according to people familiar with the matter.

WELL... Congress Will NOT Be Funding ANYTHING as Long as The US House is Broken... No Speaker? NO NOTHING! 

And IF Ukraine Loses their War and Becomes Part of Russia... The Fighting Will Stop! 

END WAR - Photo of a Bomb Blowing Up Gaza

I read that article in the Economist...

Only America can stop the Israel-Gaza war from becoming a bigger catastrophe.

I'm still a believer that the USA should send ZERO Soldiers to fight and We Should Spend ZERO Dollars...

If THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE Want to Kill Each Other, That's Great. We Have Eight Billion People Alive on Planet Earth and ANY METHOD to Reduce the Population is Good News... War, Famine, Disease, Earthquakes, Floods... WONDERFUL! 

This entire Event COULD BE EDUCATIONAL... Suppose Someone Goes to a Techno Pop Music Festival and Instead of Dancing, they Murder 260 People... and then Over 3,000 of their Friends and Neighbors die... WELL... Maybe the Insane Anti- Dancing Freaks might decide to NOT COMMIT MURDER... Could Happen!

I still recommend that Israel NOT DROP ATOMIC BOMBS on Gaza... Sure, That would end the war in ONE MINUTE but... The Fallout might Blow downwind to Israel, Greece, Italy or Spain... and that would be bad. 

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    ~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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    We have been there for many years and have never been close to winning. No one can even say what the goal is... Just an endless war with no mission. Pointless destruction...

    Dancing Man

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